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Started: August 11, 2021

Finished: August 13, 2021

"Daddy I want another pony now!" My sister stomped her feet on the floor for the third time this morning. I'm surprised my ears aren't bleeding because of how much she screams. Our parents do nothing about it because they don't really care. Riley gets every thing she wants, even if she doesn't deserve it. Like last week I had my friends over for a sleepover, when Riley burst into my room wanting our candy.

She screamed when I said no. Our parents came to her rescue and said yes. After my friends left the next day, I was grounded for two weeks. That meant no seeing my friends or no leaving my room. I'm stuck in this house all day anyways so I was only a little upset. Caleb, my older brother says she'll get over this, he claims it's just a phase. I don't believe him since Riley is almost 13 now. She can get away with anything because she has our parents wrapped around her tiny little fingers. I'm the middle child so I should be used it not being cared about, but it still hurts. Even my brothers, their twins, still get attention from them.

Riley has everything handed to her, well we all have but she gets it the most. Considering our family is the richest in the country we have tons of money to spend. Did I also mention that my father is the King of the Country, country of Scotland to be exact. Many years ago his great-great-great father took control of Scotland and ever since then the Camdens have ruled the country.

My parents were arranged to be married when she was 16 and he was 22. They have been together since then. My two brothers Griffin and Caleb were born first. Our parents thought they were expecting 1 so you can imagine how surprised they were when Griffin came out a couple seconds after Caleb. Caleb for years has bugged his brother about being the oldest. I found it funny, but Griffin definitely doesn't. He's an odd child, I think he has anger issues but no one seems to believe me. One time I saw him almost breaking his dresser because the drawer wouldn't open. Three years later I was born. Caleb and I got along better than anyone else. My parents didn't really care about me. I was mostly taken care by my nanny and Caleb.

4 years later Riley was born. She did not get along with anyone. She was the only baby who cried all day and all night long. My parents tried everything go make her stop but nothing worked until they finally went out and bought her 300 fancy dresses. Riley stopped crying for the first time. Those first 5 years of Riley's life, I don't remember because blocked it out. Her bedroom was on the top floor right beside mine. My parents moved my bedroom down to the basement because I was supposedly bugging her. I did nothing except reading up on things about growing plants. That's what I'm passionate about so I like anything that relates to plants.

They ended up tearing down the wall that stood between our rooms, making it into one large one. Riley wanted a bigger room once she turned two so they made it happen. Everything I own is now in the basement. I've made it more pretty than when I first moved down here, but it's still terrible. At night I can hear the mice running in the walls or squeaking at their friends. It gets so cold in the basement at night that I have to use almost 30 blankets. It's too dark and gloomy to spend my time down there. During the day I'm outside working on my garden or going for walks around the castle.

Our castle is huge and contains many empty bedrooms. I'm surprised we barely have any visitors over since we could probably have the whole country sleep in our home. The only thing I love the most about this castle is the garden. After many years of plants growing its surrounded by hundred of trees, making a little secluded place just for me. I've been growing flowers, fruit, veggies and much more since I was 7. That was when I got into gardening.

It began when I was watching TV with my brothers. Our parents had an interview about ruling and all that stuff. I've never been interested in those duties, unlike my brothers. They argue everyday about who is the heir to the throne when our father dies. I believe it will be Caleb since he was born first and is dad favorite, but Griffin thinks it will he him. We watched our parents talk for a while. Then it was the commercial break. Griffin went to get a snack while Caleb sat on the couch with me. Riley was three at the time. Mom and dad didn't trust us with her so they took her with them. I got really excited and interested when this ad about planting popped up.

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