• yours truly

693 32 4

3rd person.

for the bigger part of his life, luke has always woken up alone. at the beginning of his teen years he didn't really mind. though as the years passed all his friends were starting to get crushes, they got girlfriends, developed relationships, basically having great love lives. in the mean time luke had still been looking around for the right person but they just didn't seem to come. he did have crushes on several people but they never returned his feelings, never cared as much about him as he cared about them. it started to bother him that he had no one except some friends who had girlfriends themselves and he felt lonelier and lonelier as the time went by.

because of that, he kind of feels strange inside as soon as he wakes up. instead of having a cold blanket in his arms there is a warm body pressed up against his, laying in his arms. also he isn't in his room, a soft summer breeze is brushing over the two. when he opens his eyes there isn't a plain white ceiling he's looking at as usual, instead there is a wide blue sky over him. the air isn't too warm but the sun is shining directly on his face and it feels nice. he wants to stretch his arms and back but he doesn't want to wake up the cute white haired boy who he is currently spooning. just as he wants to remove his hands from around michael's waist, the other boy turns around. he is yawning before his still half-asleep eyes slowly open.

"morning, beautiful," luke says, not even trying to hide his smile which is filled with nothing but fond for the precious boy in his arms. his voice is still raspy and his eyes aren't completely opened yet.

"shut up, i'm not beautiful," michael murmurs, hiding his face in his hands. luke shakes his head, removing his hands and then cups michael's face.

"you are. and you're cute as well."

"i'm not cute either! have you even looked at me? i'm fucking punk," he protests tiredly.

"you're so cute when you say that," luke smiles. he only has to lean in a little to kiss the boy's forehead because they are laying so close to each other already. michael can't help but to let out a very punk rock giggle and luke isn't oblivious to the fact that the smaller boy's cheeks are heating up.

"i'm still too sleepy to argue with you," michael mumbles, "no energy."

"then close your eyes for a while again, love," luke tells him. michael nods as his eyes are already close and blindly leans forward towards luke, face burying in his chest. he lets out a content sigh as he slowly drifts off again. luke buries his nose in the boy's hair, timidly breathing in his scent as his mind wanders off to the day before.

michael had driven them to the middle of nowhere with his pick up he borrowed from his parents. usually they only allowed him to drive it when one of them was there as well, but after weeks of begging he had convinced them that these were his and luke's only few days together in a long time and that he wanted to make it special and romantic. so finally, his parents had agreed. under a lot of terms and conditions of it not getting damaged or dirty of course, but michael was so grateful he could do it.

luke had asked where they were going a lot of times during the ride. michael hadn't even talked about it, he just shook his head and fixed his gaze on the road with that stupid smirk of his. the warm sun was on his face and the wind blowing through the open windows made his hair dance. music was playing but not loudly enough to keep luke from whining, though michael didn't give in. they drove on sandy roads and fields where no one was around, before they finally arrived. the flower field michael had discovered when he was still a kid.

the flowers weren't big but they were small and cute and there were a lot of them, covering at least a square kilometre. michael pulled over, not caring where he parked it because they were the only one around and people barely came there anyway. it was so in the middle of nowhere that only few people knew it actually existed.

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