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Started: August 24, 2021

Finished: August 27, 2021

I woke up with a smile because I remembered what happened last night. Last night I kissed Scott, the one person I really like in my life. He makes me smile and I haven't smile like this in a long time. Scott is also so smart and talented. I've seen him sketching in his book so much but the only drawing he's actually let me see is a drawing of the garden. I've wanted to know what's in that book for a while now, but he always tucks it away when I'm around.

My blankets were shoved to the end of the bed during the night so I got out from my bed and quickly pulled the blankets out. After my bed was all made, I checked my phone to see if I got any notifications. There were 3 or 4 texts from Scott. my face lit up when I opened them seeing what he said.

'I miss you. I'm glad we kissed.'

'Met me by the bench. I wanna show you something.'

I jumped up and quickly got changed. Before getting my clothes on, I texted Scott telling him I'd be at the bench shortly. He replied back saying perfect and he can't wait to see me.

I looked in my dresser for this specific shirt. It was being sold at the thrift store in town and I thought it was really beautiful so I bought it. After rummaging around the the shirt drawer, I found my light pink shirt covered with flowers. The shirt paired well with my white jeans and light pink sneakers. After putting on some casual makeup and brushing my hair, I grabbed my phone and heading to the bench.

When I got there Scott was sitting down, sketching something in his book again. "Hi." I said before sitting down beside him. Scott quickly closed the book and slipped it into the bag like he does everytime I'm around.

"Hey. I missed you." He smiled and grabbed my hands, wrapping his around mine. I smiled back before looking down at our hands then back up to his sparkling eyes.

"So you wanted to talk?" I said getting a little nervous for what he was going to say. This is all new to me and I really like him, even though I have a fiance. But Scott is smart and kind and handsome, very handsome. Awsten just isn't, well someone I wanna be with. I mean he's probably good at his hobby or what ever but I don't even know him like I know Scott.

He began taking which pulled me out from my thoughts. "I really liked last night. The calming water giving the moment a perfect mood, and of course you. Nataliea, your so beautiful and well, I know you've got a fiance and its so unprofessional for me to do this, but I want to take you on a date. So would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?" I giggled and blushed. Scott's expression changed fast, as he thought I was laughing at him.

"Oh no. I'm not laughing at you. Your just so cute when your nervous. And of course I'd go on a date with you. I was hoping that's what you wanted to ask me." Scott sighed with relief before pulling me and kissing. I was a little shocked after first, but I gave in mentally smiling as our lips moved around perfectly.

We pulled away both smiling and blushing. "So where you taking me?" Scott sat leaned back on the bench and sighed. "You'll have to wait and see. So you ready to go?" He smirked before standing up, still holding my hand. Out arms reached out with him standing and me still sitting.

"Wait right now." "Yeah, I don't want to wait any longer." Mom and Dad will probably be longer for me all day,  but I could say that I had to go into town for something that had to do with the garden. They don't care about anything I saw, they probably won't even know I'm gone. "Yeah I'm ready." I said standing up and letting Scott lead me to his car. He was smiling the whole time we walked over and pulled out from the parking lot.

We listened to the radio, singing along once and a while. Scott told me some stories about his life and I tried to tell some from mine. Scott understood that I was having a hard time remembering good stories. "Hey, let's take a memory photo." "Memory photo?" I said glancing over to him.

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