4 - falling and falling

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"Listen, I know you're mad drunk but can we go a little faster please? I'm freezing." I said and turned around only to watch Joonas stumble clumsily along the side of the road.

"Sorry, I'm tryring my be-" Joonas' words were cut off as he suddenly lost balance. His body tipped sideways like his legs had just decided to give up right then and there and he fell right into a bush.

At least his limbs didn't hit the bare concrete. The branches of the little tree seemed to cushion the impact of Joonas' body hitting the ground, still a slightly painful growl escaped his lips.

"Fucking hell." I heard the blonde one curse. I could only see his legs, the rest of his body was laying somewhere between all those kinked branches.

The sight of Joonas' legs sticking out of that bush just looked too hilarious and I had no other choice than to burst into loud laughter.

"Are you okay back there?" I tried to sound concerned but the small giggles that left my lips when I posed this question indicated that I clearly wasn't capable of staying serious at such a ridiculous sight.

"I feel like I am getting attacked by a tree but other than that I think I'm alright." Joonas wiggled his legs, an attempt of freeing himself from the thick nest of branches but the curly-haired one miserably failed.

As soon as he got to the point where he was standing on his feet again he fell back, his lack of balance had to be enormous. In a matter of seconds he found himself laying in the same akward position as before, legs sticking out of the bush, his torso nowhere to be seen.

"Oh my god." I kept repeating that phrase as I approached the blonde one that had beeen defeated by nothing more and nothing less than a bush.

"Come on. Take my ha-" Joonas grabbed my hand eagerly, long before I had prepared myself to pull him up.

The heavy weight that was dragging on my arm all of a sudden caught me off guard.

I didn't exactly stand steady on my feet and all the alcohol I had consumed earlier caused the muscles in my legs to be a little weaker than I expected. I felt how my knees gave in, meanwhile Joonas was still tightly grabbing my hand and pulling me down.

"Joonas!" And just like that I fell over with a loud, shrill scream escaping my lungs.

I felt the small branches poking right into my skin before my body landed right ontop of Joonas. A loud breath escaped his lungs as our bodies collided.

"Are you trying to make me throw up again?" He was grunting heavily, aware of the fact that the weight of a full-grown woman was now resting on him.

"Oh so this is my fault, huh?" I started to squirm a little since the feeling of the sharp endings of the branches digging into my skin was getting really unpleasent.

"Would you mind stopping that or I swear to god I'm actually gonna throw up again." Joonas brought up under heavy breathing and I froze in motion immediately. Under no circumstances I wanted to watch him empty his stomach again, especially not while I was laying ontop of him.

"Okay well then what is your plan now? Because we can't keep laying ontop of each other in this stupid bush on the side of the road." I sighed and rested my arms on the cold floor, right next to his chest to support myself. I tried to read the look on his face as I looked down on him, my face hovering closely above his. However it was still in the middle of the night and the prevailing darkness only left me with my imagination to be satisfied with.

"Who sais we can't?" Joonas asked quietly but in a much more controlled tone of voice than before. In that moment I could have sworn I saw a wide grin appearing on his face, while his big eyes were still fixiated on me. Somewhere between the unpleasent feeling of the sharp branches digging into my skin, I felt a soft touch on my hip, then a more firm grip.

SOBER FEELINGS - Joonas PorkoWhere stories live. Discover now