16(S)- 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙸𝙸

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I'll rise up,

In spite of the ache.

I'll rise up, and I'll do it a thousand times again.


Three years later.

Having a bachelor's in journalism from Wellesley is definitely rewarding.

I got a job interviewing people for Harper Businessweek in New York, to where I moved. For the past few years, I have done everything in my power to escape Kayden, mentally. I might have left his side the day I ran from his apartment, but mentally, I was not free.

But now, I like to believe that I am.

With Oliver staying by my side as I realized that not all my actions had a dangerous consequence, I untangled and sort myself. Caroline understood, she stood by me and took care of everything that might trigger me or send me down a rabbit hole of submission to my captor.

I told the police his name a year after I escaped. They did not believe me at first, but when 'certified psychologist' Oliver Fell told them about what I went through, they started searching for Kayden again.

But they didn't find him.

They found a dozen 'Kayden Clark's in Massachusetts, but they didn't find my captor. Understandably, they believed I lied, and refused to follow up on my case after that.

Over the years, I have finally regained my identity as an individual, and not Kayden's...slave. It feels rewarding-- freeing even. Despite his uninvited visits in my dreams and nightmares, I am confident that I am free of Kayden.

And now, I am a journalist.

And, for the new startups-series launched, I will be interviewing Liam Merrell, who by the looks of it, couldn't be less interested in the interview.

What a prick.

But, it is my job. While his sister, Mrs. Emily Black, is jumping up and down for his business making it to our journal, Mr. Merrell called our editor this morning telling him to cancel his interview, since his 'sister made him do it.'

Now, Emily is on the phone with Ms. Gustin, the editor of our magazine, begging her to reverse the damage her brother did.

"Do you think she will make you go interview him?" Mira asks me from her desk, making me snicker.

"Have you been watching her have that conversation?" I ask her, which makes her smile and raise her eyebrows.

"Duh. I transferred the call, Sierra, there is no way I wouldn't judge her. This Merrell guy does seem a little too...what's the right word? A little obnoxious?" she decides, making me laugh.

"Sure, Mi. He has called Danielle twice this morning, telling her to cancel," I tell her about the call to Ms. Gustin.

"Hasn't Emily given some fund to the zine already?" she enquires, tilting her head.

"Exactly why she couldn't cancel right away!" I speak, a little too loud.

"Are you done gossipping, Sierra?" Danielle appears behind me, making me cower playfully.

"Yes, Ms. Gustin," I reply, my cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Good. You are meeting Mr. Merrell today evening at 6 pm, at his apartment. As compensation for his...immature behavior, Mrs. Black has booked you a paid dinner at Masa, with an optional plus-one," she pauses, looking at my agape mouth. "That's enough gaping, Sierra. I chose you to go because you are a good interviewer, I hope you won't let me down."

𝙱𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙸 𝙴𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚎 || ✔Where stories live. Discover now