I should sleep

45 3 3

I should probably sleep,
Let the waves pull me in,
My covers sublime,
And my story within.
I read through the comments,
As all people right.
Sometimes I see names,
That would give me a fright.
Names that are scary,
Not for me,
But for them.
I'd like to be there,
I'd be a friend.
So what if I reach out?
So what if I leap?
So what if I wrote this,
When I should be asleep?
I am just me,
Inconsistent me.
The very same me that once said,
Words can be poison in a sad person's head.
I'll continue to offer my hand,
Only for it to be rejected,
Time and again.
There's nothing to it,
Helping you through this,
Building up walls is a sure way to loose it.
It; whatever you love,
It; whomever you meet,
It; the people that care,
It; your heart that beats,
It; the soul deep within,
It; your personal sins.
Don't build up walls,
Don't waste your time,
I'm coming to save you,
I'm sure you'll be fine.
I'll patch up your wounds,
I'll smooth out your mind,
No need to cry now,
Your tears are mine,
Our sorrows the same,
A similar pain.
Oh what a shame,
They were caused by such different things.

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