• cloudless skies

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[part 2 of rain]


3rd person.

michael woke up in warmth, nothing but warmth. he felt something warm and weightless on his face, assuming it was a ray of sun. he wondered how that was possible because the never shone into his room in the morning, but then he noticed the presence of another body laying next to him. soft snores filled the room and michael would have fallen back to sleep if he didn't feel like such shit.

he felt his stomach turning against him, making him feel like he was about to puke out all of his insides. he sat up quickly as gag noises started to leave his throat and he panicked because he didn't know where the bathroom was. he heard shuffling beside him, indicating that luke had heard him struggle and before he realised the sheets were thrown off him he was being picked up.

"shit, i-" michael tried to speak but was cut of by a burp leaving him, followed by him almost gagging again. he heard that luke's breath was quick, hurrying for the bathroom. michael clung onto him, covering his mouth, and soon he was placed down on cold tiles. luke helped his hands find the toilet seat just in time, the content of michael's stomach soon filling it. he coughed and he felt so helpless but at least he was glad he couldn't see what had just came out of his body. it did stink a lot but he didn't have the time to worry about that because he felt a second load coming already. he bent over again, tears spilling down as well as luke rubbed his hand up and down michael's back slowly.

"calm down michael," luke said from next to him, "just try to breathe."

but michael trembled too much, his breaths were too quick and too sharp. he wanted to calm down but he couldn't. he wanted to stop throwing up because he felt more than disgusting but the odds weren't in his favour as he bent over for the third time.

he whimpered, feeling like he had puked out his entire stomach. his throat was sore and the taste in his mouth was nasty. he breathed in as deeply as he could, trying to keep it steady.

"those are the cons of rain," he croaked out, laughing sarcastically. luke sighed, folding his arms around michael again. he picked him up and carefully carried him towards the counter. he sat him down and michael pulled up his knees immediately, wrapping his arms around them and laying down his chin to rest on his knees. he sniffled as he heard luke flushing the toilet.

luke's footsteps went to the other side of the bathroom, were silent for a moment and then came back. directly next to michael the faucet was opened, and then there was a hand under his chin, tilting up his head. a warm cloth wiped away his tears and cleaned his mouth, completely refreshing him. luke was very gentle and michael enjoyed it, loving how caring he was.

"stay inside the next time," luke said. michael nodded, this wasn't the first time he'd gotten sick after spending a long time in the rain but it had never been that bad. "can you walk?" luke asked, to which michael nodded. he slowly slid off the counter and placed his feet on the cold tiles of the floor. his legs felt like jelly but he was glad he could properly stand up. but despite he was okay, luke was next to him and had an arm around the boy. he led them out of the room and the carpeted floor was a lot softer and warmer to michael's feet.

michael still felt a bit nauseous but it was a lot less than when he had just woken up. he was sat down on an incredibly comfortable couch, expecting luke to sit beside him but he didn't. instead luke went over to the other side of the room, leaving michael on his own.

"do you like fall out boy?" he asked.

"they're like one of my favourite bands ever," michael smiled.

"good," he heard a mumble before a button was pressed. soon after music filled the room, not to loud and creating a comfortable background sound.

they spent their entire saturday mostly doing nothing, luke taking care of the sick boy. he made soup for him and they chatted about their lives, their interests and music taste. they appeared to have quite a lot in common and their conversation never fell quiet. at least, not until it was a couple of hours later and they were talking about more serious things.

"for how long have you been blind?" luke asked softly, not wanting to be too sudden. michael sighed, furrowing his eyebrows. it was a sensitive topic to him but he kind of trusted luke, he didn't want to keep this from him.

"only for a couple of weeks now," was his reply. luke looked at him with sorry in his eyes. michael sat there crossed legged, head down and a bit nervously playing with his bracelets.

"how did it happen?"

michael sighed. "it's kind of hard for me to talk about it."

"it's okay, i'm not forcing you."

michael gave a soft smile before turning back to serious. "the last thing i have ever seen was a knife coming towards me in an alley at night."

he ran his hand through his hair, pressing his lips together. luke flung his arm around him and held him close.

"long story short, the ones i have now are artificial."

luke couldn't believe it. he could not believe that anyone could do something that heartless to such an innocent boy. he had to do his best to not start bawling right there, wishing there was something he could do to give this boy his eyesight back but he was completely powerless.

"i'm so sorry, mikey."

"it's okay, i gotta be lucky i'm still alive. but let's switch to another topic, i want to ask you something."

"which is?"

"what do you look like?"

after that they talked about lighter things again, mostly enjoying their time together until the sun sank down until below the skyline. and way too soon luke was walking michael home under the stars, both quite happy it wasn't raining as much anymore.

and they might have made plans to hang out again soon, and luke might have given michael a quick but soft kiss on the lips on the doorstep before he turned around again. and michael might have felt it tingling inside of his heart for a while before he entered, meeting with his angry curly flatmate who had been worrying sick about him.

and soon after they might have kissed more on the several dates they went on, and they might have fallen in love.

and right now they might be married with 3 kids and a dog named scrappy with only 3 legs.

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