crow party!

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just a oneshot about the crows hanging out together. i love this one so much its adorable.  

kaz pov 

Kaz was bent over the basin of water in the Slat kitchen trying to scrub a blood stain out of one of his shirts. The fabric stayed stubbornly pink. After about five minutes of intense scrubbing, he relented and decided that he had better things to do with his time than play washerwoman. He turned around just in time to see Nina saunter into the room,  arm in arm with Inej. They were laughing about something. 

"Kazzz," Nina singsonged, "We have amazing news." He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

"Not interested." 

Inej pulled out a slip of paper from her pocket, waving it in the air in front of her. Kaz approached the two, reaching out to take it from her. Nina waggled her finger. 

"Nuh uh. We're reading it to you." Kaz wondered why he ever went to go find her at the White Rose two years ago. 

"You can either give me that letter or I can ask one of the others to escort you in a very  impolite manner out of here," he threatened, still looking down at them. They both ignored him, and Nina nodded at Inej. 

"If you would do the honors," she said in a high, nasally voice. Inej played along, clearing her throat loudly before beginning. 

"To the four other idiots that we have the misfortune of calling our friends, we invite you to a dinner party at the Hendricks mansion at sundown. It will be hosted by the merchling and his very handsome accomplice in honor of the birth of the glorious Jesper Fahey, the famous sharpshooter. Champagne and dinner will be served along with as many waffles as you please. This is an opportunity to bring your significant other to a party, as we all know that none of you are interesting enough to get invited to a genuine one. We are requiring the attendance of all four individuals." 

Kaz wrung out the wet shirt and picked up his cane, trying to escape them. Inej and Nina fanned out to block his path. 

"Not yet. Please continue, lovely Inej." Inej lifted the paper higher. 

"This includes Kaz, who will undoubtedly try to escape with some excuse or threat. He should know that all of his paperwork has been set aside for later, and that the rest of the Dregs can handle the Crow Club for a night." 

"Please send my well wishes to the lovely couple," Kaz sneered before turning to leave the other way. He heard Nina and Inej snicker. 

"Kaz, come on. Could we go?" Inej asked. Kaz stopped walking. 

"Yeah, Kaz. We would miss your glares and promises of murder," Nina crowed. 

He ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. He felt a little part of him that actually did want to attend with them. He looked at Inej and her hopeful expression. 

"Fine." Nina squealed. 

"I am making no promises on if I am going to choke Jesper or not," he continued. 

"That can wait until tomorrow. Today's his birthday," Inej said. He felt a smile creeping onto his lips. 

"We'll meet you here tonight," Nina decided. He wondered when she ever deemed that she could tell him what to do. But before he could object, they were practically dancing out of kitchen and out of the Slat. 

--sundown, jesper pov--

Jesper dusted off his green shirt, trying to get all the flour off of it. Wylan was stirring a pot of sauce on the stove. 

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