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Jett watched as Rosa giggled in her seat next to Grogu. The feeling of being in space for the first time had dissipated for her, so now she was coming out of her shell. Like her namesake, Rosa Ranger was a happy, bubbly child.

    The ship sank into the atmosphere and as they descended, the water and palm trees came into view. Much like the other children in their village, Rosa made a "Heh! Heh!" sound to call for her mother.

    What is it? Jett asked her.

    "What is all that blue stuff down there?" Rosa asked, in Tusken.

    "It's water," Jett signed back to her.

    "No! Water is clear!"

    "What is she asking?" said Luke.

    She's never seen a body of water before. She's confused, Jett said to him.

    Luke brought the ship down on one of the landing sights.

    "Is here good?" he asked.

    Yes. This is a perfect spot. Jett unfastened her seatbelt, which Rosa took as a cue to undo hers. Thanks for the lift. I know you'll take good care of Grogu. Good luck on Coruscant.

    Rosa hugged her new friend goodbye as the door opened. They were greeted by sunshine and a salty sea breeze. 

    Bye, Momma Jett! said Grogu.

    Goodbye Grogu. Be good to Master Luke, said Jett. She turned to lock eyes with Luke. I guess this is goodbye for now.

    "It is. It was great to meet you, Jett. Remember, you and Rosa are welcome at the temple on Coruscant any time."

    You drive a hard bargain. We'll take up your offer and visit someday, if we can. Jett took Rosa's hand and started going down the ramp. Take care, Skywalker.

    Rosa tugged on Jett's sleeve and asked, "What is this place?"

    Someplace fun, like I said.

    Jett used her spare credits to buy her and Rosa some swimwear. They looked horribly out of place in their sand people clothes. She bought a cute one with pink polka dots for Rosa, and a plain blue swimsuit for herself.

    "I'm not wearing that! We can't!" Rosa said.

Steadfast in her culture, Rosa knew that Tuskens never, ever, took off their robes or masks outside their home.

    Rosa, we're on vacation. We can wear whatever we want here. Just don't tell anyone back home, okay? This is a secret.

    "What's a vacation, Mom?"

    It's when you leave home to do fun things. You go someplace where you haven't been before. Does that make sense?


    Okay. Maybe when we get changed and head to the beach you'll understand a little better.

    "What's a beach?"

    Jett sighed and walked out of the gift shop with their new swimsuits. They found a place to change, then walked down to the beach. Jett went up to the attendant and rented out a cabana for the day.

With everything placed safely under the cabana, Jett brought her daughter to the water for the first time. She couldn't swim, so she held onto her mother for dear life.

There were a few other kids playing, and Jett remembered all the times she and her friends would spend splashing each other in the pool at the Jedi Temple. No one could ever forget the one time when Rosa did a cannonball and emptied all the water out of the pool.

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