•Chapter 1•

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"Don't worry, I'll see you soon.."

You walked on the sidewalk, on your way to school. You had been going to U.A for about a month now, so you already knew everyone pretty well. While going to U.A was rewarding, it was also tiring and drained your energy.

You yawned and kicked a rock, dreading going to school the whole time.

~Time skip~

You opened the 1-A classroom to find that you were early, seeing that the whole class wasn't there yet...your homeroom teacher nowhere to be found either. You groaned and took a seat.

You felt a tap on your shoulder, coming from behind you. You turned around to find one of your friends, Mina Ashido. "Hey (l/n)! You seem tired, what's up?" She questioned. You enjoyed Mina's company, but sometimes she is very draining.

"Insomnia." You coldly replied, turning back around to face the board.

"Wha- you can't just give me a one word answer! Talk to me, silly!" Mina smirked, playing with your (hair length) hair. "You asked a question, I gave you an answer. Leave me alone." You spat. "Ugh, your no fun." She rolled her eyes and stopped playing with your hair.

More and more students entered the classroom, making it a louder environment. Finally, your homeroom teacher walked through the door. "Alright class, today for training...." Mr. Aizawa continued to talk, but it was all muffled. You were so tired, you couldn't listen anymore.

Then, everything went dark.

~Time skip~

You felt someone shake your arm, causing your eyes to open. You woke up and turned to the side, seeing Mina attempting to wake you up. "Hey (l/n), wake up! Wake up!" She hollered. You lifted your head straight up. "How long was I asleep?" You asked. "Throughout the whole day. Thankfully it was a day where we didn't have to switch classes, and Mr. Aizawa didn't catch you." Mina said. You sighed in relief and stood up.

"Is it time to leave?" You questioned. She nodded her head. "Mhm! Ohhh quick question, do you want to walk home with me?" Mina asked, jumping up and down. You felt bad turning her down, but you already had plans. "Sorry Ashido, but I already had plans to walk home with Ochaco. Maybe tomorrow?" You gave her a tired smile. "That's fine with me! Bye (l/n)!" Mina giggled, walking out of the door. You waved goodbye, and made your way over to Uraraka.

"Hey Ochaco! Are you ready to go?" You smiled. The brunette turned around to face you. Unironicly, she was talking to Midoriya. "Oh, hey (y/n)! Also yes, I'm ready!" She giggled, walking away with you. "Bye Deku, I'll talk to you tomorrow!" Uraraka waved to Midoriya. He waved back, then looked away.

The two of you walked through the streets, talking. "So Ochaco, how are you and Midoriya?" You smirked. Uraraka's face turned into a deep red.

"(Y-y/n)! Me and Deku aren't like that!" She squeaked. You rolled your eyes in a playful way. "Yet." You chuckled.

After awhile of talking and messing around, you couldn't help but feel like eyes were staring at you and Uraraka. "Hey Ochaco? I feel like we're being watched." You admitted. Uraraka stopped in her tracks and looked at you. "Yeah, me too. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to freak you out." She responded. "Should we make a run for it or just continue walking?" You whispered. "I think we should make a run for it." Uraraka mumbled.

You nodded your head. You weren't completely sure if there actually was someone watching you, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

You grabbed her hand and started sprinting to your house. You heard footsteps following behind you, but you didn't look back. You didn't want to risk it.

After a lot of running, you and Uraraka finally made it to your house. The palms if your hands were on your knees, and you were panting. "I think we lost them." You gasped for air. "Hey (y/n), can I stay at your house for awhile?" She asked. You nodded your head. "Of course."

The two of your walked inside, to find your mother on the couch watching TV. "Oh hey sweetie! I see Uraraka came home with you. You look panicked, what happened?" Your mother asked. "Someone was watching us." You answered, closing the front door behind you. "What? Do you know who was watching you? Are you alright?" She questioned, her face filled with shock. "No, I don't know who was watching us, and we're fine. We made a run for it. Also, can Ochaco stay here for a little while?" You asked. "Of course! She's a family friend, and she's welcome anytime." She replied, the shock and worry leaving her face. You nodded your head and ran upstairs into your room, Uraraka following behind you.

You shut the door and flopped onto your bed. "Man, that was scary!" Uraraka sighed and sat down beside you. "Yeah." You mumbled, you voice being muffled from being shoved into the bed.

Unknown's pov:

I hid in an alleyway, staring at two U.A students walk home. One was a girl with brown hair and rosy cheeks, and the other was a (h/c) person. They both looked very interesting, but the one that fascinated me the most was the (h/c) kid.

Staring at them made my cheeks heat up.

I have to get a closer look at them!

I shuffled my way out of the alleyway and behind some trash cans, getting closer.

"Hey Ochaco? I feel like we're being watched." I heard the (h/c) kid mumble. The so called 'Ochaco' said something I couldn't quite make out, and the (h/c) kid whispered something.

Then all of a sudden, they started running.

Did they see me?

I revealed myself from the trashcan, and sprinted after them. They didn't even look back!

After awhile, I couldn't keep track of where they were, so I finally gave up.

Don't worry, I'll see you soon.

A/n: hey! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter.

Yesterday was Denki's birthday and I missed it, I'm very disappointed 😔💔

Anyways, happy late birthday to Denki

-Jynx <3

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