Finale: Much love, much pain

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'7 years... 7 years have already passed... where were you?'



"Hurry up girls! We don't want to be late, do we?!" A person barged into our room, clapping her hands at a very fast pace.

"One more 5 minutes on the clock and we'll be expecting everyone at the van, alright?"

The other girls hummed in acknowledgment meanwhile I just didn't respond at all. I was so busy perfecting my eyelashes that I was too distracted to hear any sound. I and the other women eventually finished our make-up and scurried outside with our small bouquets, slightly lifting our dress to avoid any tripping.

"I'm so excited to witness our Inha and Mingyu getting married!" One of the girls excitedly chirped from the front seat, mixing her words with the engine roaring. "Like gosh, it took a very long time for him to propose to her!"

"I also heard that Mingyu almost revealed the ring early because of his clumsiness. Typical of him, huh?" Another one jokes, making me quietly laugh at the back.

The day was sunny and the atmosphere was jolly. Everyone just kept chatting while I was too shy to join in. I decided to stare around the small white bouquet in my hands and played with it for a minute, not realizing how the years passed by so fast.

As you already heard, Mingyu and Inha are getting married today! I was one who knew about Mingyu's plan to propose first and it wasn't really a big shock, but it was for sure for the new bride. Plenty of people thought they were still very young to be married—

But screw it, it's their lives anyways.

It's also pretty safe to say that all of us already moved on and accepted our high school past whole-heartedly. And as for me, I have only focused on my studies and mostly on my side job. My parents are still well and have been encouraging me to meet some new people, which I agreed on one time just for it to turn out to be a disaster.

It's a story to tell. But sadly, not for now.

Mingyu and Inha also opened a great business that is quite booming when it comes to their customers, and also with a few franchises here and there. Mingyu was able to remain in his family's mansion and based on I and Inha's last conversation,

the possible house where they'll raise their future children.

"Hayoon, there you are." A hand snuck onto the top of my shoulder, a friendly type of touch. "You look splendid in that white dress by the way."

I looked over at the nice guy and opened my mouth, "Same as you Wonwoo, you look splendid as ever with that push-back hair. I kind of like it." I complimented back, earning a cheeky smile from him.

"Why thank you, you're so nice." He chuckled.

"And that same flower hairpin, you're still wearing that, huh?"

Wonwoo, oh Wonwoo, he was still the same guy as before. And can't you believe it? He's now the chief of police at their station! Talk about a huge promotion.

Throughout the years, he also became a bit overprotective of a friend. And even if he hated it, I always tried my best to help him with some police work and with some complicated rascals.

I'm kind of his partner in crime, even though I'm just a lazy beginning accountant.

"Oh yeah... I guess it matches the red-white theme anyway." I reasoned out.

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