Ch15 The Confrontation at Malfoy Manor

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Thursday was a quiet day, with Rose and Scorpius being a rather conventional Rose and Scorpius, only with more giggling and touching.

Friday morning the furious Howler arrived from Scorpius's father. "Scorpius, you come home this instant!"

"Do you want me to come with you?" Rose wondered.

"Yes, please. Might as well get the drama over with all at once," Scorpius suggested.

"Do you need any help?" Albus wondered.

"We need to do this together, alone," Scorpius replied, looking at Rose.

Rose sighed, looking at Scorpius with a lovesick puppy dog look. Her face and bearing changed to become apprehensive; this was not going to be easy.

The couple took the Floo to Malfoy Manor together.

The whole household was waiting for them. Draco took one look at the couple and yelled, "Granger! What is that half-Muggle spawn of a Granger and a Weasley doing here?"

Rose turned to Scorpius and assumed the "Slow Dancing" hug, turned up to him and kissed him hard, and then turned back to Mr. Malfoy and told him, "I am here with my first and only serious boyfriend." She then stuck her tongue out at Mr. Malfoy.

This was so unlike the Rose that Narcissa Malfoy knew that she laughed out loud, and sat down, shocked. What a drastic change, Narcissa thought, she hoped for the better. She liked Rose!

"You cannot be serious, Scorpius," Draco gasped.

"I was never serious about... anyone else, but I've never been more serious, father," Scorpius replied. "Rose Granger-Weasley has been my best friend since we started Hogwarts. We have the best marks together, and we just enjoy each other's company.

"I am going to show Rose the house, and we can have lunch together. Then we are going back to join the Granger-Weasley family, and I am going to the International Conference of Witches and Wizards with Rose."

"You do not decide that!" Draco insisted, a look of total shock and frustration in his face and bearing.

Scorpius put his hands on his hips and stared defiantly at his father. "Do you want me to publicly petition the Ministry to release me from my obligations to my nasty father and totally unloving mother in favor of the one person in this household who loves me, father? The Domestic Affairs Department has already dealt with this family once."

Scorpius turned away from his father, and in a much more pleasant tone continued, "Thank you, Grandmother Malfoy, for loving me. Great-Grandmother Black, you too. Could you please accept Rose?"

Great-grandmother Black looked down at her feet, not wanting to meet her great-grandson's eyes. Accepting a half Muggle was against everything she was raised to believe as a Black, but ...

Scorpius added, more quietly but with a voice full of confidence, "Not only would you be fighting the most powerful people in the ministry, father, but need I remind you I am a bloody hero after killing those basilisks."

Draco sat there sputtering.

"What happened to Cassiopeia Starkey?" Grandmother Black wondered.

"We caught her mostly undressed in bed with Percival Frobisher," Rose proclaimed.

"She was close to losing her virginity, if she has not already lost it," Scorpius added. "Not with me, although she made it clear she would let me. That is not the type of witch I want to marry!"

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