a little cake and a rooftop dance: kanej

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another kanej oneshot because we all love them. this one is about kaz's 19th birthday two years after crooked kingdom. one of the fluffiest ones of I've ever written. 

kaz pov

The gray, polluted sky of Ketterdam blanketed the city in a cloud of smoke. It seemed to roll off of the rooftops and slither along the streets, taunting the crowds of tourists and locals alike, drawing them into the various attractions along the Staves. The sun was setting, and soon the real fun of the city would begin. The hazy weather suited Kaz just fine. He wound through the crowd, often acquiring dirty looks if he shoved another person a little too hard. His mood was particularly sour today. He wanted to shut his mind down more than anything today. Controlling a deck at the Crow Club seemed a good way to get the voice in his head to quiet a little, forcing his mind to focus on the movements of the cards instead of the pestering sound of his brother. 

He barely had time to step across the threshold of the Slat before Anika came running towards him, her blond hair flapping wildly behind her as she skidded to a stop. 

"Boss, I have the reports on the revenue of the Crow Club," she said. Kaz did not want to hear it, but as always, he had to. 

"Go on." By the time she had finished, Kaz's leg was aching from standing in the same position for too long, but his mood had improved significantly. They were profiting well, and the other bosses would soon be forced to find new ways of attracting business. 

He limped into the kitchen, thinking about his later plans. Maybe Inej would want to lift a little something from an unassuming mercher's house tonight. It would be a little treat to himself. He didn't care for the actual item too much, but the little burst of excitement that still came with the sound of a lock being picked and the padding of silent footsteps instead. And then there was always the fact that he seemed to make excuses to be near her. Sneaking along side-by-side through a quiet mansion would definitely require a bit of time spent together. He was being a little ridiculous. 

Kaz dug through the Dreg's supply of food, settling on a piece of hard white cheese. He ignored the various conversation starters tossed his way by members of the Dregs lounging around, choosing to retreat to his room instead. He chewed his piece of cheese all the way up the stairs, swallowing the lump and unlocking his door. He sank down on the bed, the creaking springs protesting a little under his weight. Kaz buried his head in his hands, more out of exhaustion than any emotion. 

He was nineteen today. The last time he had ever celebrated his birthday was his ninth. He vaguely remembered the feel of the paper as he unwrapped a parcel and the warm sweetness of a piece of chocolate. He could see his brother's grinning face as clear as ever, though. It never seemed to go away. 

Kaz Brekker wanted a lot of things. He wanted to rule the Barrel, he wanted to be rich beyond his dreams, he wanted to be able to hold Inej close and whisper into her hair. But, most of all, he wanted his brother's voice in his head silenced forever. The tone of his voice would take many forms. Sometimes it would laugh at him, tease him. Sometimes it would be angry or mocking or pitiful. But today it was just sad. 

I'm sorry, Kaz. I never should have trusted Hertzoon so easily, been blinded by my greed and eagerness. I promise I'll be better this time. Let me out and I can help you. Please, Kaz. Listen to me. We could have hot chocolate and practice magic tricks just like old times. You're still my little brother.

That was the most terrifying part about it. Kaz was now much older than Jordie and had spent more of his life without his brother than with. He had ten years to get over his brother's stupidity and Hertzoon's fraud, but he still hadn't. He was starting to doubt he ever would. 

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