Ch 12 A Somewhat Normal Start to Summer Vacation

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Only one line from Deb, but it is brilliant, and really helps the story. More changes inspired by Diane as well. As usual, most of the story, and all the mistakes, are mine.


Saturday May twenty-ninth the Hogwarts Express left for a normal trip back to London. Almost everyone was on the train. Albus and Cleo were allowed to ride the train, although their Elves were with them, and there was an Auror at each end of their train car, and other Department of Law Enforcement personnel shadowing the train.

Scorpius and Cleopatra were met at the train by Draco and Narcissa. Scorpius asked, "Where is mother?"

"She is at the healers," Draco replied, sighing. "The healers have told her that she is too thin, and that she needs to gain weight."

The four Magi took a Floo to Malfoy Manor.

"Are you worried about her health?" Cleo wondered as they exited the Floo.

"Very worried," Draco sighed. "She has not eaten a healthy diet for years, and has been chronically underweight."

"And you care?" Scorpius wondered.

"She is my wife, your mother, Scorpius!" Draco emphasized. "We do not always get along, I know, but she is my wife. I don't want her to just starve herself to death. Of course I care!"

"Sorry," Scorpius mumbled.

Draco stormed off.

Scorpius wondered, "Grandmother, could you and I talk? I am confused."

"Come into my office, and I will have an Elf bring us some tea," Narcissa kindly replied.

"I am going up to my bedroom," Cleo told the other two.

Narcissa and Scorpius went into Narcissa's private office, and she closed the door and performed some basic privacy spells. She called for an Elf, who could Apparate through the spells she had cast, and asked for some tea. Once it was delivered, she took a drink, and then looked at Scorpius, inviting him to talk by her look.

"Does mother love father?" Scorpius wondered.

Narcissa had to think about that. "I'm not sure," she finally suggested, "that your mother loves anyone, including herself. Your father and I have been trying to have her see mind healers since well before they married, but she has resisted. I'm not sure how she feels about herself or us. No one knows what happened to her during her time at Hogwarts and she refuses to talk about it, but something bad did and it's affected her."

"Does father love mother?" Scorpius persisted.

"I think he tries," Narcissa thought. "I think the wedding charms failed when it came to your mother, but not your father. Your father tries to love your mother, but she is not an easy person to love. He does care for her or tries."

Scorpius looked at his grandmother. "Do you love my mother?"

Narcissa looked down at the floor, and Scorpius thought she was going to cry. "I try, I really do. I have always wanted the best for her."

Scorpius started to cry. "It is hard having a mother that doesn't love you. I see so much love when we go over to see the Granger-Weasley and Weasley and Potter families. I wish I was part of that family."

"Rose?" Narcissa suggested.

"I wish I was going to be ... I hate it that ... I don't like Cassie, not like that!" Scorpius fumbled, trying to get out what he was feeling.

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