Chapter 26- The Mad Scientist

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Writer~San: *confetti cannons go off* Surprise! GOT A BONUS CHAPTER FOR YALL TODAY! Finished it early and I honestly haven't posted two chapters on the same day in long a while. I used to be able to do it more often ;w; BUT NoW yA geT oNe tODaY! I hope you enjoy it, because it's over 2000 words too uwu
(~Your POV + Time Skip~)

Frisk takes Fell's jacket, putting it on while stepping into the Riverperson's boat. The boat shifted in the water, making Frisk stumble only a bit before hopping in completely. This small change scared the heck out of poor Flowey. He let out a small scream and practically cut off blood circulation to Frisk's entire arm from how tight his grip became.

I'm nervous, but we have to make sure he's spotted as little as possible. Besides, I think the Riverperson couldn't care less about everyone's business.

Frisk smiles and waves to us, "See ya soon! Be careful." "You too. Undyne will text any information you need to Fell's phone."

'I don't get it. How could Frisk be so optimistic at a time like this..? The king has killed several humans and countless monsters too. Will Asgore even care about what Frisk has to say?'

The boat rows away towards New Home. Spaced out, I watch it for a long while. My anxiety is making it impossible for me to ignore it. A hand grips firmly around my shoulder. It's Undyne. "Y/N? We have to keep moving." I sigh and nod, "I know."

Undyne smirks, "Well, one more thing first." Before I could ask what, she dives straight into the river. A few seconds go by, I just stand there with a confused and stunned expression.

'Why did she??? . . . She's not coming up.'

"UNDYNE!" I scream, thinking about the strong currents that hide under the water's surface. I can't go in there to help her. That's a fact that makes this worse. I scream for her again, worried sick. Time seems to go so much slower as my eyes scanned the dark waters.

'THaT's iT- I'm going to lose another person I care about?! REALLY?!! I hate life!!!'

Undyne's head pops above the water. She's laughing, "What?! If I go through Hotland without some hydration, I'll dry out."

I grab at my chest, relieved at seeing she's okay. Undyne sees this and smiles, "Ya worried about a fish in water? Geez punk, you need some chill pills. I can freaking breathe underwater."

She swims out and stands up, stretching, "Alright, now we can go." Embarrassed, my face glows bright (s/c) as I punch her shoulder and walk off. This only made her laugh more as she runs after me, "PUNK WAIT! I'm SoRRy!" "We both know you don't mean that! YOU DID THAT TO SCARE ME ON PURPOSE!" I fuss, walking faster.

(~Short Time Skip~)

The both of us approach a large lab in Hotland. I already get horrible feelings about this place. I've been experimented on countless times in my past, which is why my soul and magic are hindered or disabled in the first place.

I was always blindfolded and restrained every time, but I still remember the pain. The pain that made me scream so loud, I'd lose my voice for days. The experiments that would leave me laying motionless in my cell for days, half dead.

'Was it done here..? By this Dr.Alphys person..'

I start trembling, tightly grabbing at my arms. Undyne wraps an arm around me, "You recognize this place." "I-I don't k-k-know." I stutter. Even though I said that, my body reacts. I shake violently, my fingers scratching into my bones as tears pour out of my eye sockets. My eyes are fixated on those lab doors. I can feel the darkness seeping from under them, waiting to grab ahold of me and drag me in.

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