Chapter 3- Better Clothes

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(~Your POV + Time Skip~)

Night came faster than I thought. Both skeleton brothers still haven't given me a task or anything. They just have small bickering fits with each other like I'm not even here.

Well, it's late so I should go to bed. Will definitely have to wake up early tomorrow so I can go back home. Standing in the living room, I turn to Papyrus. He's right there, sitting on the couch. I politely ask him, "May I please go back in my cage to sleep?"

Sans laughs nervously, "Ya don't really want to sleep in there.. Do you?" "I'm okay with it. It's only for one night. Right Boss?" I reply.

Papyrus is staring at me with a conflicted look. He's hesitating.

'.... Why is he hesitant now too?'

Saying nothing to me, he turns to his brother, "Tell me there's no refund." Sans is already filled with confusion, "What?" "DON'T QUESTION ME! JUST SAY IT."

'What is going on?'

Sans replied with an unsure statement, "Uh... there is no refund?" Papyrus immediately slaps Sans' cheek, the harsh sound causing me to flinch. Sans grabs at his face and shouts, "OW!!! THAT'S THE THIRD TIME SINCE THE GIRL GOT HERE! WOULD YA JUST STOP IT?!!! I DID EXACTLY WHAT YOU FREAKING ASKED!"

Papyrus stands up and ignores him, his aggression sounding forced, "WHAT THE HECK, SANS?! I, THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS, SHOULDN'T LET YOU WASTE ALL OF THOSE SAVINGS! (S/C) Eyes should stay then! We can't give her back to them all for nothing! I'll get her some of my old clothes, you prepare the couch for her to sleep on." After all of that, he stormed upstairs.

'What. Just. Happened???'

Sans looks really puzzled for a moment, before he cracks up laughing, "Okay Boss." "You understood that?" I question, arching an eyebrow. Sans smiles at me, "Yeah. That's Boss' way of saying he wants you to stay without actually admitting it."

My soul skips for a moment. I end up giggling, "Really??? Okay?" Sans gets up, putting his hands in his pockets, "Well, since we're keeping ya, you might as well tell us what to call ya. Pretty sure your name ain't (S/C) Eyes, even though it is pretty flattering."

Sans chuckles and I blush a bit, mumbling, "Yeah, um... It's Y/N.." "Nice to meet ya. I think you should head upstairs into Boss' room to see what clothes you can fit."

'Oh.. Right.'

Taking his advice, I calmly make my way upstairs. Sans directs me, "It's the first door." "Thanks." My nervousness creeps back into my body as I quietly knock on the door, "Boss? C-Can I come in?" "IT'S NOT LOCKED." He answers.

Wasting no time, I take a deep breath in and walk inside. The walls are painted a dark red to match his red and black color scheme going on. His bed set is black, as is most of the furniture. A bookshelf, a desk with a computer, and a table cluttered with books and broken figures.

'Is that a flag on the wall?'

Papyrus appears from the nearby closet, scaring me, "Do you rather T-shirts or tank tops? I have both." I step closer, "Um.. I wouldn't mind either one. I guess it just depends on what fits better."

"Understandable. My clothes are much too long for you. That's why I'm sorting through the outfits I wore when I was younger." Boss explained before digging through the closet again. "Sans explained some things to me. Thank you for letting me stay." I say although being extremely anxious. Papyrus freezes for a moment, ".... You're welcome, (S/C) eyes." I smirk, "My name is Y/N, if you'd like to call me that instead."

He shifts back, glancing at me, "That depends. I'll call you whatever I want." I smile, sweetly replying as to not get on his bad side, "I understand, sir. I just thought I'd let you know."

He turns away from me again, "AH- HERE IT IS!" Boss grabs a folded set of pajamas, a red tank top and some black pants, offering it to me, "Would this work?" After taking it and inspecting it, I quietly nod.

'Might be a little big but it'll definitely fit... somewhat... Y'know what? Anything is better than this dress.'

He closes the closet, "I'll step out and let you change. Don't take longer than 5 minutes and don't touch anything." "Yes sir."

Papyrus leaves and shuts the door, leaving me alone. I sigh, waiting a moment just to be sure before slipping off my dress. Several cracks and scars cover my ribcage and spine. I hate being able to see them, sending chills down my spine. The only reason they're not on my arms and legs is because visible scars would drop my master's price on me. All imperfections have to be hidden for the cameras.

Sans and Papyrus confuse me. They've both given me personal space, food, and now clothes without being harsh or asking for anything in return. No one has done that. They always want or demand something.

What is with these two? Why aren't they like the others? As if they could care and pity for a stranger... What's the catch?

'I will find out. Be realistic, Y/N. They aren't doing this to be friends.'

Unsure of how much time has passed, I hurriedly grab the clothes Boss gave to me. I slip the pants on with no problems. They're a little big as expected, but definitely comfy. As I'm unfolding the shirt, something drops out of it and hits the floor. Spooked, I jump back and squeak.

It's a collar.

I bend down and pick it up. It's a black collar with a gold chain attached to it. It looks very similar to the one Sans has on, but without the small spikes. This one is smaller too.

'Was this for Sans too, but when he was younger?'

They won't openly tell me the reason why they bought me. I guess I could do some nudging and encourage them to tell me.

'No one can ignore or hide their true feelings forever.'

(~Fell's POV + Time Skip~)

"I think ya did the right thing, Boss." "SANS, I SAID SHUT UP." Boss growls, scooting himself farther down the couch. I place the pillow and neatly folded blanket aside for Y/N before sitting down.

Sitting in awkward silence again, I take a deep breath, "To think that after only a few hours, she would be your favorite." "SANS!" He scolds me while his cheeks flush bright red. I chuckle through a smile. Sometimes it's really entertaining and funny to get under his skin.

Y/N steps out of Boss' room, wearing a new outfit. Instead of the dress, she's got a red shirt, soft black pants, and Papyrus' collar. The specific one he wore during his cool rebellious teen phase.


I quickly lose my breath, laughing and wheezing, "You said you burned that a long time ago!" Papyrus dies blushing, flustered beyond belief, "WHERE DID SHE GET THAT?!" "I DoN'T kNOw BoSs. YoU tELL mE! HAHAHAHA-" I lose my composure completely, laughing even louder. Boss punches my shoulder, even more embarrassed, "BE QUIET BEFORE I STRANGLE YOU!!!"

Y/N comes downstairs, messing with her hands and blushing a tint of (S/C), "Um.. It was wrapped up in the clothes you gave me so I thought you wanted me to wear it."

'Heh, sure he did~'

My bro holds his hands over his face, absolutely stunned and mentally broken. This is so hilarious, I can't stop laughing as I roll over onto the floor.

Y/N asks quietly, messing with the collar, "D-Do you want me to take it off?" Boss huffs, putting his hands in his lap and looking away with his tomato-red face, "No, you can keep it. I wasn't using it anyway."

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