Part Seventy-One

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March 2020

'The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to herself bringeth her mother to shame.'

Proverbs 29:15

"Open," Miss Ellis commanded and Brogan obeyed, quite accustomed to the morning routine, staying resolutely in character. Miss Ellis always removed the muzzle when she got Brogan out of her sleeping gown, and replaced it after taking her to the bathroom, along with her mittens and clean diaper. Cleanliness was, after all, next to Godliness, but the mornings were not to be wasted in idle chatter. Miss Ellis was kind, gentle and attentive, but she liked her charges to focus on God and their prayers whilst she dressed them, in preparation for their lessons. Brogan did not resist, of course. Brogan Lawrence would not do so. She had spent over three weeks at Lake House and she was behaving herself, suffering her stepfather's punishment at the hands of his dear old friend, and counting the days until she could return to her 'school' and a real life. Brogan reasoned that she would find out more if she behaved for Miss Ellis. She went everywhere with Alice, sharing her life, and socialised with the Craig's friends and family, as well as helping with their charitable work in the village. She did wish she was able to make notes, but she just had to make do with committing the things she saw and did to memory, already planning a book after she had had written her prize-winning articles for the newspapers. She kept telling herself she would be famous. She had been right all along and Gavin Williams would soon be regretting delaying her clandestine plans for so long. If she had followed her instincts, she could have stopped the Reformists lying their way to power in the first place.

"Good girl, Brogan," Miss Ellis smiled as she tightened the muzzle. Having had her mind put at rest about Brogan's origins, the guardian had grown fond of the child, rather impressed by her attitude. Miss Scott had warned her friend and colleague to expect the unexpected with heathen converts. But Brogan had not had any of the episodes Miss Scott had warned Miss Ellis to expect, after her experience with Elizabeth Munroe. She was sure it was because the child had let her father down, because whenever Miss Ellis mentioned him Brogan looked so pained, but whatever the reason she had accepted her maidenhood with almost equanimity once she got over the initial shocks. Heathens were indeed strange. Once properly attired, a diaper was merely a precaution for any Daughter of Eve. But Brogan had certainly baulked just at the sight of one at first, just as Miss Scott and Miss Ford said Elizabeth and Claire Munroe had in their own experience. For some reason, perhaps because she was a guest and would be leaving in a matter of weeks, Brogan had not made so much of a fuss. Alice also seemed to have a great effect on her, and the children were close, always chattering away to each other when they were able. Miss Ellis had reported to Mr Craig that Brogan was doing very well, and Mr Craig wanted to speak to the child before she began her lessons, which would include her breakfast, so that he could congratulate her.

Half an hour later, Brogan found herself clinging onto Miss Ellis's arm, descending the stairs as gracefully as possible, on her way to meet Mr Craig. She was a little surprised, but the guardian told her that she had given him a very positive report on her progress. With her guardian's assistance, she floated across the entrance hall to Paul Craig's study and soon found herself sitting in front of his desk, with Miss Ellis standing to one side, having arranged the folds of her gown.

"Miss Ellis has been singing your praises, Brogan dear." Paul Craig smiled warmly and she managed to look slightly embarrassed by the praise, as a good maiden should, seeking God's love, not congratulations. "She is a marvel, isn't she, Miss Ellis?"

"She is a good girl Sir...generally demure and eager to please." Miss Ellis replied, resting her hand lightly on Brogan's shoulder as she spoke. Brogan was almost glad she was wearing her muzzle. She would not have known what to say if she had to reply.

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