Chapter 7- Reports

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(~Your POV + Time Skip Next Day~)

"Come on, Y/N."
"Here, Y/N. C'mere." Sans whistles to get my attention.
"Y/N, ignore him."
"Y/N, I got you some snacks~"

I watch them both, my confusion escalating. The brothers are on opposite sides of the living room. Everything was normal. I was planning to get some hot chocolate from the kitchen, then got stuck in the middle of this.

I nervously hug my arms around myself, asking, "A-Am I in trouble?" Sans chuckles, "No, you're not. Boss and I are just playing a game. Come over here and you can play too." "DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!" Papyrus demands, giving his brother an intense glare. Like before, they both start calling my name again. Over and over.

'What the heck? What is happening right now? Am I some kind of pet or something?'

Overwhelmed, I exchange confused looks between the two brothers. I'm not sure where to go or what to believe. That's when I saw Papyrus outstretch his arms, "Come here, Y/N."


I rush into his arms and let him embrace me. Joy fills my soul as I nuzzle my face into his soft shirt. (Writer~San: *insert cat purrs lol* =w=)

Across the room, Sans shouts in defeat, "Dang it! SINCE WHEN do you give people hugs?!" Edge gently pets my head, replying, "That is none of your concern. Point is that you lost, Y/N made her choice." "Yeah, I get it. I ain't nobody's friend." Fell huffs, his feelings hurt.

"Sans, I'm friends with both of you. Boss, you can share." I correct them. Sans smiles, "Heh.. Thanks, doll."

I look up at Edge, sticking my tongue out slightly in a playful smirk. He blushes, turning away from me. Papyrus steps back and rubs the back of his neck, "Crap.." I quickly noticed that he's sweating.

'What's going on? Is he okay?'

He roughly rubs his eye sockets and mumbles in discomfort, "I.. Excuse me for a moment..." Papyrus walks to the kitchen. Turning to Fell, I see he's got the same concern as me. "I can go talk to him." I offer. Fell agreed to it, nodding, "I'll be in my room if ya need anything."

Following Papyrus, I peer in. He's taking deep breaths while splashing cool water from the sink onto his skull and face. I softly knock on the kitchen doorframe, "Hey." Edge sighs, "Hello. Can you get me a towel?... please.." "Yeah- um.. Hold on a sec."

Wasn't long before I found one and handed it to him, "Is something wrong?" "It's nothing more than a small headache. I get them all the time because of this." He gestures to his scars and wipes the water off of his face. Only then did he open his eyes and glance to me.

I understand that the effects of a previous head injury would probably give him trouble. Yet, I'm still worrying about it. I narrow my eyebrows, very concerned, "You sure? I can send Fell to the shopkeeper if you need medicine or something."


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