chapter 4

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“well thanks” said stella and walked away to avoid any further embarrassment. “what's that? I thought she liked me too” said Arthur to himself watching her back, walking away. Stella left Arthur in great surprise.
The days went by slowly, making stella more confident. She made up her mind that if coincidentally she ran into him, she will not show any extraordinary expressions and will try to stay calm like she doesn’t know him. But sometimes fate don’t support you and what you expect never gets to happen instead you have to face opposite of it. That’s what happened to Stella.
“ok students get off! We are here!” shouted professor park and got off the bus. Following professor everybody got off the bus. As they looked in front of them, they saw a huge company, made up of glass as major material, above the building was a creative logo designed by some expert and it clearly presented “Mckasson”, its name. Students were amazed by the architectural design and warm welcome. “welcome! I hope you all will have a great visit and learn more” a manager of business management came forward as they entered and greeted professor Park and all the students. It was huge inside and students kept glaring the lush furnishing. “there are 70 floors in this building and 18 elevators, so stay with each other or you may get lost” continued manager while showing the last months analytics. Stella was lost in her own thoughts, she was walking with the group and listened to all the conversation but she was mentally absent. She was busy thinking that she spends a night with a man who is owner of this big company. “it's unbelievable” thought stella while looking at the lush offices. “you guys can meet CEO in a moment, as soon as the meeting will be over, he will be here to meet you all” informed the secretory. For a second stella thought that she has skipped a beat. “I want to go to washroom” she wanted to run away as she heard that CEO is on his way as the meeting is over. “yeah sure, I’ll lead you” secretory showed her the way. “I'll lead you to the 58th floor as these all are staff washrooms, there are washrooms and guest rooms for VIP clients, you may relax yourself there” said secretory while they reached on the 68th floor.
“Can you get back? You just have to use this elevator and reach the 28th floor” asked secretory. “yeah, it's not a big problem, I'm grown up though” replied stella smilingly.
She just wanted to spend time there until she gets satisfied that CEO has left to his office and then she can go back and join the group again. She roamed there unnecessarily, looked out through the large windows located just outside the guest rooms which were showing the whole busy city. She kept looking at them until she thought that maybe it's almost time and he must have left. But something unexpecting was waiting which was far from her thinking.
She was going to go, but just then a thought came to her mind that she should just view the luxurious rooms before going, or she may never get the chance to experience such royal rooms. And it turned out to be the biggest mistake of hers. Without looking the name plates on the doors, she just entered one of those big rooms. And to her surprise it was not empty like before!!
Steven Joseph was standing near the mirror, with unbutton shirt and was wiping something off it with lots of tissues. As he heard the noise of door knob, he turned around and looked at the unpleasing guest.
Stella’s eyes got wide and she freeze there, she wanted to run and never come back. She just wanted close her eyes and think like she saw nothing. But it was too late as he recognised her at the very instant. “May I ask that if you have a disease of entering in my room?” he almost shouted. No wonder stella’s eyes filled with tears and she wanted to cry a lot and punch the man in front of him so hard that if he could forget to get rude with her again. But she realised that it was her own fault again. “I'm sorry, it was a mistake” she apologised with a low voice trying to hide her broken self. She was just going to go but just then a voice behind her ordered her something. “come here” he said with a cold voice. She turned around but didn’t move. “I said come here girl!” he shouted. She took the heaviest steps in her life, she realised that sometimes it's hard for your mistake to be forgiven and even when the person in front is so discourteous and impolite. She lowered her eyes and didn’t look up because she didn't want to face him or see his glowering face. “did you do it on purpose?” he asked with a calm voice and took few steps toward stella until he was very close to her, so close that his head was just above her hairs due to long height. She got scared, due to so less distance between them that she could even see his abs clearly and even count his veins on his arm whose sleeves were folded. “no, it was just an accident” she said with ashamed face that even her ears turned red and she could also feel the heat on her cheeks. “I guess you didn’t forget about that night” his words made her senseless for a moment.

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