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[Six's pov]

We dropped down on a cart full of things I don't even want to know, we hopped over a small gap with steam coming out from the middle. We ran to a door and I gave Mono a boost up and he opened the door before dropping down, he nearly lost his balance but I grabbed onto his coat and pulled him back from falling over the edge. We carefully walked forward, the path was awfully narrow but we made it to another crawl space. I went in first as I pushed it opened and then Mono followed, we were in some small pipe area as we went forward, I took my light out so we could have some light. As we went forward, I saw a few holes in the walls and I stopped. I whispered to Mono as I pointed at the holes "be careful" I say, Mono looked at the holes before nodding. We continued forward slowly before a hand reached out to grab us but we manage to dodge it and run forward. We dropped down and ran for our lives as the janitor busted through the door, we noticed the door ahead was closing but there was a cage keeping it from closing, we slid underneath the door and climbed up a cage that was standing up as the janitor put his arms underneath the door, feeling all around the room for us. One of his arms came up to where we were but we quickly moved around to avoid him "what are we suppose to do?!" I whispering, Mono looked helpless as he looked around before staring at the cage. I raise an eyebrow before noticing what he saw, I saw shadow Malee pulling at the cage corners before turning to us with a creepy smile as the janitor's hands went through her. Mono sweated as Shadow Malee disappeared "I'm gonna attempt it" He said before carefully running to the cage and grabbed one of the cage corners, we pulled it as I noticed one the janitor's hands were getting closer but thankfully, Mono pulled the metal off the cage but he fell back as the janitor was alarmed. He quickly stood up and ran to me "that was too close" I said, Mono nodded. We continued to avoid the janitor's hands before I ran over to the cage and grabbed the other corner of the cage before pulling it, I felt the janitor grabbed me and tried to pull me away from the cage. Mono grabbed the metal bar off the floor and used it to hit the janitor's arm, he let me go and I quickly pulled the metal off the cage. The cage gave in and the door smashed it, amputating the arms of the janitor. We heard him screaming painfully before the vent opened. As we climbed up to the vent, I saw shadow Malee kick one of the arms and it started moving towards her before going limp as she smiled at us. I knitted my eyebrows before going into the vent as she disappeared again. I followed Mono up a ladder and in a hallway looking area, there were hooks swinging above us. We looked around before running forward, Mono grabbed another a hook and I grabbed the one behind him, we held on tightly as the hooks made their way into a clearing. We were high up, we looked to our right to see a giant monster that looked like a chef. After a while, we dropped down on some bodies in wrapping. Mono looked like he was cringing as we walked off the dead bodies..

Suddenly my stomach started growling, I hunched over in pain. Mono noticed before looking for food as we continued forward, going through a doorway. We entered the next room and once we were near a rat trap, my stomach growled again. My vision become darkened as we continued forward "Hang on, Six. We'll get you some food" He said, I nod before I fell to my knees as my stomach growled. Mono helped me get up before I noticed a rat was caught in a mouse trap, I walk towards it "Six..?" I heard Mono say my name, It sounded distorted as I ignored him. I walked closer to the rat before snatching it from the trap, the rat squeaked as it tried to get away but I dug my teeth in the rat, eating it. For a moment, I swore I saw my shadow self in the corner of my eye but thought nothing of it as I stood up. My vision was fine now as I wiped my mouth, I looked at Mono who looked shocked "what?" I ask, raising an eyebrow "N..Nothing" He said before we climbed some metal boxes and entered the next room. We dropped down on more bodies in wrapping and onto the floor, we ran to another box as we passed more boxes. We climbed up and pushed a lid that was leaning against the box that were on, we pushed it and it landed on something to make a small ramp for us to go on. We dropped down and ran up onto more bodies in metal boxes and hopped onto the floor, we  saw a door with blood coming from it. I heard Mono sigh before we walked forward and opened one of the doors, seeing a cart in the middle of the room. The ship swayed to the right so the cart swayed the same way, I walked towards it and started pushing it towards a opening above us. Mono came over and helped me, I smiled slightly as we climbed onto it before the boat swayed to to the left. We entered the next room, it seemed we were in or near a kitchen. We hopped down and exited the room, we saw a elevator but it looked empty so we went passed it and entered the room. There was that same chef we saw, he looked too busy cutting meat to notice us. We crouched before crouch walking into the kitchen before I grabbed Mono's hand and booked it into the next kitchen room where the food and pot was..

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