Chapter Seventeen

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The hotel room is HUGE.

Theres four bedrooms, one for Anthony and Kyle, one for me and Troye, another for Jason and Damon, and the final one for Bryan and Johnnie.

But wait; theres more.

Theres a giant common room, a kitchen with half a dining room, a balcony with an amazing view of Times Square, and a huge bathroom, with a shower and a tub.

"Its a shame we're only staying here for the weekend.", I say to Anthony.

He has mischievous look on his face.

"No fucking way!", I shout.

He laughs and calls everybody else out.

"So, Mel, we have YET ANOTHER surprise for you.", Damon starts. "This isn't a hotel room. Yes its in a hotel, but its in a hotel that just so happens to sell apartments. So basically this is like real life Zach & Cody. And this, is now our apartment. All of ours. Except for Troye, its only partly his."

"Yeah. I have to go back to Australia and Los Angeles a lot.", Troye laughs.

"Guys this is.... Amazing.", I laugh, starting to cry. "Happy tears, happy tears."

"Okokokok lets get to the nearest Veggie Grill. I am hungry as fuck.", Johnnie laughs.

We go to Veggie Grill and get back to the apartment.

"Okay I'm filming a video who wants in on it? Haha just kidding you don't have a choice.", I say, lining up some chairs and setting up my camera, sitting down in the centre chair.

"Hellooooo YouTube! My name is Melody and todayyyyyy I have a very special announcement... Boys, come out."

They all sit on a chair and introduce themselves.

"These dweebs are now my housemates! Yes, thats right. For the next however long, I will be living with all of these fuckboys in New York City, and we're gonna cause a whole bunch of trouble."

"Responsibly, of course.", Anthony adds.

"Oh and this is only partly my apartment, sadly.", Troye pretends to cry.

"And we only have one bathroom for all of us to share.", Damon adds.

"And the kitchen is tiny!", Jason also adds.

"You're the ones who bought this apartment!", Kyle laughs.

"Okay well thats it for this video, but be expecting a lot of vlogs and whatnot in the near future! Peace out homies!", I turn off the camera.

"Okay, who's next?", I ask.

The End Of All Things {Sequel to Ever Since We Met; Johnnie Guilbert Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now