3 (S)

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Help me, it's like the walls are caving in,

Sometimes I feel like giving up,

No medicine is strong enough.

Someone help me

I'm crawling in my skin


I open my eyes, adjusting to the sunlight coming through the open windows of the room. Every atom of my body aches as I recall the events of last night. Tears stream down my face as I realize that Kayden raped me, and I want nothing more than to end my misery. My ankles are wrapped in thick bandages and the cuts on my body, too. My fragile body is clad in navy blue lingerie, but nothing else. I slowly sit up, whimpering in pain. I will myself to look at the mirror beside my bed, face the reality, and possibly be even more convinced to end my life. As soon as I saw myself in the mirror, my heart sank.

My face is bruised on one side, and my arms and neck are littered with blue marks resembling a hand. The bandages are stained red with blood, and my back is worse than yesterday. My inner thighs are unrecognizable, the once tan skin looking an out-worldly shade of green and blue. I fall on my knees, my breath hitched in my throat as I try to breathe. Tears pool on the floor as I hold my face in my hands, sobbing loudly. 

He broke me. He made me wish I was dead.

My vision soon starts to cloud with darkness, as I faintly hear the door slam open. "Sierra, breathe," Kayden kneels down beside me, his arm holding me in place as I rocked with my arms around my knees, the pain in my ankles nothing in comparison to the pain in my heart.

"Sierra," he says, his tone becoming more demanding. He pushes me down, my arms letting go of my knees as I lay down on the floor, my brown hair forming a disgraced halo on the white, tiled floor. "Breathe, love," he continues, taking in deep breaths through his nose, exhaling through his mouth. I try to mimic him, drawing my first breath shakily as I slowly succumb to the darkness.

I wake up in my room, completely dressed in a hoodie and long sweatpants tailored to my size. My body hurts harshly, and I yell in pain. A thousand pinpricks, a hundred people punching me mercilessly. I can't see Kayden anywhere, just like I can't see my mirror anywhere. 

"I am going to make it better, love," Kayden speaks lowly, coming through the door. I shuffle to the back of the bed, afraid of what was to come next. "Sierra, I won't hurt you. You behaved well last night, and I won't hurt you today unless you break a rule. I hope you won't let me down, right?" he said. I almost didn't say anything, but remembering rule number 3, I spoke, "No, I won't."

"Good girl," he says. I relax a little bit, but I tense up when he draws my arm towards him. "Kayden...?" I say, scared. He takes out a syringe, holding it above my arm. I squirmed under his grip, my ankle aching from the struggle.

His grip tightened on my forearm, "It's just a painkiller. I am not roofie-ing you," he says, piercing me with the needle, injecting its contents. 

I rest back on the headboard, tired from opposing Kayden. After a few moments, my head buzzes a little, the pain suddenly fading away into nothingness. My body feels heavy, so heavy, like it would take me minutes to just raise my arm.

"Kayden? Something's wrong, I can't move," I say, almost whispering.

"It's okay, Sierra, you're just feeling sleepy, it's the painkiller," he replies, smiling, "I'm making breakfast, I'll bring that to you in the bed?" he asks me.

"Mmhmm," I reply with a nod, too tired to form words. Kayden chuckles. My eyes widen, and I pull the covers over me, embarrassed that I am someone who made him laugh. 

"Don't sleep," he says, leaving from the room. I reply in the affirmative, but he wasn't there to hear me. 

A few minutes went by and I spent my time looking around the room

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A few minutes went by and I spent my time looking around the room. The walls were a shade of deep grey and there were thin white blinds on the windows overlooking buildings. We were high up from the ground, there was no way I could survive the fall even if I succeeded in breaking the windows. There was nothing recognizable, but I felt that I was still in Massachusetts, if not Boston. I thought about my sister. He didn't do anything to her, right? 

"What are you thinking, Sierra?" Kayden enters the room, a tray of pancakes in his hand. That's the last breakfast I had with Caroline. Tears well up my eyes as I think about my sister, and I turn away.

"Nothing much, I was just thinking about Caroline," I mutter, my voice threatening to croak because of my tears.

"She's okay, love. I didn't do anything to her," Kayden replies. "Look at me," he continued, his hand underneath my chin. I reluctantly turned my head, little streams of tears halfway my cheek. He brushes them off with the pad of his thumb, cracking a smile. He looks different, almost, as if he was...guilty.

"How long are you going to keep me here?" I ask him, almost immediately biting my tongue. I couldn't ask him questions unless he allowed me to. "I'm sorry, Kayden, I didn't mean to..." I continue, adrenalin causing me to shuffle away from him, towards the corner of the bed, curling up with my arms locked around my knees. Kayden sighs, clenching and unclenching his fists. He grabs the cover on the bed and threw it away, making me flinch as he approaches me freely.

"Look, Sierra, I am going to let this one slide. But don't expect me to merciful each time you break a rule. Remember yesterday whenever you feel...adventurous, so to say," he says, grinning evilly. I nod frantically, brushing my hair behind my ears. 

"Is the pain better?" he asks, his tone switching instantly.

"Yes, I can't feel it at all," I say, my head still light. I could fall asleep any moment, now, and he knows that. But he told me not to sleep.

Kayden nods, pressing his hand on my back. He smiles and slowly pulls me towards himself. My body is limp, and my head falls on his chest. "Oh, my sweet love, are you tired?" he asks me, a smile evident in his voice. "Mh-hmm," I murmur, my eyes fluttering shut. He pulls my body away from himself, shaking me awake. I open my eyes drowsily, looking at him in a daze.

"After breakfast, you'll sleep. Stay awake," he commands.

"Okay, I'm sorry," I say. He brings me the tray of pancakes and sets them on a table beside the bed. I, exhausted, slowly move to the center of the bed, as Kayden puts a bed table around my legs and sets the tray on it. I decided to grab the fork, but he beats me to it.

"Here, eat," Kayden said, holding up a bite on a fork as he held it in front of my mouth. The gesture hung my mouth agape, but he found it as an opportunity to stuff (decadent) chocolate pancakes in my mouth.


Hey readers! This was a filler chapter and the real story of Sierra escaping will start from chapter twenty-ish. Before that, we will have the whole backstory of Kayden and Sierra, possibly forming, let's say, a...relationship, of sorts? How did you like Kayden's other side?

Let me know if you have any ideas you want me to include in the story!

Vote and comment to encourage me to write regularly!

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