Chapter 10

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When Derek woke up a while later, he found Meredith to be missing. And his arm to be completely asleep. He got up from the bed, stretched, and started to look for his missing friend. It didn't take long to figure out where she had gone off to. There was loud laughter coming from the kitchen. He made his way down the stairs to find Meredith and his mother sitting and drinking tea. 

"Good morning." Meredith giggled. 

"good five pm to you too," Derek said sitting down at the kitchen table. "What are you guys talking about?"

"You," Meredith answered. 

"Meredith was just letting me know about how it's like working with you." She said. 

"Oh." Derek shrugged. Meredith is probably the only person at the hospital that wouldn't have any complaints about working with him, "all good things, right."

Meredith scoffed and his mother shook her head disapprovingly. 

"What do you have to complain about?" Derek asked Meredith. 

"I personally, don't have any complaints. The other attendings, nurses, anesthesiologists, residents, interns, candy stripers, and your secretary might have some, though." Meredith smiled and

Derek glared and mumbled, "Nark."

His mother gasped, "What have you done to Betty Anne? That woman is as sweet as honey." 

"Nothing!" Derek exclaimed and Meredith scoffed. "Fine. Meredith. What do you think I did wrong?"

"You refuse to say hello to her when you see her." Meredith raised an eyebrow.

"Derek Christopher Shepherd, tell me this isn't true." His mother exclaimed. 

"Ma, I see her at least thirty times a day. If it takes ten seconds to greet her each time, that's three hundred seconds a day. Which equates to five minutes. Each year that's one thousand, eight hundred, and twenty-five minutes a year or thirty hours. She's been my secretary for five years, so that means I've saved a hundred and fifty hours. That's almost a week. A week which I most likely spent saving lives." Derek explained. 

"Say hello to your secretary." His mother said dryly. 

"Hey Derek, do you want to use those fancy math skills to try and figure how much time you could have spent saving lives instead of doing your 'favorite pastime'" Meredith said, referring to his slew of one-night stands. 

"That time spent is a necessary evil, like eating." Derek glared. 

"And saying hello to your secretary." His mother shook her head at him. 

Derek grunted, "I don't like you two teaming up on me." He then got up and said, "I'm going to go upstairs and get ready, Mer, you should get ready too. We have to be in the city by seven."

"Oo, where are we going?" Meredith asked. 

"We are going to a bar to meet Mark," Derek explained. 

"I get to meet Mark!" Meredith said excitedly. 

"Yes." Derek said, "And just so you know, Mark is a boujee bastard so the place we are going to is unnecessarily fancy."

Meredith sighed, "You are going to purposely wear a t-shirt and jeans to test if they'll kick you out aren't you."

"I was thinking flip-flops too," Derek said.

"You're an asshole, Derek." Meredith grinned. "Did you order a cab to pick us up?" 

"Yup," Derek said.

(Who's excited to see this Mark and Derek dynamic? Tell me what you think. Also don't forget to vote and comment)

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