Life After Loss

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Jett spent her day in the Halls of Healing, alone with her new friend Breezy. Hal was busy back at the Tech Center. Jett took time to complete her book and learn the ins and outs of Breezy.

Before leaving, one of the droids gave her written instructions. She'd have to return at noon the following day to have her ear bandages swapped out. With Breezy there to accompany her, Jett was discharged. She grabbed a to-go box from the refractory on her way to her room, sat down and ate, then had a shower.

She put on clean clothes afterwards and made sure to grab her cloak. It was almost time for Rosa's funeral on the other side of the building. Jett opened the door to leave, and Breezy followed her like a shadow.

"Mmm. Nah!" Jett said to her, pointing to the inside of the room.

Breezy made a "brr brr" sound in confusion.

"I'm pretty sure it's Jedi only at funerals," Jett signed to her. "Meet me in the courtyard after sunset, okay? You're going to meet all my friends."

Breezy obediently went over to the charging port in the wall, which Jett assumed Hal set up in advance while she was away.

Jett felt a lot of things as she was walking to the room above the crematorium, where the funeral would be held. All these feelings were finding their way through her, but none of them were sadness. She was feeling much more excited to see all of her friends again. And when she rounded the corner, there they were.

Every Krayt Dragon and their master was there, except for Roi. They all took turns hugging and greeting Jett, along with sending their condolences. They all introduced each other to their masters, and when Hal finally got there, his full messenger bag bulging out under his cloak, Jett introduced everyone to him.

When it came time for the funeral to start, Roi joined in via hologram. Jett saw Anakin doing the same thing. She wanted to go say hi, but he was too far away. In the center of the room, what was left of Rosa's enormous body was covered up.

All the Jedi put up their hoods. The ceremony began, and the Krayt Dragons did their best to stay composed. Hal was speaking to Jett through the force, giving her words of encouragement. She didn't respond.

Rosa's body descended into the crematorium. She would become one with the force. The ceremony dissipated, and everyone filed out of the room. The Krayt Dragons and their masters formed a little bubble on the side of the hallway.

"I understand we have arrangements for a reunion in the top-level courtyard, but Jett and I have to depart briefly," said Hal. Jett looked up at him, raising a brow. "I'd like to get some sketches done while you have fun with your friends, and I left my notebook back at the shop."

You work too hard. Just have fun, for once.

"My work will end when the war ends, Padawan."

"We will branch off as well. Sorra and I have some treats from the garden that we set aside," said Yoland Fee.

"I wanted to bake us cookies, but Master Fee insisted we have something healthier," said Sorra.

"Because every time you eat sugar, you're bouncing off the garden walls and then falling asleep on my plants an hour later," he said.

The group separated. Jett made her way to the Hall of Knighthood. Two Sentinel Guards were there waiting. Jett didn't say a word. When they stepped aside, she knew it was time for her to enter the room.

It was completely dark, but once her eyes adjusted, she could see everyone standing in a circle around her, their hoods over their heads. Although she couldn't actually see all of them, she could feel out many of the individuals: Yoda, Plo Koon, Obi Wan, Miss Art, Master Chella, and the looming figure of Hal, who was right at Yoda's side.

That sneak. I knew he'd never leave his notebook somewhere other than his side.

Jett knelt down and all the Jedi lit up their blue and green lightsabers, ending with Hal and his bright yellow pike. Yoda placed his lightsaber above Jett's head.

"By the right of the council, by the will of the force, Jett Ranger, rise, you may," he said. Jett got to her feet. "Jedi, we all are. The force, speaks to us, it does. Through our actions, the force proclaims to us real, what is. Here, tonight, we acknowledge what the force has proclaimed. By the right of the council, by the will of the force, Jedi Knight of the Republic, I dub thee!"

Yoda took his lightsaber and sliced off Jett's Padawan braid. She turned and exited the room. Hal came running out moments later. He enveloped Jett in a hug and lifted her off the ground, her legs dangling at least a foot off the floor.

"You did it, Jett! You did it! I'm so proud of you!" he said.

No, Master, we did it! Because now that I made it to Knighthood, you're officially a Jedi Master!

Hal chuckled to himself as he set Jett back down. "I guess I can't disagree with you there!"

Jett and Hal went back up to the courtyard, where Breezy was hiding behind a garbage can. Jett waved her out of hiding.

"Sometimes it really amazes me how much personality these things have," Hal said.

When they saw Jett coming with her new astromech, everyone "ooed" and "ahhed."

Jett clapped twice and Breezy stood at attention before she started signing.

"This is my new friend BR-EZ, but we call her Breezy."

Everyone gasped, seeing Breezy vocalize all of Jett's signs.

"Look at that! It's like 'ya finally found your voice, Jett!" said Deetz.

"One cannot find something that was never lost," said Eep.

"How about you knuckleheads stop bickering and congratulate the girl! Am I the only one who noticed that her Padawan braid is gone?" asked Puzz.

"Ohmygosh! It is! That's where you just went?" Sorra asked.

Jett nodded.

Everyone cheered and gave her congratulation hugs. They sat in a big circle and tried to figure out what to do next. Everyone was leaving in the morning, so this would be their only time together as a group, possibly even for the rest of their lives.

"I think we should play a game! For old time's sake!" said Gaar.

"Easier said than done, when you're a hologram, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck," said Roi.

"I know! I know! We can play Jedi Says!" said Sorra.

"Yay! That's my favorite!" said Beebo.

"Jedi Says? Come on, you guys! We're Padawans, not little kids!" said Harpooni. "We're too old to play baby games like that!"

"One is never too old for a fun game, young one!" Everyone turned to see Yoda coming over. They all gasped. "Even someone as old as, I will!"

You're really going to play with us, Master Yoda? Jett asked.

"Of course, Jedi Knight," he said.

"Roi, since you're the hologram, you be the Jedi!" Sorra said.

"Okay! Tck-tck-tck-tck-tck!" Everyone lined up in rows so Roi could see them. "Alright. Jedi Says...jump on your right foot!" The Krayt Dragons started hopping. The commands started to pick up speed. "Jedi Says, clap your hands, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck! Jedi Says stop jumping! Jedi says spin in circles, tck-tck-tck-tck! Now stop!"

A few of the Krayt Dragons realized what they'd done and let out groans of frustration.

"Out, out, out, out, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck!" Roi said, pointing to all his clanmates who stopped spinning.

All the kids laughed and played as the night went on. Their masters watched from a distance. It reminded them of their childhoods, long before the war started. 

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