chapter 28

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She immediately ran to the bathroom and took a shower.
After she took the shower she realized that she didn't even bring her clothes to change which were in her suitcase, not even unpacked. She cursed herself under her breath for her stupid act and found a bathrobe, which she immediately wore to escape into the room.
She stepped inside the room and took long strides to reach her suitcase but as she was about to bend and open it, the door opened and Steven was standing in front of her.

"What a sight!" He exclaimed with a smirk.
And she was dug seven feet down in ground due to shame. She wished that she really could disappear and never have to face him again.

"I'mm sorrry I jussst forgottt to ttake myy clothesss in bathroom" she stuttered collecting her words.

"No need to be sorry, I'm glad I can see you like this, after all you're my wife" he said while laughing.

"There's no need to laugh at me" she got angry.

"And you don't need to feel ashamed, because I'm your husband and I can see you like this or even without this whenever I want" he said while taking steps towards her, who was busy in putting her suitcase on bed and trying to open it.
But as she process his words she froze at the thought.
She lifted up her head to face him, who was now filling up the little distance which was left between them.
He stood in front of her, so close that his breath was brushing her face. He stuck the strand of her wet hair behind her ear which was dancing on her face.
"Remember that" he said while looking into her eyes which had a combination of confusion and looked scared.
"Now dress up and go downstairs, I'll join you for dinner after I change" he replied as he smirked looking at her face, while she was red with shame.
He poked her head with his finger and went to bathroom while laughing.
'he can laugh too?' she asked herself when his laughing sound filled her ears, while rubbing her head which he poked.
Looking her chance, that he has went to take a bath, she picked up her clothes and immediately changed it before he again comes into the room.
Then she brushed her hair and just put a hijab on her head, rather wrapping it around.
She headed downstairs and was surprised to find such a fine dining hall with large dining table, placed in centre with 10 chairs.
Anna was setting food on the table, placing everything in order like she was used too.
"Anything I could help with?" She asked while standing there.

"No mam you should sit, I'll do it" she replied after looking at her pleasant sight.

"Alright then I'll do it myself" she replied while taking the rice dish from her hand, smiling.
As they both got done with setting the table, she saw Steven coming towards the table and he pulled out the front chair and sat.
She sat beside him on the side chair, while Anna disappeared into the kitchen.
He silently started filling his plate while Stella started with eating salad.

"How did you spent your day?" He asked while taking a bite into his mouth.

"I just slept, because I was tired" she replied, giving her full attention to her food.

"I've found out the person behind the fake news" he continued the conversation.

"Who is it?" She asked immediately lifting up her head.

"You don't need to know, I'll handle it myself. But we both have to make a public presence tomorrow in front of media to ensure them that what was mentioned was between a legally married couple" he said while pouring a glass of water and catching glances at her who was now watching him with full attention.

"Yeah sure, and does that mean I'll continue start working from tomorrow?" She asked cautiously.

"Why do you need to work now? When you already married the owner of the company, you can have what you want" he replied while putting on a light adorable smile.

"That's unfair, if you'll not let me work then I'll start working in another company but I'll do it and be independent, I don't want to depend on you and you cannot interfere in my decisions" she replied with anger and confidence pouring from her each nerve.

"I didn't said you cannot work, I said you don't have any need to do that. And that's now how you'll talk to me, I'm your husband, your partner for your rest of your life and you have to respect and I will always interfere in your decisions" he shot back leaning close to her face.

To her shock she wasn't expecting a such bold and equal reply from him. She became blank and realized that maybe she didn't used correct words to address him. She immediately stood up without saying another word and left the hall.
She ran to the room and cuddled herself in blanket and started crying. She got hurt, but little did she knew that it was her own fault too. And maybe she was not yet ready to accept him as her husband all of a sudden.

He was speechless at her move and realized that he hurted her. He blamed himself for using harsh words towards her but did not regret it. He lost his appetite and didn't eat further. He stood up and left to his study room to continue his office work to ignore the tension between them, which was suddenly created in no matter of time.

'Maybe we will always argue, and can never work out together' a thought popped into his mind but he erased it with the hope, that he'll try to persuade her and with mutual understanding they can understand each other.

While Anna cleared the table and was upset to see, that neither of them ate and left the food, leaving mostly dishes untouched.

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