4 (S)

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I think you're kind of crazy,
And not the good kind, baby
'Cause you're acting super shady


Stories like these had me cowering in my bed. I often heard the news of girls getting captured and I would lock my windows. I would double-check my door. How the hell would I know that this would happen at the club?

Well, it is where most vulnerable girls are. Vulnerable girls like me. 

I really wish I would have taken those defense classes when I was a teen. Really do, I would probably not be under the 'care' of Kayden right now if I did.

Ugh, my life.

So, the last week went moderately well. I have been stuck here for about a month, and while the first two weeks went rocky with Kayden, the last two weeks haven't. After having a disastrous breakdown a few days back, Kayden promised not to rape me. I smiled, but the following sentence still has me cowering.

"You will want me when I am done with you."

Does he want me to have sex with him? More than that, does he want me to want to have sex with him? In his dreams. And my nightmares.

My ankles are almost healed, and out of the window, I still can't figure out where I am. There's nothing recognizable for as far as my vision goes. Kayden didn't touch me the whole day yesterday, and I feel...grateful. I feel like he granted me a day off from torture. Even though it's he who tortures me.

Stories like these had me cowering in my bed, but this is my story now.


Kayden gave me some novels to read, and a notebook and pen. The first page of the notebook listed the rules and all feelings of gratitude evaporated as I read through them.

Rule#1  Do not move without permission. Independence to move is limited to your room.

Rule#2 Trying to contact the outside world will result in punishment.

Rule#3 Speak when spoken to. Never should you ask questions unless given permission to do so.

Rule#4 Saying 'no' to my wishes results in punishment.

Rule#5 If subjected to the black room for punishment, trying to leave will have severe consequences.

Rule#6 Obey me. Do everything I ask of you.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Kayden could add to the rules whenever he wanted, and though my sass was decreasing exponentially, Kayden punished me whenever I talked back. I jump off my bed, setting the notebook on the drawer-chest beside my bed. My fingers traced the leather-bound cover of the notebook, and the green thread binding it. The notebook seemed to taunt me. It looked so much like the notebook I used to take notes in when I majored in Journalism. I was free then, unlike now, where stepping outside the door was not allowed.

I am caged. 

I open the door to my room, eyeing the sill like an enemy. I peek outside the room, the hallway empty. Kayden was supposed to break me, right? Twist me until I felt nothing but devotion toward him? Well, all I feel is hatred.

And disobedience.

I slowly step outside the sill with the help of my crutches, and step back inside the room, taunting how Kayden can't control me, how he couldn't touch me even when I broke his rules. I smiled, closing the door. 

My spirit's still free.

"Rule number 1, independence to move is limited to your room. Perhaps I should tweak the language a bit, don't you think? No freedom to move unless told so. To remain still until told otherwise. To stop breathing, perhaps?" A voice echoes as I turn my neck to look at Kayden sitting on my bed.

"Whe-" I start, but seal my lips as I remembered rule number 3. 

Kayden chuckled, flashing an evil smirk. "You see, the closet has a door behind it, and the room has cameras. I looked at the mischievous look on your face after you read the notebook, and what can I say? You are predictable, Sierra," he says, an indescribable look glinting in his eyes.

Like he's happy to know that I royally fucked up.

"Now, I know that we had a good last week, I mean, you did. Me, on the other hand? I am just aching to get my hands on you," he replied, smirking. I took a step back, my head hanging low. I grabbed the seam of my hoodie, pulling it down. I bit down my lip, hard enough to draw blood. "Oh, you don't need to hurt yourself," he steps towards me, cornering me to the edge of the bedroom, "I am here to do that," he continues grabbing my arm in a vicious grip, while his other hand grabs the back of my neck, forcing me to look deep into his green eyes.

"Oh, you royally fucked up," he repeats my thoughts, pulling my oversized hoodie off my body, leaving me in my underwear. The cold air hits me like a brick, goosebumps standing up on every square inch of my body. I let my body fall limp as Kayden gathered me in his arms, his eyes gleaming with nothing but mischief.


Kayden's POV coming!

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