First KISS -2-

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Zaira's POV,

I had a lot of work today and I was damn tired. I was in a real need of a drink. So I went to Scarlette as usual. She definitely knows how to blow away my stress. As I entered the bar, I saw a very dazzling and a happy smile. Obviously, it was from Scarlette.

Zaira: Hi there!

Scarlette: Nice to see you after a long time.

Zaira: But we met yesterday.

Scarlette: I know. But every second without you seems like an year.

Zaira: There you go again. Your flirting skills doesn't work near me. And...... I really had a very hard day.

Scarlette: Ohh! How hard?

Zaira: Dude............

Scarlette: Okay.......... I know what exactly you need. I will be right back with your Tequila.

Author's POV,

Zaira starts starting at the people and in the corner of her eye, she saw a man entering the bar. Tall and Handsome were not enough to describe his breathtaking looks. Yes... He was breathtaking... Zaira couldn't take her eyes off of him. She was too much involved in him that she didn't notice that Scarlette has already arrived.

Scarlette: Charming. Isn't he?

Zaira: Uhh! Charming? Who?

Scarlette: Well... The man who got your attention. He does look heroic.
I can talk to him for you.

Zaira: Ohh! Shut up dude. He would never be interested in me.

Scarlette: You never really tried. Dude... You don't know how beautiful you are. You guys would fit perfectly.

Zaira: He didn't even look at me and you are already planning my future with him. But... I have to say, he is quite masculine. I could clearly see his abs through his shirt.

Scarlette: Come on darling. Don't loose hopes. Just give it a try.

Zaira: Is it really you? I've never seen you talking like that.

Scarlette: Even I want to see you happy. It's been a long time since you've been in a relationship.

Zaira: Hmm......

Author's POV,

The next one hour was spent partying and drinking, although Zaira kept checking on him every minute. Suddenly, Zaira's purse fell on the ground. She bent and was picking it up, that's when she spotted him under the table. Zaira also hid herself under the table. At first he was shocked but later he understood that she was so drunk.

Sometimes, unexpected paths lead to beautiful destinations.

Zaira: Hi! I am Zaira.

Elijah: Hi! I am Elijah.

Zaira: Nice to meet you handsome.

Elijah: The feeling is mutual.

Zaira: So... May I know the reason for you hiding here.

Elijah: Uhh... I actually saw my Ex, Sophia. I didn't know she was back from States. And I don't have guts to face her.

Zaira: How can anyone even leave you? She is so unlucky.

Author's POV,

Elijah shows Zaira his Ex girlfriend. They find her with a man beside.

Zaira: Well... I should say that she is quite beautiful. But who is that man holding her?

Elijah: The one with whom she cheated on me.

Zaira: Wait. She cheated on You for That man. Does she even know what she is missing?

Elijah: Leave about me. Why don't you talk about yourself?

Zaira: Hmm.... Well there is nothing much to talk about me. I am just a random delivery girl. I am in search of some better jobs.

Elijah: Your life must be hard.

Zaira: Yaa... But I do enjoy my job. It's either job or the bar. I don't have anywhere else to go.

Elijah: And what about your family?

Zaira: Family? Haha... I don't have any.

Elijah: Ohh! I am sorry.

Zaira: That's OK. Well my parents met and accident years ago. And that was the end of my life, until I met Scarlette.

Elijah: Scarlette?

Zaira: Yaa... The bartender. I met her in this bar. We became good friends later. She made my life easier. She definitely know how to lighten up my mood.

Elijah: Even she is lucky to have a friend like you.

Zaira: Enough about me. Now tell me about yourself.

Elijah: I work in the Crane Industry.

Zaira: Crane Industry? Wait. You mean The Crane Industry. I heard a lot about it. They must be paying you very well, right?

Elijah: Mmm... Yaa...

Author's POV,

Zaira and Elijah spoke a lot for a while. Zaira was so drunk. That is when she leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

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