5 - sweet dreams Porko

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"Thank you for taking care of his drunk ass. He really doesn't know when to stop." Niko was really trying not to laugh once he saw how Joonas was so absent-minded, he didn't even have the energy to say hello to his best friend. He just kept staring into nothingness through his glassy eyes.

The curly-haired one was just standing there like a rag doll on figure skates and if Niko and I didn't act soon it would only be a matter of time until Joonas would simply just tip over to one side once again. And this time there would be no bush to cushion the impact.

"No, he really doesn't" I answered, nervously intertwining my fingers. I really wanted to make a good first impression on Joonas' best friend. Then again the man with the long brown hair probably already gave me a lot of credit for managing to get the drunk fool that was Joonas all the way from the bar right to his doorstep.

Niko started to talk to Joonas but my drunk self didn't really pay much attention to the words they were exchanging.

I still had to process the fact that Joonas kissed me.

As much as I wanted to focus on the warm, tingly sensation that spread in my stomach when I remembered the feeling of our lips connecting, there was something that threw me off.

My mind started to contemplate wether or not it had been the right thing to do or if I maybe should have stopped things from happening.

We were both drunk, highly intoxicated and who knew how we would feel about the kiss once our hazy state of mind had worn off.

What if one of us would regret kissing the other one the next day? I mean we barely knew each other. And now this? All I was feeling in this moment was a deep confusion that just wouldn't let me go.

"Hey could you help me out here for a second?" Niko's voice brought me back to earth. He had layed Joonas' left arm around his shoulders, supporting him on one side by placing one of his hands on his friend's back.

"Yeah, sure." I took it upon me to grab Joonas' other arm which was dangling like a dead limb and slowly raised it until I was able to place it around my shoulders.

By now the blonde-haired one barely showed any kind of reaction to what was happening around him.

His eyelids were flickering in at dangerously fast pace and the breaths that left his mouth were irregular and shallow.

Heaving his body down the road and up to Niko's apartment didn't exactly turn out to be easy.

Joonas wasn't even attempting to make us carrying him a little easier by supporrting himself with his legs, instead his whole body weight was resting on Niko's and my shoulders, leaving us both panting.

"When the hell did you get so heavy man?" Niko brought up between heavy breaths as we downright dragged Joonas' body inside his apartment.

It really seemed to be the case that only the blonde-haired one's body was present, that he had left his consciousness behind somewhere along the road.

All that escaped his lips now were a few inaudable growls as Niko and I finally managed to heave Joonas body into the bedroom.

"And One. Two. Three." Joonas body was landing on the bed and Niko and I exchanged a few exhausted looks.

"Time to get undressed man." Niko said to Joonas although he knew his friend was too wasted to bring up a proper answer. The man with the long brown hair started to untie Joonas' shoes, meanwhile I was just standing in the corner of the room, not really knowing what to do next.

"I know you were probably wishing for a more feminine pair of hands to unzip your pants tonight Porko but mine will have to do for now, sorry babe." Niko remarked as he struggled to pull down Joonas' pants. The latter one answered with a defeated "Hnngh." and attempted to lift his hips so Niko could finally fully remove the piece of clothing.

"Shhhh, stop complaining. We're almost done." Niko proceeded to remove more of Joonas' clothing before he gently covered the blonde one's almost naked body with a blanket.

"Sweet dreams Porko." He lightly slapped his friend's cheek for a few times, who once again could bring up nothing more than a few disapproving growls.

"Thank you once again for taking care of him." Niko lifted his head, his lips were formed to a friendly smile. "Of course." I smiled back and while we were looking at each other, I suddenly realized that I still somehow had to get home myself if I wanted to get at least a few hours of sleep before morning came.

"I think I'm gonna get going. It's pretty late and I... Well..." I was suddenly acting like a fool, not being able to form a proper sentence and wildly gesturing with my hands for no particular reason. My drunk state of mind and the lack of sleep were apparently starting to get to me.

"You're going nowhere. You're sleeping on my couch. That's really the least I can do for you after you had to handle this dumbass." He pointed and Joonas who was probably somewhere far away in his dreams right now. 

"Alright, alright fine. I'm staying." I let out a brief laugh and lifted my hands in a defensive manner. Actually I was really glad that Niko spared me from having to walk back to my apartment alone in the middle of the night. Sleeping on his couch sounded like pure heaven to me right now.

"Here. You girls like to sleep in our t-shirts right?" The brown-haired one asked as he pulled out a black shirt from his closet and threw it in my direction. To my surprise my intoxicated self was even able to catch it with one hand, maybe my reflexes weren't that bad after all.

"Finally a man who takes notes." I said as I started to undress myself.

At this point I really didn't care if Niko was watching me or not, all I wanted to do was getting rid of that piece of fabric on my body that was tweaking and scratching everywhere.

"Yeah I figured that sleeping in a skintight dress is probably a little uncomfortable." Oh he was right. And how right he was.

After I had exchanged my short dress for one of Niko's shirts the brown-haired one led me back into his living room. I could not resist and immediately let myself fall down onto the couch, I  had to admit from my first impression, it really was quite comfortable.

"Here." Niko handed me a glass of water. This man was so accommodating, honestly if I hadn't kissed Joonas only about half an hour ago I would have probably considered making out with his friend in my hazy state of mind.

"Wait, I'll get you something to cover up." Niko disappeared in the bedroom for a moment but came back a few seconds later with a big, soft blanket in his arms. He covered me up with the blanket and even tucked me in. There was no doubt in my mind that this man must have been written by a woman.

"Good night. I hope you sleep we-" Niko was interrupted by a loud noise of what appeared to be Joonas' snores that were echoing through his whole apartment. We both started laughing immediately.

"God I think I am going to have to sleep next to you on the carpet tonight." The man with the wavy brown hair said and to my surprise he really layed himself down on the carpet and grabbed a pillow from the couch.

"God, what a night." I mumbled as I felt how my eyes slowly started to become heavier. The world started spinning and soon I was far, far away in a place of quiet and piece.

Author's Note:

Niko is the cutest I love this man.

Also I really tried to write stuff  during the day but somehow it's just not possible for me. Like I be having no motivation and then in a middle of the night my brain goes "well now you should write a new chapter." which is why I always upload like super late, please forgive me.

Anyways I hope are all doing well and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

SOBER FEELINGS - Joonas PorkoOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara