Finally Reunited

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In the years after the fall of the Empire, nothing changed for Jett, besides the fact that she had to adapt to parenthood, of course. However, after spending so much time with all the other children in their group, she felt well-prepared when her daughter arrived.

    Bhor continued to be a fearless leader, guiding his group from location to location. They eventually set an encampment up a few kilometers from Mos Espa, so Jett would have easy access to Ohdiz and her nephews. Her daughter and cousins played well together, helping her learn Galactic Basic since her mother couldn't speak, and Bhor was too busy most days.

Much to the surprise of Jett, as someone so introverted, her daughter always seemed to be the center of attention. She spent her days playing and having fun with the other children. She could imitate and understand their brays. She didn't know anything else, except for her secret life at night, when she'd sneak away with Jett and learn the ways of the force.

Bhor would always signal when the coast was clear, then the two would retreat into the open desert to train. Although the Jedi Order was long dead, she knew when she was pregnant that if her child was force-sensitive, they would learn the ways of the force, sand person or not.

One sunny, hot afternoon, Jett stood by the counter of her brother's Cantina. Her daughter was busy running around with her cousins, playing tag behind the tables. Ohdiz was wiping down the counter of the bar again. It was a nervous habit.

Jett clapped her hands. Breezy, now clean and shiny for their big meeting, made her way over to Jett's side.

"I'm not sure why you're stressed, Ohdiz."

"Because this is a big day for you. It's not like this is a regular customer. I've never met a Jedi Master before!" he said.

"You technically met Qui Gon when you were still an infant."

"Right, because I'd really remember that!" He grabbed a spray bottle and started doing the windows again. "Do you know this guy's name? I don't want to just say, 'hello mister big important Jedi, I'm Ohdiz.' It's too informal."

"Let me see if I can reach him." Jett closed her eyes and focused, trying to call for Grogu. She heard nothing but snoring. She opened her eyes. "He's asleep."

"What do you think makes this Jedi so important? What exactly did he say?"

"In these words, 'Momma, me found the big Jedi to be my Master. We are coming to see you. I miss you. I need a snack.'"

"Oh geez, I don't have any snacks!" Ohdiz put the cleaning supplies down and leapt back behind the bar. He held up two boxes. "Crackers or cookies? You know what? Let's do both!"

Jett couldn't believe how much he turned out like their parents. A gracious host like her mother, and a nervous wreck like her father. He placed the two plates at the back table. The kids were instantly running over to take some.

"Nah nah!" Jett said, blocking their path.

"Auntie Jett is right. You've all had enough treats for the day," said Ohdiz.

The boys pouted and whined. Jett placed her daughter on her lap.

Are you ready to meet another Jedi?

"Put me down! I wanna go play tag!"

Jett sighed and set her back on the floor. She ran off with her cousins.


Jett gasped. Ohdiz looked her way, all the color draining from his face.

Grogu? Is that you?

Almost there, Momma!

Okay. I'll see you soon, buddy.

"What? What's happening?" Ohdiz asked.

"Grogu said they'll be here soon."

Ohdiz took a deep breath, then started walking laps around the Cantina. He dusted tables and straightened the knicknacks hanging on the walls. Jett sat alone at her table, taking the time to meditate and feel connected to the force. She gasped, again.

"What? What's going on?" Ohdiz asked, running over in a panic.

"You wouldn't understand. But—" Her daughter came running out from the back of the Cantina. She crawled under her mother's chair and hid there. "She feels it too."

"Feels what?"

"This force I've never felt anything like this. Or at least, not in a long time."

Jett could feel the presence getting closer and closer. Her daughter reached out and grabbed her legs with a shaky hand. Jett reached her hand under the chair and patted the top of her mask.

It's okay. There's nothing to be scared of.

Like she normally did in the company of her brother and trusted family, Jett took off her jeweled mask. She wanted this Jedi to see who she truly was. She got up from the table and went near the door.

"Here they come!" Jett signed.

"Okay, boys to the back!" Ohdiz said.

The boys ran to the back room, and Jett's daughter cowered behind her. She took a deep breath. The door opened.

"Momma! Momma!" said Grogu.

He waddled into the room with his arms up.

Grogu, look at you! You got so big!

As he smiled and giggled, Jett could see that his teeth were coming in now. She hugged him and held him over her shoulder.

I missed you so much little buddy. I'm so glad to see you.

I missed you too, Momma!

Jett looked to the Jedi who was at the door. She was surprised that it was someone so young. He walked over to her and smiled.

Thank you very much for bringing Grogu here to visit me. I owe you so much gratitude.

"It was no trouble at all. This was along our route, actually."

    Oh. I didn't introduce myself. My name is Jett Ranger, former Jedi Sentinel...and currently a sand person.

    "It's nice to meet you, Jett," he said. "I'm Luke Skywalker."

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