Chapter Two

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Marinette's POV:

I groaned, "Ugh...What time is it?" I stood up to grab my phone from the counter. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone. I said out loud, "Oh crap! I'm super late!" It took me a minute or so to get ready. Instead of my normal outfit, I put on a brown sweatshirt, light blue jeans, and low-top white vans. I didn't have the time to do my pigtails, so I brushed my hair down. This isn't my usual outfit, but I'm already late as it is. Tikki was still sleeping, so I gently woke her up. I whispered, "Tikki, wake up; we need to go." Instead of carrying my usual purse, I wore I put on this other purse. It's still a small white bag. Tikki went inside my purse, then I rushed downstairs. I didn't bother eating breakfast. I'm already late as it is.

My mom wanted to talk to me, but I quickly said, "I'm late for school, mom! I love you, see you later." While I rushed out the door. I went running to school. I arrived at Miss. Bustier's classroom and went inside. Miss. Bustier scolded, "Marinette, you're always coming in late. This is your senior year. I expect better." I apologized, "Sorry, I will try not to come in late."

Miss. Bustier sighed, "I hope so." I sat next to Alya as usual, and she whispered to me, "Late again?" I whispered back "This time I really got in trouble. I guess she's sick of me interrupting class." I glanced over to Adrien, who kept staring at me. What does he want? I know I shouldn't be rude to him, but I just can't stop thinking about last night. I need to snap out of it! I saw Nino smiling and making obvious gestures, assuming that Adrien and I were a couple. He couldn't be more wrong.

I asked Nino, "Why do you keep smiling like that?" Nino smirked, "Oh you know why." Then he winked. I'm not going to lie, but this is super awkward. I said harshly, "Adrien and I aren't together, and we will never be together." Alya asked me, "What? Marinette, what's going on?" I coldly responded, "Nothing." Adrien just looked at me, not saying a word. I finally snapped at him. I yelled, "Are you going to actually talk to me or just have pity on me?"

Miss Bustier scolded once again "Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien. I need all of you to keep it down." We all nodded, and Adrien whispered, "Why are you acting like this? This isn't the Marinette I know." I rolled my eyes and scoffed "You barely even know me at all. This doesn't even matter anymore." I got up, grabbed my stuff, and sat down next to Kagami.

Kagami asked me, "Marinette, are you okay? You look upset." I sighed, "Is it that obvious? I don't know what to feel anymore." Kagami offered, "You can talk about it with me if you want." I smiled slightly. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but this isn't the time to talk about my feelings." She changed the subject "I understand. Do you still want to talk about the project? " I nodded, "Of course." She asked, "So what do you want the project to be about? I said, "It's up to you. I don't mind what you choose." Kagami affirmed, "Let's do our cultures. Are you pretty familiar with it? If not, we can both learn something." I agreed, "That sounds perfect. We will meet up at my house, right?" Before Kagami could say anything, an akuma attack appeared. It's Mr. Pigeon.

"You are all dismissed from class; please return home safely!" Miss. Bustier yelled out. Everyone ran out while I went to the bathroom to transform. I swung off with my yo-yo. Arriving at the park, I saw Chat Noir and he greeted, "Hello there, bugaboo!" I just rolled my eyes and instructed, "Hey Chat. Try to trip him with your staff and I'll tie him up! " Chat Noir nodded, "You got it, M'lady." While Chat was distracting Mr. Pigeon while I was on the side going to tie him up, I yelled "Now Chat!" Chat pulled out his staff and tripped Mr. Pigeon, and I swung out my yo-yo and tied him up.

I grabbed his bird call, broke it, and I grabbed out my yo-yo, captured the akuma, and Mr. Ramier thanked us before leaving. I smiled, "Pound it!" and Chat Noir smiled back "Pound it!" I said, "Well, see you later for patrol Chat." Chat Noir grabbed my hand and quickly said, "W-Wait! M'lady, I need to tell you something." I asked, "So what is it this time?" Chat Noir said desperately, "I know you don't have feelings for me, but..." I raised an eyebrow and asked again "But what?" He let out a big sigh, "I love you Ladybug. I think we can get to know each other better if we actually communicate."

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