Chapter 15

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Meredith stared into the conference window from the hallway. He bounced back and forth, like a ping pong ball. She really wished he would just get on with it instead of making a big fuss. How hard could it possibly be? Did he honestly think she would say no? For god's sake. He had been in there, pacing, for the good part of two hours. Doesn't he have work to do? She saw him look up from the ground, pause the pacing, and stare back at her through the window. He frowned and went back to the pacing. 

She felt a presence next to her. Meredith looked to the side and saw Cristina Yang staring into the conference room. "What are we doing?" She asked. 

"We are watching Derek," Meredith answered.  Derek's walking speed increased. 

"Why?" Cristina asked. 

"I'm waiting for him to be done," she explained. 

"Done with what?" Cristina asked. 

"He's deciding how he's going to do it," Meredith asked. 

"A surgery?" Cristina asked. 

"No," Meredith answered. "He is deciding how to ask me out."

"Oh." Cristina frowned. "He told you that he was doing that?"

"No," Meredith answered. 

"Then how do you figure that's what he's doing?" Cristina asked. 

"A few weekends ago he decided he was interested in me, then two days ago he started saying 'can I ask you a question' and then 'never mind' right after. It's really annoying." Meredith said.

"Huh." Cristina thought for a moment, "have you considered asking him yourself?"

"I wish I could," Meredith said, "but the man is like a deer in the wilderness. You have to just stand there holding out a handful of berries and wait for him to come to you."

"And this is the man you want to go out with?" Cristina asked. 

"Yes," Meredith answered. 

"Oh!" Cristina exclaimed, "he stopped, is he coming to get your berries?"

"No, he's still frowning. He's considering an idea, if he decides against it he's going to shake his head and go back to pacing." Meredith exclaimed. 

"You know this whole, being able to read his mind, thing is kind of creepy,"  Cristina said.

"Yea, he said that we are no longer allowed to play twenty questions together." Meredith laughed. 

"You should start playing poker with him. You could take his whole salary." Cristina suggested.

"Good id- He's smiling! It's go time!" Meredith exclaimed.

"Good luck," Cristina said as she patted Meredith's back and walked away. 

Derek started gathering his things from the conference room and exited. He went up to Meredith and asked, "can we talk in my office for a few minutes?"

"Sure," Meredith smiled as she followed him into his office. It is actually happening. She thought for sure that she would be in the same boat as Mark. She would have to spend the rest of her days pining after him while he sleeps with everyone. But instead, he was going to let her in. She loved him and she was pretty sure that he loved her back.


(Don't worry, I think I'm going to write the next chapter right after this. Please vote and comment! Let me know what you thought and how you think Derek is going to ask her out.)

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