not him

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A/N: words: 1664. this is almost done oh my god. ahhhhhhhhhh. anyway, enjoy!

"Case closed, I win." Tony said, walking away, causing Sam to roll his eyes. The guy really is ridiculous. His eyes followed Steve as he made his way to the door, and figured he'd let him have some time alone.

Sam shook his head, imaging what Bucky's reaction would be to all this. God, he would hate Tony. And this mess of the accords. Sam missed him, god did Sam miss him. He caught Nat's eye, and she nodded her head to the door. Steve. Sam sighed, shaking his head. He made his way to the door and braced himself for the worst.


"Steve?" Sam called out, walking down the stairs slowly.

"She's gone."

Sam takes a deep breath. He already knew who he was talking about. Didn't really take a genius to figure it out. "It'll be alright, man. You were lucky to have her." Sam assured him, walking down to meet Steve at landing. "I know, I know, I just wish I had more time with her." and wow, Sam sure as hell understands that. "I get that, but you got us. Yeah, I mean, things are... well how they are, but you always got me and Nat."

"Thank you, Sam. I, uh, if it's no trouble, could you come with me to the funeral? I just, I don't think I should be alone." Steve asked shyly, and Sam nodded, his hand resting on Steve's shoulder. "Yeah, of course, Steve." Sam agreed, because no, Steve shouldn't be alone right now. So Sam was gonna be there.


"Thank you, Sam. You can wait in hotel room if you want." Steve said after the ceremony finished. "You sure?" Sam questioned, because Steve didn't look too good. "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine." Steve told him with a wave of his hand, and Sam just nodded, heading towards the door. This has certainly been a chaotic day. Sam couldn't imagine it getting any worse. He passed Nat as he left.

"He ok?" she asked him, and Sam could only shrug. "Kinda." she nodded slowly, and opened the door. Sam sighed, leaning against the wall. He couldn't believe Tony, and Ross. He already has his opinions on Ross, but this was ridiculous. It was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard. If he signed this, he couldn't do what he knew was right. He had no control over what he did. That didn't sit well with Sam. He dug his foot into a patch of dirt in frustration, and made his way back to the hotel. He just needed a break. Well, he's needed a break since last year.


"The suspect identified as James Buchanan Barnes." Sam felt like he stopped breathing. He replayed the words in his head. No, he couldn't have, he wouldn't have. It must've been HYDRA, or he must've been framed. No, Bucky wouldn't do this. He didn't do this anymore. He wouldn't switch like that. Most certainly not on Sam. That's for damn sure. He searched for his phone, hands shaking in his pockets.

He tried calling Bucky multiple times, but he didn't pick up. "C'mon Buck, you gotta..." Sam breathed out, shaking his head. Where was he? Goddammit why wasn't he picking up? He always picked up. Well he used to. Lately, it's a rarity, and it doesn't sound like him. What if HYDRA did get a hold of him? That didn't seem possible. HYDRA did have their ways, but he was safe. No one could find him, he swore on his life that no one would find Bucky. And this wasn't him. He knew that. Sam felt like his world was collapsing, and he kept calling Bucky, even though he knew he wouldn't pick up. Sam grasped the couch in front of him and his eyes fell to the window, where he saw Sam and Sharon making their way into the hotel building. He had to tell them.

He made his way down the stairs, almost tumbling down a few times. He felt so spaced out, he could barely think properly.

"Steve. There's something you gotta see." Sam hoped he could mask any emotion in his face that he didn't want Steve or Sharon to see, and he felt like he was doing a pretty good job at that. "What do you mean?" Steve asked, and all Sam could do was shake his head. "Just... c'mon."

Lost and FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora