Started: September 10, 2021

Finished: September 16, 2021

It's been almost a week since the gunshots went off. I can still hear the sound ricocheting off the walls, ringing through my head for hours. I've been helping take care of Awsten since I feel as if he's in this situation because of me. He wouldn't be laying in bed, healing up, if I didn't try and calm Griffin down.

Scott knows what happened, but he doesn't know I've been hanging around Awsten more. There are soany chances for me to tell him, but I'm just so nervous for what he might say. I don't know if Scott is the angry jealous type or if he would be ok with what I'm doing, since I am only taking care of him.

I told Awsten to rest for now, since he wanted me to talk with him. The look in his eyes when I told him no, it cracked my heart a little bit. Awsten is nice but I can't fall in love with him. I'm in love with Scott and I have to hate the fiance my father picked out for me, even if he is funny and very talented.

The door made a high pitched craving noise as I peeking in to check how he was doing. My head popped through the open crack and to my surprise he was still awake. "Awsten you really should get some rest." I said while couching through my sentence. Lately I've been feeling under the weather and I have no idea if it just the flu or something else.

I usually put on some makeup in the morning before leaving my room, but I'm just too tired. My face is pale and pimples are forming all over my face. There are huge purple bags under my eyes and my hair is a mess. It looks like I'm not a princess so my mother had forced me to stay inside. Scott hasn't been able to see me since we came back from the weekend away. It feels like years since I saw him.

I walked over to the bed and started piling his dishes onto the tray the server left. Awsten watched as I began to head towards the bedroom door. "Nataliea." I heard the pleading tone in his voice as I turned around and set the tray down. "You look tired. Come lay down with me. That's the only way I'll sleep." He pulled the blanket back as I just started at him. Awsten is right, I am super tired but I really don't want to lay down with him.

"Nataliea" I couldn't break his heart again, so I sighed and made my way over to the bed. Awsten got comfy on his side as I pulled myself under the covers. Not wanting to get to close to him, I layed myself down closer to the edge of the bed. My eyes began shutting and the last thing I remember was being pulled into a warm hug.


When I woke up, my body was sore and I felt more energized. I haven't had a good sleep like this in a long time, since, well Scott and I had our weekend away. I layed in the bed just adjusting to being awake before opening my eyes to see Awsten smiling at me. "Morning Daisy." Our faces were so close to each other, I could feel his breath on my cheek.

I pushed myself away from him and sat up, looking around the room. "Have a good sleep." I didn't hear him because all I could think was what if Scott snuck into the castle. There is a small chance he could have seen me sleeping with Awsten. What if my arms were wrapped around him? What if he kissed me while I was sleeping?

I began to stress and my stomach felt like my insides were tearing each other apart. Awsten sat up looking concerned as I ran to the bathroom and puked again. This is the second time I've puked around Awsten. He must think I'm doing this on purpose because I hate him. "Nataliea?!"

He called my name to make sure I was ok. I washed my face and flushed the toilet, not wanting any reminder of what I just did. I'm guessing I got up too fast because I felt dizzy and almost ran into the wall walking back to the bed. "Nataliea. You should lay back down, please." He leaned forward and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

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