Chapter 1

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Derek rolled over and sat on the side of the bed, his feet heavily planted on the ground. He grabbed his undershirt that had been thrown on the nightstand and slid on his boxers that were on the ground. Derek then stood up to look around the unfamiliar room for the rest of his clothes that had been scattered around just an hour or so ago. He finished putting on his clothes then sat back down on the bed to pull on his shoes. A hand slid over his shoulder and he felt hot breath on his ear.

"Leaving so soon?" The man asked, Derek couldn't quite remember his name but he knew for sure he was leaving so soon.

"Yes," Derek said dryly.

"There's more fun to be had back here." The man said in his best seductive voice. Derek rolled his eyes.

"Not interested." Derek got up and started walking towards the door of the bedroom.

"Come on man. Come back to bed." He called after him.

Derek turned around to him, "How are you not getting this? I don't want to fuck you again. Your dick is small and you suck in the sack."

"Fuck you," The man scoffed and flipped him off.

Derek slammed the door behind him and hurried down the steps, his unbuttoned shirt and messed-up hair flowing behind him.

'God, Mark really needs to move to Seattle.' He mumbled quietly to himself as he held out his hand to hail a cab. He probably should get an Uber or a Lift but he preferred cabs. You never know what you are going to get from an uber or a lift. Any bitch with a car can become an uber driver, it could be a student trying to pay their way through college, a bored retiree, anyone. With a cab, Derek felt comfortable. They didn't try to talk to you as much, they're just trying to survive in a dying service.

"Seattle Grace hospital." He ordered.

The cabbie nodded and drove down the road. In silence. Just like Derek had wanted. He sat back and rested his head on the back of the seat. Doing nothing. People always thought they had to fill every second of every day with entertainment. Every free second they glued their eyes to phones or laptops, they never sat alone with their thoughts. That's why people were going fucking crazy.

When he arrived, he pulled a one hundred out of his wallet to pay for the thirty-dollar cab fare. Don't worry, Derek is not some selfless, throw his money around, rich guy. Most people would even go as far as to call him stingy, but he always overtipped cabbies. Got to keep them in business. And if he was feeling extra assholey, he would take an uber just to give the driver a bad rating.

Derek stormed into the hospital and walked directly into his office, which had a bathroom attached to it. It was a contingency of him being hired. Derek Shepherd absolutely did not share a bathroom with anyone. Other human beings were gross, disgusting, foul things. Which is probably not what you want your surgeon to think about you. But let's face it, your surgeon has cut into you, he probably knows the best how disgusting you really are.

Derek's phone pinged as a text came through 'Dr. Bailey has an intern who needs to be on neuro rotation. I told her you were in.' -Betty Ann. Fuck. He really needed to tell that woman to stop letting Bailey know when he was in. Betty Ann was the best secretary he ever had and she was constantly pissed at him. Which probably had something to do with the fact that he refused to greet her or acknowledge her. She honestly reminded him of his mother, which was why he was never surprised when she yelled at him like he was a teenager. So they came to an understanding, she would deal with him forgoing politeness, and she would text him his messages instead of personally telling him. Then if he did anything else that could be deemed as 'asshole behavior' Betty Ann, the four foot ten, fifty-eight-year-old woman would ream him out. And she gets a bouquet of roses on her birthday and secretaries day.

He changed into a pair of scrubs and headed out to find Dr. Bailey. He had planned on taking the night off, but he really needed a surgery to get the taste of that horrible fuck out. Men like that guy didn't even deserve a penis if that's the best they could do with it. Then tomorrow Derek can go to the bar and try to pick up again. He'd probably have to pick up a chick to avoid the war flashbacks of the previous night.

"Dr. Bailey, you needed me to teach a useless runt who barely finished med school?" Derek asked the small woman.

"Or as civilized people like to call them, interns." Bailey scoffed.

"Yea that," Derek said.

"Grey!" Bailey called out then turned back to him, "This one is particularly not useless. Try not to make her cry."

Derek grunted then looked at the small blond woman who had approached. She was attractive. If she wasn't one of the useless runts who barely finished med school, he would consider fucking her. But alas, the world was a whore.

He turned on his heels and called out, "Follow me."

"Okay." She said.

"Yes, sir." He corrected.

"What?" She asked confusedly.

"When I tell you to do something, you don't say 'okay,' and you definitely don't question what I ask. You say 'Yes, sir,' then you do exactly what I told you to do." Derek instructed.

"Yes, sir." She said. 

(okay, I've been thinking about this version of Derek for a while but the story part just wasn't coming to me. But then finally, I got it. He is a little based off of the Derek in VIPenis (I know the name sounds v questionable but it's honestly my fav fanfic right now) its on merderland13 's page. And yes this Derek is bisexual. Mark is going to be gay. If you find this problematic I would consider not reading further. It's going to be all from Derek's third-person perspective. And my internship just ended so I should have a lot more time to write (I'm continuing with ME! too so don't worry) (I might not continue with Exile because I found another fanfic which is basically the same exact story except much dirtier and idk if I want to try and top that) ANYWAYS tell me what you think of this so far.)

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