Chapter 22

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*two years later*

Meredith and Derek walked together into the doctor's office. The nurse gave Meredith the spiel of what to do but Meredith told the nurse she has done this before and then glared at Derek. She got onto the exam table while Derek sat in the chair next to her. The doctor came in and started her examination. Everything looked good, then she started the ultrasound.

"Meredith?" Derek asked.

"Shhh- remember our deal. You are not allowed to talk directly to me for the next five days or else I'll cut off your penis." She said nonchalantly. The doctor awkwardly laughed as she spread the jelly over Meredith's stomach.

"Okay, everything looks good." She said. "There's are healthy heartbeat here- wait."

"Wait?" Derek asked terrified.

"Wait?" Meredith yelled.

"It looks like- yup -you are having twins." The doctor turned the screen towards them so they could see the two little fetus's. feti? Fetuses'? Derek would have to google the plural of fetus at some point.

"They're beautiful." Derek choked up.

"They are." Meredith agreed. Then she held up two fingers and mimed scissors cutting something, "chop." Meredith added the sound effect.

Derek swallowed heavily and was silent for the rest of the appointment. Even if Meredith does end up castrating him, it will have been worth it.

(These are super entertaining to write, I hope you are enjoying this.)

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