sketches by candlelight: wesper

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A wesper one shot/head cannon because they're so cute i can't even.

wylan pov

"Ughhh where is it?" he groaned, shuffling through the mass of stuff inside of the desk drawer. Half made inventions, various papers with unfinished scribbles, and all types of tools littered the inside. Wylan knew perfectly well that a responsible and reasonable person would just sort it out so that he could find everything easily the next time, but being neat when it came to his desk was never his strong suit.

After three more minutes of intense rummaging, he finally pulled out his sketchbook. He set it aside and went to close the desk, but his eye caught on something. A ripped out piece of paper had peeked out slightly from inside of an envelope that was tucked in another sketchbook. He pulled it out and unfolded the tiny square. What he saw filled him with a million different emotions.

Wylan looked at his own face staring back at him from the page, rendered in pencil almost perfectly. It was like looking at a mirror. The slight crook of his nose, the shape of his lips.

It must have been Jesper. He didn't even know that Jesper had a knack for drawing, let alone that he ever took Wylan on as a subject. When had the even done these?

He felt warmth spread through him at the realization that Jesper must have not wanted him to find these if he had gone through such lengths to hide it. Inside the envelope were other tightly folded papers, and he dumped them all out onto the desk.

One of him as a baby, his features soft and round.
One of him now working on something, hunched over a desk.
One of him laughing with Nina at the table, his eyes bright.
One of him sitting with his mom, a small smile on her face.
And finally, one of him sleeping, his cheek pressed against the pillow.

Wylan felt a smile break out over his face, and he carefully refolded the sketches and put them back in the envelope. He would have to ask Jesper about them when he returned later. But for now, he would go about his day practically bubbling over with butterflies.

—- three nights ago, Jesper's pov —-

Jesper twitched his fingers in bed, restless. He tried all of his techniques, deep breathing, focusing on something, not focusing on anything. None of it worked. His brain itched and his body demanded to move. Finally he gave in and crept silently from the bed. Immediately, he felt better. He wanted to play Makkers Wheel or shoot a few rounds with all of his being. The lanky sharpshooter stood in the dark for a few minutes, staring at the crack of light underneath the door, the only sound the soft rise and fall of Wylan's breathing in the bed. Jesper walked over to the desk drawer and pulled out Wylan's sketchbook and a graphite pencil. He lit the candle by the bedside table and sank into the armchair by the corner, placing the candle close to the little flame. He turned past all the maps and diagrams that Wylan had made to the first blank page. He looked up at his boyfriend's sleeping face, picked up his pencil, and began. 

His mind and body began to slow down. By the minuscule light of the burning wax, Jesper sketched. He worked his way through the features of the sleeping boy. His hand curved down the page as he drew his jawline. He made a swooping motion as he gave life to Wylan's curls splayed all over on the pillow. He shaded his delicate lips, his long fanned eyelashes, the tiny scar on his nose. By the time he was finished, the constant buzzing of his body had slowed down to nothing more than a hum. 

Jesper didn't know why, but whenever he sketched Wylan (which was quite often), he felt strangely calm and at peace. He could never let anyone find them, though. Who in the world drew other people's faces in the middle of night while they were sleeping? Not him. He's not a creep. But still, he ripped the page out and folded it up, tucking it into an envelope and putting that into another book. If he found out that Wylan had been drawing him to help him fall asleep, he would never let him live it down. 

He slipped back underneath the cold, soft covers. He moved closer to the heat of Wylan's body, wrapping his arm around his torso, his face close to the back of his head. Their breathing synchronized, his eyelids grew heavy, and Jesper fell into sleep. 

---back in the present, still Jesper's pov---

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, perplexed at the expression on Wylan's face. It looked like a mix between holding back a laugh and the face you make when you know something the other person doesn't. 

"Like what?" 

"Like you're about to burst from anticipation. Stop playing dumb. You're cuter when you're smart," he teased lightheartedly. He really did want to know what was wrong with Wylan though. 

Wylan had intercepted him right as he walked through the front door. He hadn't even given him a chance to take off his hat before bombarding him with questions. They still stood in the front parlor, Wylan refusing to move. 

"I think you burnt your vest," Jesper lied, pointing at a perfectly normal spot on the fabric. Wylan looked down, and Jesper took the opportunity to bolt past him. 

"Hey!" Wylan shouted, grabbing onto Jesper. He got hold of his coat and held him in place. Jesper groaned. 

"Wy, we can't just stand here forever. Just tell me whatever it is you want to tell me and then I can go take a bath. Preferably with you there, too," Jesper complained. Wylan turned beet red as he always did when he said things like that. Jesper loved it. 

"Fine. Fine," he pulled out an envelope from his pocket, "What are these, Jesper?" 

"What are you on about? How would I know?" he asked, taking the envelope and opening it. When he saw what was inside though, he felt his stomach drop. 

"Oh these? Psshh," he fibbed, trying to get himself out of the situation. "Marya wanted to teach me how to draw you. I couldn't just say no and break her heart. Who do you think I am? A monster? Kaz?" Wylan did not look convinced. 

"C'mon Jes. Did you draw these?" Wylan asked. Jesper swallowed. 


"Why?" Jesper felt like he should just come clean once and for all. The damage was already done. 

"Sometimes when I can't sleep, I take a candle and draw you. I know it's creepy and all, but you make a good muse. I've tried sketching other things, but it doesn't work. Drawing you makes my brain stop chattering," he said, his voice low and embarrassed. "I can stop if you think it's weird." 

"No, no. They're...great," Wylan replied, still pink. 


"Yeah. Just, my nose isn't that big." Jesper laughed, caught off guard by the remark. He felt his usual self coming back. 

"You know what else makes my brain stay quiet?" he asked. 

"What?" Wylan replied, playing the game. 


Wylan pretended to think, looking up at the ceiling and scratching his head before looking straight at him. 

"This." He stepped closer and leaned in, placing his hand behind Jesper's neck and pulling him closer. 

It was the spin of Makker's Wheel. It was the thrill of being delt a good hand. It was the ringing sound of shots fired. It was all the things Jesper loved most in the world doubled. And all the thoughts running through his head were silenced. The only thought he had was "I love him." 

Heyy everyone I hope you liked this oneshot as much as I like wesper. Comment and vote if you did. xx

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