Chapter 20

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*6 weeks later*

They had been staring at each other for the past hour and a half in complete silence. Derek was sitting at his desk and Meredith was across from him. Neither of them moved, they just had an unwavering staring contest. 

This time it was not Derek's fault, this was Meredith's. Apparently, this was her ramping up to tell Derek that she's pregnant. As if Derek didn't already know. He was a doctor for goodness sake. He can tell when the person he spends ninety-nine percent of his time with is pregnant.

Derek was ecstatic about the pregnancy. At first, he thought that Meredith was deciding whether or not she was going to keep it but then baby shit kept on being recommended on their shared amazon account so. He had always wanted kids. Most people would have assumed that he was the type of person who loathed and was disgusted by children, but he wasn't. The idea of having kids, especially with Meredith, made him feel all warm and gooey inside. Plus he made a promise to his mother that he would have them, and he keeps his word. 

You are probably thinking that it's inhumane for Derek to just let Meredith sit there pregnant and nervous without letting her know that he knows and is excited about it. But he has tried. Apparently pregnant Meredith is even scarier than not pregnant Meredith. 

"Mere-" He started. 

Meredith interrupted by putting her hand up and saying, "Ah ah ah, I'm not ready yet." Then continued to stare at him. This was getting to be a bit ridiculous. 

After another twenty minutes, Meredith finally sighed and said, "okay, I'm ready."

"Great, my mother is going to be so happy," Derek responded. 

"What?" Meredith asked. 

"About the baby," Derek answered.

"You knew?" Meredith asked. 

"Of course I know, your boobs are bigger, you've been throwing up all the time, you've started eating some really weird shit, you've been extra hormo-" he stopped himself before he finished that one, " and you haven't gotten your period since we've started sleeping together."

"Oh," Meredith furrowed her brow, "I'm not hormonal."

"Not even a little bit. That symptom just must've skipped you." Derek lied. 

"So you know about the baby," Meredith said. "It's about seven weeks, so I think it probably happened the first time we fucked."

"We didn't use a condom that time." Derek nodded. 

"Nope," Meredith said. "How are you feeling about the baby thing?"

"Excited mainly," Derek answered. "You?"

"Me too. I'm excited. And nervous. I mean we aren't really parenty people, but in like sevenish months we are going to be parents. Which should freak me out. It is freaking me out, but I'm so excited for the kid. Plus I might be just- a very small amount- hormonal." Meredith said. 

"I've always wanted to have kids," Derek said quietly. 

"Me too," Meredith responded. 

"I was thinking about building a house on my land," Derek said. 

"That'd be nice," Meredith said. "I don't want to get married."

Derek frowned, "ever?"

"No, not ever. I think eventually I definitely will want to marry you but I don't want to get married just because we are having a baby." She said.

"That's fair," Derek said.

"We are having a baby," Meredith said. 

Derek grinned, "we're having a baby."

(ok i promise this won't be turning into a pregnancy book, just bear with me. Also just noticed this book is currently #2 on merder! let me know what you think!)

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