The Letter

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Disclaimer - I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Nico's POV

Minos took me through endless tunnels, some ancient stone, some modern metal, and some in between. Without him here, I would have got lost about forty five times and killed twice as many times. Minos, being a ghost, can trigger traps but not actually get hurt - he's a handy guy to have around. He had just gone ahead to make sure it was safe to pass, when the air around me began to shimmer and distort, it made me dizzy just looking at it. The feeling of dizziness was so strong I almost passed out. The shimmer started to die down, and for a minute I thought I was seeing things, because in front of me, wasn't the grimy red-brick walls I had been looking at a moment before, but a huge, scarlet steam engine in a packed out station. What was weirder than my sudden transportation, was the type of people in the station, most of the children and adults were wearing long, well, robes. There was no other way to put it. It must have been a train to a boarding school, because none of the adults were boarding, they were just waving to their children, saying heartfelt goodbyes. I started to panic. Why was I here? Where was Minos? I looked around frantically searching for him, but instead of Minos, I found a heavy-looking black trunk with a note attached, written in Ancient Greek. I assumed it must be for me, which led to my realisation that my teleportation was probably the work of some god trying to mess with my life. I ripped the letter off the trunk and scanned through it.

Dear Nico Di Angelo,

I am aware that you must be feeling very confused right now, but you must understand, you cannot be allowed to grow stronger in the world of demigods. Instead of having to kill you, I have generously sent you to somewhere where you won't be any trouble. Don't worry you'll be safe here.

First things first, you need to know where you are. You are currently in London, England, platform 9 ¾. If you don't believe me, look at the station sign.

At this I momentarily stopped reading and looked at the sign. Whoever had sent me here was right. It really was platform 9 ¾!

Only here can you board the Hogwarts Express. This train will take you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That's right wizards and witches exist. I know you will be angry at me, shoving you into a whole new world after only just learning about the demigod world, which is why I will stay anonymous for now. Your mother Maria Di Angelo was a witch, so luckily you have strong magic running through your veins. You will enter your first year of Hogwarts and I suggest you try to make some friends, it will make your school year so much better. Once we have won this war, you will be allowed to return to America, on one condition: you pledge your allegiance to Kronos.

Yeah, right.

Now here is everything you need to know, we will start with the sorting...

I had no idea who had sent this, but they were right, I was angry and would probably have killed whoever it was at the time. Although, since my mother was a witch (and because having magic sounds really cool) it might be worth actually trying to learn this year, after all it might come in handy. The rest of the letter contained key information on the wizarding world, including an evil guy who had cheated death. Wait a second, cheated death. Minos said to get my sister back I needed to offer my father the soul of a man who had cheated death. It seems I will be trying to make some friends then. If this famous Harry Potter the writer mentioned, is likely to attract Voldemort's attention, then befriending him is the best way to get my sister back! Maybe this turn of events isn't so bad, I thought as I climbed aboard the train with my new trunk and entered an empty compartment.

Don't worry, not all of the chapters will be in Nico's POV. I wrote one from Hecate's POV and the next will be Harry's POV. The story was a bit slow to start with, but it should start to speed up and get more exciting now that Nico is actually going to Hogwarts.

Thanks for reading x

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