#45: The real weak fool

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Small sounds of commotion can be heard from the three unnamed young men as Wonwoo and Jeonghan apprehended them all down. They pointed their guns at the three, now gunless, and took the time to force them to answer questions before they carried on with their journey.

"Y-Young master! Please don't kill us!" One of the boys begged and cried, catching Wonwoo's attention.

"Young master?"

"It's a long story." Jeonghan bluntly replied. "But not exactly the main point here. Yet, it just shows that I'm absolutely right about my father taking her."

Wonwoo sighed, "So you're saying that 'my father kidnapped Hayoon' story of yours is really real? Man, how messed up is your life?!"

Jeonghan didn't respond and just kicked each of the boys to the floor, all making them intentionally land on their faces. They tightly tied them with a rope that Jeonghan just found and left them as they were after they were done.

The two male 'allies' continued with their small journey in the large space and even encountered some horrible fighters along the way, easy to defeat as obvious from what they were described.

Bits and pieces of their small hope were almost at the threat of fading away— But it was all restored back with a small simple light turning on from the incredibly high ceiling. From looking up, their eyes slowly narrowed down to the stomach-turning sight they already expected.

And finally, they found Hayoon. But not expecting to see Inha behind her in the same state as her too.

"Guys! Help us get out of here, p-please!" Inha cried, pulling them away from their separate thoughts.

"Jeonghan, I—"


Without anything to spare, Jeonghan dropped his gun on the floor and dashed towards the unconscious female. He bent down to his knees and checked for any scratches or bruises around her body,

but thankfully, he didn't see any.

"Jeonghan, let her go and don't drop your gun so easily! We still aren't sure if we're safe inside this place yet." Wonwoo scolded him but the other just pretended he didn't hear it.

"No, as long as I'm here, I'm going to protect her and I will make sure nobody will lay a single finger on her while I'm still living."

Wonwoo's eyebrows now furrowed, meanwhile Inha just kept crying, listening.

"Stop it Jeonghan! We still need to get out of here until—"



"Yoohoo! Are you two finally awake?" An old type of voice hummed and impatiently clapped his hands, waking me up.

"So? Did you both sleep well in the past... 20 minutes per se?"

A-Am I hallucinating? Why is he here? In front of me, at this moment?

"YOU BASTARD! WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT FROM ME?!" Jeonghan loudly growled while my eyes stayed glued to the old man speaking.

"Why son, you really didn't learn well did you? And for some reason, why did I kind of expect that you'll be here? By instinct I assume." The older male bent down and grabbed Jeonghan's chin.

Son? So that means—

"Do you really think that I'm just going to send you away as a punishment for how many problems you gave me? I can't let you just go back here a few years later and have a 'fantastic life'!" He stopped and kicked Jeonghan to the stomach. "You weak fool!"

"And you!" He barked, shifting his piercing eyes through my figure. "I have been actually interested in you lately but I didn't expect so much surprise when I heard you were the son of that pain-in-the-ass policeman I killed years ago! How exciting, am I right?"

As soon he indirectly confessed, I felt my heart drop and my mind was quickly overwhelmed with so many things and painful flashbacks. I can't stop my raging feelings from coming out through my words before I got a short beat-up from my father's killer's men.

"I think that's enough for you to teach your babbling mouth a lesson." He spat, laughing like it was nothing. "Maybe, if I'm done with some things, I can give you a chance to experience the same thing your father did."

"But anyway, let's move on. Mingyu, show yourself."

Inha, Jeonghan and I suffered the silence while Mingyu, wearing an empty unreadable face, walked in from somewhere. Mingyu didn't obviously have the courage to look at any one of us— So keeping his hopeless gaze towards the ground is the least he can do.

"M-Mingyu... w-why?"


Minutes that felt like hours already passed when a big splash can be seen right in our view. Mingyu just followed his father's order to wake the remaining sleeping girl up, Hayoon, with none other than splashing her with some extremely cold water.

But come to think of it, Mingyu and Jeonghan... were they brothers all this time?

Inha also seemed to capture some water from the splash but still, the action did what it did and Hayoon was up. Confused and scared after examining her surroundings.

"W-Where am I? Mingyu?" She looked up at Mingyu beside her. "Wonwoo? J-Jeonghan?!"

Hayoon's eyes were wide as they can be and it was all understandable to see how worse the situation we are all in was. Even though this was the case, Jeonghan's lips crept into a soft smile.

Like it was telling her everything is going to be alright even if it's going to be not.

"Now that you're awake, I can't just waste my precious time like this!" Mr. Kim, remembering his name, spoke.

All of us were dead silent but it all shattered when he brought out his gun. Fear and uneasiness were present in all of our expressions when he proceeded to point it everywhere, but it all halted when it was pointed gracefully at Hayoon in our despair.

He chuckled, "Erasing distractions is my specialty."

Inha started to freak out for her best friend while an aching 'NO!' was all coming out from the boy next to me. But behind all the intense noise, I didn't notice how loose the rope was used to tie my hands. I shuffled both of my hands to break free and settled in with a plan that can make everyone safe and unharmed,

but I was too late once again.

Before the old man could shoot his original target, Jeonghan broke free from the tangles first and grabbed his father's vein-ish wrist. Taking advantage of how off-guard he is, he pointed the tip of the gun the farthest way possible, down to his stomach.

"Go, shoot me already." Jeonghan pleaded, clutching his father's wrist. "You don't want to waste your time right? SHOOT ME!"

Everyone's eyes and focus in the room were only towards the match. None had the guts to interfere with the pair and thought it was rightly between the father and the son. 

Mr. Kim was also seemed to be visibly flabbergasted as to what his 'perfect' plan all just led up to.

He gritted his teeth and yelled, "So this?! This is how you're going to take this far? For this useless girl over here?!"

Jeonghan was quiet once again but still replied—






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