The Bright Future

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Droids were manning the cannons, trying to knock out at least some of the pirate ships. Sha took the wheel and tried to out-maneuver them. Jett was down by the cargo bay: the last line of defense. Her pike was ready, and she was concentrating, her feet stuck to the floor by the force as the ship twisted and turned. Breezy patrolled the corners of the room to make sure none of the pirates had stealthily snuck in.

Suddenly, Jett's commlink lit up.

"Republic freighter, do you copy? This is Klive Vern from the Discovery. We're responding to your distress signal."

Jett gasped. Of all the ships they could've come across...

Jett, what's going on with your commlink?

Sha? You can talk to me from all the way over there? How did you know about my commlink? asked Jett.

Through much training. Use your droid and answer the commlink. Then tell me what you hear.

Jett got Breezy's attention and started to respond.

"We're two Jedi on a supply mission to Ryloth. But we're surrounded by pirates. We'll take any assistance you can give us."

"We're preparing our defense squadron," said Klive Vern.

Master Sha!

I've got all of that. Leave your post, Jett. Come up here.

Jett scrambled up to the cockpit, just in time to catch all the action. A group of starfighters were decimating the pirate saucers. Jett took a seat and patched through to the one in the front.

"Star leader reporting in, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck! Let's go for the big one! Attack formation!"

I'm so glad you found a way to live out your dream, Roi.

When the pirates were either wiped out or retreating, Sha docked their ship onto the Discovery. It only made sense to thank their heroes in person. She talked to Klive, but Jett was far too busy catching up with Roi.

I didn't know ships like this could have a squadron!

"Well we didn't at first, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck. We always find junk floating out in space. I convinced Klive to let the scrappers put some starfighters together with the pieces. Now we have a squad, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck!" A black astromech made its way over to Roi and sat beside him. "Oh, this is my copilot, M5-BZ. We found him floating along one of the hyperspace routes, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck."

I wonder how he got there?

"Don't know, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck. His memory bank was removed. His whole head is hollow. Don't know why."

Jett turned to see Sha standing over her shoulder.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked.

Yes. Jett looked back at Roi. Bye. I'll miss you.

"Hey, you're acting like it's goodbye forever, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck! If we ran into each other once, we're bound to see each other again. So it's really just a 'see you next time!'"

I like that! I'll see you next time, Roi.

"Take care, Jett, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck!"

Jett and Sha left the discovery and went back to their freighter. With all the supplies safe, they were clear to go down to Ryloth. They landed in a now Republic-occupied refugee camp. When Jett looked out the window, she could see a rainbow of little Twi'lek children bouncing and lifting up their arms to the ship.

"I heard that the children really love Jedi," said Sha. "Be prepared!"

Under guidance from the older Twi'leks, Sha landed the ship. All the kids were crowding around it. The ramp dropped and all the voices of the children filled the ship. It was like the daycare, but tenfold. When Jett and Sha descended the ramp, one of the adult Twi'leks stepped forward.

"Thank you very much for your assistance, Jedi. Welcome to Ryloth. I'm Mert, camp director and translator," he said in Galactic Basic.

"It is our pleasure to aid you," said Sha.

Jett got Breezy's attention and started signing.

"Should we begin unloading?"

"Yes. We have carts ready to go," said Mert.

Jett and Sha formed an old-fashioned assembly line with their droid crew to get the ship unloaded. Then, it was time to start handing out all the goodies.
"Jett, you'll do this one," said Sha, handing her a box. "These are candy bars. Each child gets one. And only one."

Okay. I can do that.

The kids formed a big crowd, jumping and tugging on her robes as soon as they saw the box. Once they each had a candy bar, they scurried off to eat it. It brought a smile to Jett's face. But as soon as she was about to move onto her next task, the children were already back, speaking to her in a language she didn't understand and pointing to her pike.

"They just love Jedi!" said Mert. "They haven't seen a lightsaber like yours before. They're very curious."

Jett ushered Breezy over.

"It's a pike, actually."

"Oh...that's a neat dodad you have there!" he said, pointing to Breezy. "The children are asking to see your lightsaber, if it's alright with you."

Jett was about to ask Sha, but heard a quick, yes, go ahead.

"Mmm," Jett said, nodding.

Mert said something to the children and they all stepped back. Jett took out her pike, and their little eyes grew wider when she unfolded it. When she lit it, they were screaming. Jett did a few twirls with it and showed them some of the stances.

Sha looked on at Jett, watching as the children were beside themselves. Jett looked so happy and proud: completely different from the teen she'd seen just hours ago when they met. Hidden behind her face shield, a smile made its way across her face. They had both lost so much in recent weeks, but Sha knew if Jett could find a bright moment in all this darkness, she could too. 

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