Chapter 16- Did You Move On?

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(~Edge's POV~)

I have to admit... Sitting on the couch is way more comfortable than the kitchen floor. Y/N wore herself out completely, and fell asleep earlier after I had calmed her down. She's positioned in my lap, laying forward with her head and body against my chest.

I would move her to a better spot so she wouldn't have to sleep sitting up. However, she seems comfortable, so I won't move her. To help her stay calm and keep her from falling backwards, I hold her close to me and continuously pet the back of her skull. Y/N did flinch at first, but as the minutes passed she accustomed to it and relaxed.

To check on her soul, I had to stop petting her for a few seconds. It made me smirk when she softly whined and rubbed her head against my shirt, needy for the attention. "Alright, Alright. Calm down, I'm still here." I sigh and continue to pet her again. Y/N repositions herself to be closer and more comfortable before going limp again.

Since Y/N is finally giving herself some time to rest, her soul slowed down to a normal rate and has already started to repair some of those cracks. This gives me a wave of relief, helping my soul to relax and do the same.

'I could've lost her. . . If Y/N keeps allowing her anxiety attacks to overwhelm her like that... If I wasn't here or successful in getting her to snap out of it, she would've killed herself.'

Sans sits on the couch too, but keeps some space between us. I tell him, "I don't understand. I thought she was getting better." "I'm sorry, Boss. She's been through a lot of trauma. Some people, like us, can move forward and get past it. Well.... Others like her can't, and it affects them for their entire life." He replies, messing with the zipper on his jacket.

"Have you moved on from it, Sans?" I ask. I turn to see him flinch, and he looks away, "I don't know what you mean." "The countless nightmares are one thing. You say stuff I don't even understand, wake up screaming, and sometimes you send your own magic attacks into the wall. I see you get paranoid about certain things, though you try to hide it. When you don't drown your anxieties by getting drunk or sleeping all day, you have panic attacks just like her. So, I will repeat myself. Have you really moved on from what our father did to us? Or from what I've done to you?"

"B-Boss, it's fine..! He's gone and y-you haven't done anything!" Sans pulls his hood over his head. Now I know I'm right. Careful not to wake Y/N, I lean over and pull his hood down again, "I want to see you clearly when I'm talking to you. And brother, why don't you stop lying and tell me the truth this time?"

He keeps looking in the opposite direction, scooting farther from me while rubbing and grabbing at his sleeves. I sigh in annoyance, "You saved my life, killing him and getting us out of that lab. Even when you went through all that trouble and did all of that, nearly killing yourself, I hated you for stupid inaccurate reasons. I abused you. Even though I.. I stopped hating you a long time ago."

My brother growls in response, "What the heck are ya talking about, Boss? You've acted the same since we left. I'm not mad, because you're always right. I'm useless. I can't do even the simplest tasks. I sleep all the time but Heck! I can't even get proper sleep over stupid nightmares liKe SoMe LiTTLe KId! You don't have to pretend like you don't hate me just because Y/N-" "This has nothing to do with Y/N!" I blurt out, upset.

Fell flinches, expecting me to strike him. But I won't. As the silence draws out, Sans starts to shake. Even though he's turned away from me, I notice the red tears tracing down his cheek.

As hard as this is going to be, I push myself to continue, "The real reason I didn't stop was because I was ashamed! Ashamed that I had basically become our father, the very thing you wanted to protect me from. I was ashamed and I had no idea how to apologize for what I had done!!! I STILL DON'T!! Y/N helped me to realize some things, but she didn't tell me to do this..!"

I can't stop my own tears as I raise my voice, "SO I'M SORRY!" Sans holds his breath and shivers, pressing his hand over his face. Completely ashamed of myself, I quietly turn away from him. I don't expect him to forgive me and I'm definitely not going to force that. It's probably true to say that I'm the reason he's not okay. Trying not to lose my composure, I take a deep breath and resume my duties with taking care of Y/N.

Fortunately for me, she still hasn't woken up through any of this. I guess I didn't realize how exhausted she really is.

It scared me when I felt another set of arms wrap around me from the side. I look down and see Sans, hugging me while hiding his face under his hood again, "I know you don't like people touching ya but.. I'm not so good with words either."

Emotions like joy and relief overpower every piece of doubt and anxiety I have. I refuse to let myself cry anymore so I have to quickly deal with that first. (Writer~San: Awww ;w; ) I take a moment to breathe and contain my emotions. It took me a moment and a lot of willpower but I succeeded, keeping calm. Without saying another word, I wrap one arm around him and pull him closer. I feel his grip get tighter as he starts shaking more.

I remind him, "I may be more willing to change my rules but you are still not allowed to go to Grillby's." I hear Sans' muffled laughter as he responds, "Dang, my plan is ruined." "Is that really what this is about?" I gasp, shocked and slightly offended.

He yawns and lays against my side, "Nah, I'm just joking with ya, Pap." I pout and feel my face heat up in embarrassment, trying to ignore my nickname, "Well I didn't think it was funny..."

My brother doesn't respond and the room goes silent. Confused, I look at him again. His breathing has slowed down and his body lost all it's tension, fully leaning against me. My best guess is that the lazybones fell asleep, hugging me still. Just to check, I pull down his hood. Yep, now I can clearly see Sans is sleeping too.

'HoW?! It's dinner time and yet these two fall asleep so easily!'

I look over and see the bag of Grillby's placed on the table near the door. My first inclination, THROW IT OUT! .... But I know my brother went through all the trouble of getting it. He probably got some for Y/N too, considering I was supposed to be resting.

'I'll put it in the fridge. Let them heat it up for later.'

Writer~San: I needed a chapter between the bros and I'm so happy- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA XD Those two have been so distant from each other lately. I needed a chapter just for them. I don't know if it's considered fluff or not but it was heartwarming (in my opinion). Well, see ya in the next chapter!!!! Thanks for reading!

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