•Chapter 4•

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"Who are you?!"

Your heart stopped as your mother
said those words.

How? How could this be possible?

"What do you mean, she didn't go to school today? I saw and heard her, how could she have not gone to school?" You questioned, very concerned. "I don't know, sweetie. I'm just as confused as you are, but we can't really do much in this situation." Your mother put her hand on your shoulder, not helping that much.

If Ashido haven't gone to school today, then who was I talking to?

You decided to just sleep on it. You rushed upstairs and flopped onto your bed, taking a nap.

~Time skip to the next day~

Your eyes fluttered open, realizing that it was the next day. You slithered out of bed, not wanting to go to school. You got changed into your uniform and grabbed your bag, heading downstairs. As you ran, small thumps could be heard with each step you took.

"Bye mom, love you!" You waved to your mother, opening the front door. "Bye (y/n), be safe!" She waved. You shut the door, and walked along the sidewalk to U.A.

It was raining outside, you could feel the cold droplets hitting your skin. It felt nice, but you really didn't want to get wet. Unfortunately, you didn't have an umbrella. Hooray.

You groaned in annoyance, continuing to walk.

When you finally got inside the school, you were soaked. You shivered as the air conditioner hit your skin, opening the class 1-A classroom. You were right on time.

You made your way over to your seat, and sat down. The hairs on your neck stood up as you saw Mina out of the corner of your eye, staring at you. This imposter, obviously was not the Mina you knew.

The whole day, she was acting strange. She had been acting the exact same as she was yesterday.

~Time skip to the end of the day~

You walked home beside Mina, listening closely. You wanted to figure out who this person really is.

"So (y/n), can I come to your house today? Can I, can I?" She begged.

That was it, this definitely wasn't Mina.

You grabbed her shoulders and slammed her onto a wall, pinning her so she couldn't ecsape. Her face was filled with shock. "Who are you?!" You shouted, causing her to flinch. "What do you mean, (y/n)? It's me, Mina Ashido!" She exclaimed. You narrowed your eyes in disbelief. "Ashido doesn't call me by my first name. So, I'll ask again. Who are you?" You hissed.

The imposter sighed. "Fine, I guess you got me." She mumbled. Suddenly, it seemed like her skin was melting off. You yelped in shock, your arms flying backwards, making if to where she could ecsape. But she didn't.

When all of the pink skin had melted off, it was revealed that the imposter was what seemed to be a blonde girl with yellow eyes that reminded you of a cat. She noticable canines, and was blushing. As you looked down, you noticed that she wasn't even wearing clothes. You covered your eyes, your face heating up.

"I'm Himiko Toga, but you can call me Himiko." She grinned. "O-okay, but why are you naked!" You squeaked, trying not to look. "Oh, that has to do with my quirk. But don't worry! I have extra clothes in my backpack." Toga giggled, zipping open her bag. After a couple of minutes, she finally said something again.

"You can look now, cutie." She said. You looked up to find that she was wearing a school girl uniform, but not the same uniform as the one at your school. "Wait, if you don't go to my school, then how did you get in? And why did you get in? Wait, were you the one who was watching me and Ochaco?" You questioned.

"I'll explain that later. But for now, I'm going to need you to follow me." Toga motioned you to follow her. You couldn't completely trust her. For all you know, she could be trying to kill you... But you decided to follow her.

After walking for what seemed like forever, the two of you finally reached your destination. She took you to an abandoned bar, happily skipping inside. You silently walked beside her, confused on why she brought you here. As you entered the bar, you looked around.

Your heart dropped when you spotted Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri. Shigaraki was the leader of the League of Villains, and Kurogiri was part of it. You didn't recognize anyone else, though.

Well, I'm gonna die.

You got into fighting stance, prepared for anything they throw at you. You couldn't exactly use your quirk, since there weren't any plants in this place.

"Relax. (Y/n) (l/n), was it? We are the League of Villains, and we brought you here to make you an offer. You see, I've had Toga here watch you for a couple of days now. According to her, you've done some pretty impressive things, and you'd be great for the league. You could be the U.A traitor, and help us kill All Might." Shigaraki explained. You thought about it.

Become a villain? But isn't that the exact opposite of what I want my career to be? But then again, being a villain could mean I get to whatever I want.

"Ooo, please join (y/n)!" Toga begged. "Hush, crazy. Let them finish." A man with purple scars and black hair mumbled.

"I'll think about it, but for now just give me your number. I'll text you my decision in a day." You answered. Shigaraki nodded his head, handing you everyone from the league's phone number. Well, except for his own. Most likely because he always accidentally disintegrates his phone. "When you make up your mind, text Dabi. He will tell me." He mentioned, pointing to the man with purple scars. You nodded your head, and exited out of the bar.

Before you could leave, Toga embraced you into a hug. You felt her slender arms wrap around your waist, so you looked down. You weren't quite sure what to do in this situation. You didn't even know this girl, but you felt bad for declining. So you hugged her back, and quickly pulled away.

"Bye (y/n)!!" She called out, violently waving. You waved back, and left the League of Villains hideout.

~Time skip to when you get home~

You opened the front door, and walked inside. "Where were you? You were supposed to be home three hours ago!" Your mother asked, worry tracing in her voice. "I was at Ochaco's house, mom." You lied.

When you glanced up, you noticed how your mother looked worried-sick. "Please tell me when your going to a friend's house next time. I thought you were kidnapped or something." She sighed in relief. You nodded your head, and ran up the stairs.

Before you could enter your room, you heard a familiar voice call out your name. Though it wasn't your mom's voice. "(Y/n)!!" Your little brother, Simon, shouted. Simon was 13 years old, and had gone to visit your father for a week. "Oh, hey Simon." You gave him a side smile. "I missed you, (y/n)! Also, where were you for the last couple of hours?" Simon smiled. "None of your business." You coldly replied, entering your room.

You shut the door, and got changed into comfortable clothes. You lay down in bed, and started to watch youtube.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember to stay hydrated!

-Jynx <3

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