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A/N: words: 1587. I honestly don't know where this idea came from, it just happened. This fic is getting quite longer, way longer than I thought it'd be. So that's fun. Anyway, enjoy!

The snow glinted outside the window, the sun making it shine. Sam sighed happily, resting his head on Bucky's shoulder. Today was New Year's Eve, therefore Bucky has convinced Sam to stay inside. Sam wasn't complaining, as the entire holiday season Sam has been showing Bucky different holiday movies, saving the most interesting ones for last. Hallmark movies. Sam was not very fond of hallmark movies, to say the least, and it seemed Bucky wasn't either. Right now, they were comfortable on the couch, watching something by the name of An extremely straight and white Christmas. Ok, that wasn't it, but the movie is getting ridiculous.

"These two are so straight it hurts." Bucky muttered under his breath, and Sam couldn't stop the laughter coming from him. Sam moved to press his forehead to Bucky's shoulder, laughs still escaping his lips.

Bucky grinned, listening to Sam's laugh. It was the most melodic thing Bucky has ever heard. It was, well, it was angelic. So easy and genuine, and bright. God, Bucky loved Sam. He loved every thing about him. And he really loved his laugh. Bucky wrapped an arm around Sam, pulling him a bit closer, and he felt Sam smile against his shoulder. "I mean you're not wrong." Sam agreed, and Bucky chuckled. "Right?" Bucky said, a laugh dancing in his voice. They both sat there laughing, ignoring the movie.


The sun sets by the time they finished dinner, and Sam watched as the light snow fall looks multicoloured in the sun. The hues from the sky being a perfect backdrop to the small flecks of snow falling from the clouds. Sam adored the sight. "What are you staring at?" Bucky asked as he cleaned the dishes. Sam laughed softly and made his way to Bucky. "The sky, it's pretty." Sam explained, and Bucky rolled his eyes, setting the plates on the counter. "The sky?" Sam crossed his arms. "Yes." Sam said pointedly, dragging Bucky to the front door to take a look at the sky.

"Jesus, it's cold." Bucky muttered, already making his way back inside. Sam rolled his eyes. "It is not." Sam defended, but Bucky just shook his head, throwing on one of Sam's sweatshirts. "You say that because you're wearing my sweatshirt." Bucky said snarkily, walking back towards Sam, and Sam scoffed. "Hmm, hypocrite." Bucky knocked his shoulder into Sam's lightly. Sam chuckled and leaned his head on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky wrapped an arm around Sam's waist. "It is pretty." Bucky agreed with a sigh, and Sam grinned. "Ha." Sam said, pointing his finger at Bucky. Bucky just rolled his eyes.


For the festivities, Sam put on the New Year's Eves episode of Friends. It felt right. Bucky still made fun of him. "Ok, in fairness, it's a good episode." Sam defended himself, and Bucky shook his head. "Ridiculous." Bucky muttered, and Sam rolled his eyes, getting up to grab his laptop. Bucky grabbed a few blankets from beside the bed.

They got themselves situated, a few blankets wrapped around both of them, and Sam's head on Bucky's shoulder. It was nice. Calm. Sam pressed play on the episode, and Bucky smiled down at him.


They winded up finishing the episode and just kept watching the first season, to Bucky's disapproval, that is. "Sam, we've already seen it, we don't need to a second time." Bucky told him matter-of-factly, and Sam rolled his eyes. "So? That doesn't mean-" Sam was cut off by a loud bang from outside. He jumped, and he felt Bucky jump, too. Bucky's grip on Sam tightened a bit, and they locked eyes. "Just fireworks." Sam told him, reassuring himself as much as Bucky, and Bucky nodded. Right. Fireworks. Just fireworks.


The fireworks didn't stop, not that Sam expected them to, but it was getting aggravating. And it was killing him. Every time one went off, he felt like he was back in the air, or on the ground. And he couldn't escape it. Instead of bright and joyful colours, it was gun fire, blood, darkness. That's all Sam could see. That's all Sam could hear.

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