•Chapter 7•

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"Shall we get going then?"

You woke up to a sleeping Toga clinging onto your waist. You smiled to yourself, gently running your fingers through her hair. "Do you like what you see?" Toga chuckled. Your face immediately became red, and you yanked your hand back to yourself. "Aw man, I liked when you did that! I shouldn't have said anything." She pouted, making you frown. "We need to get up anyways." You pointed out, sitting up. "But whyyy, it's Saturday!" She whined. "Because, I'm not wasting my weekend on sleeping. C'mon, I'll take you to a cafe or something." You offered.

Toga's eyes lit up as she heads you say those words, she immediately jumped out of bed and met face-to-face with you. "Really?! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She beamed, jumping up and down. You slightly smiled at how adorable the blonde was.

"Shall we get going then?"

~Time skip~

The both of you sat in a cafe, Toga giggling like a child. "So, what do you want? I'm paying, after all." You asked. "Hm? I'm okay with anything, you pick!" The blonde girl exclaimed. "Fine." You groaned.

After a couple of minutes, you ordered for the both of you, and got your order. "Guess what, (y/n)!" Toga grinned. "I don't want to guess, Himiko. Just tell me." You sighed. "Well, today is my birthday!" She giggled. Your heart stopped.

Why haven't she told you?

Now you felt bad.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" You questioned. "I honestly forgot, and didn't think you would care that much." Toga chuckled, poking her fingers back and forth.

Now you felt extra bad.

Had I been that harsh to her?

"Of course I care, Himiko. Don't ever convince yourself that I don't care. I'm your friend now, so I'm going to be there as much as possible, got that?" You looked her straight into her eyes. She looked taken aback.

"Y-yeah, got it!" Toga smiled widely, a blush forming on her cheeks. Her smile made your heart ache.


"Anyways, happy birthday. Is there anywhere else you'd like to go?" You asked. She violently shook her head. "Nope, I'm good! Thank you, though!" Toga answered. You nodded your head. "Thank you so much for taking me out, (y/n)-chan!" She grinned. "No problem." You chuckled.

~Time skip~

You plopped on your bed, groaning. It was the middle of the day, and you had dropped off Toga already.

Thinking about her made your heart beat faster, it made butterflies appear in your stomach. You were so confused, why were you thinking this?

You chose to ignore it, but someday you had to figure it out before all of the possibilities will swarm around your head.

A/n: I'm literally so sorry that this was short! Today was Toga's birthday, so I had to quickly write a chapter.

Remember to stay hydrated and eat, you deserve it! :>

Remember to stay hydrated and eat, you deserve it! :>

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-Jynx <3

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