Chapter 7:Pick Em Right

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I can't believe that I was finally Mrs Morgan Devin Mekinze and I thought that nothing could ever match up to it or ruin it

Step 7:Choose the right man

I never understood why people used to say that love is blind but it took me getting hurt and see my dreams crumble before my own eyes for me to realize that I was blindly in love with Devin.We went outside for the throwing of the bouquet of flowers and Kendall caught it she was really determined to catch it and since she caught it I could finally give her my early birthday gift..

"Hey! Kendall I've an early birthday present for you" I said. "Wait!you do, but why it's not like you won't be at my birthday party. You will be there right?" she asked. "(giggles) of course I'll be there but I just can't wait for three months so I decided to give you your present today" I replied. "Oh I see so where's my present I'm already anxious just by thinking of it" she smiled. "Well if you can slowly turn around then you will be able to see your present" I said. "OM! Is that I interfered before Stacey could spoil the surprise. Kendall turned around slowly and the moment she set her eyes on Shawn" Oh hell no! "she screamed. Then she passed out into Shawn's arms." Please take her inside we still have pictures to take but the moment she wakes up make sure to bring her outside she hates not appearing in family pictures"said mom. Shawn took her inside the church while we continued with the photo shoot" Morgan how did you manage to get Shawn here isn't he suppose to be getting married next week?"whispered Celia." Yeah, the last time we heard about Shawn was the following day after we arrived in Woodchester and we had agreed to not bring him up but that morning Kendall woke up mumbling to herself that Shawn is planning to get married but never sent her a wedding invitation and that you kept it a secret about the fact that you've been incontact with him over the years so what's going on"whispered Zelina. "(sighs) it's very simple I lied to find out if whether she still had feelings for him or not, but after I saw her reaction I realized that she puts up a fake and strong persona. And the thing with Shawn was just destiny I bumped into him when I had gone jogging and from that day on I stayed in contact with him and I'll tell you guys the truth of their lives they both have feelings for each other but they can't bring themselves to profess their love so I'm busy playing cupid, you like!"I smiled." Wow you must be the first sister-friend who goes through such trouble for her dear ones"said Stacey.

While were taking pictures

While taking the pictures a woman with three kids pulled up in front of the church "Daddy!(running from the cab) screamed the two that could walk. I thought that maybe one of the guests or someone who works in the church was the father but they ran towards Devin and embraced him." Marietta!what are you doing here!"asked Ms Mekinze." Wait you know her Mrs Mekinze!"exclaimed Zelina." (going on my knees) dear who's older between the two of you?"I asked(the little girl)."Darren!"she replied(pointing at the boy)." Oh so this handsome boy here is the oldest, hmm I like your name. So Darren why do you think that his your father?"I inquired." He is my father Mr Devin Mekinze and I am his son Darren Mekinze, she's my little sister Robyn Mekinze, that's our little baby brother Matthew Mekinze and the woman carrying him is our mother Marietta Mekinze, his wife"said Darren. You can't believe it right but that's the truth of my life he was already married with three kids and I found out on my wedding day after saying I do.  "Enough!you little brat how can my son be your father, he just got married to the love of his life so how can Marietta be his wife" screamed Mrs Mekinze. "You know what Requal why don't you explain to us just how do you know this Marietta woman and who is she?" asked mom. "She won't give you an honest answer because Mrs Mekinze has always hated me from the first time she layed eyes on me" said Marietta (walking forward). I just felt lost and by the look on Devin's face it was clear that they weren't lying and he had no guts to speak up, Kendall and Shawn came out and tried to catch up on what was happening. "Well then Ms Marietta why don't you enlighten us just who are you, you know what I'm sure that you just want money to support your children that's why you taught them how to lie right" said Stacey. "(laughing) wow listen here little girl I'm not that type of woman I and Devin have been married for years probably even before this girly was born. Here is the truth I and Devin met in high school when I was just a freshman, he was the first person that spoke to me and from that day onwards we became pretty close, so when we started dating he didn't want to be sneaking around so we agreed to meet each others parents,the meeting with my parents went pretty well and they really liked him they even gave us the thumbs up, but his mother for some reason she forbid Devin from even talking to me, she did everything in her power and finally separated us. Though she had succeeded we never stopped loving each so after my family moved to California Devin applied into one of the Colleges there and we continued with our romance but then I got pregnant and my parents kicked me out,Devin didn't abandon me rather he bought me a house and after Darren was born we decided to get married, two years later after our marriage I gave birth to Robyn and just last year December I gave birth to Matthew. Yes we've been married for quite some time but we never wanted to let it out because for some reason his mother still dislikes me"she said. "Nonsense!everything that just came out of your mouth is complete nonsense so you actually expect us to believe what you just said Celia." Yeah how are we suppose to believe that and why come out about your marriage on his wedding day"added Stacey. "Look I don't need to prove anything, you can ask Devin if you don't believe me and I would never have opened up about our marriage if my children's lives weren't in danger" replied Marietta. As I was lost in my thoughts I got snapped back into reality after Kendall slapped Devin "You piece of trash, you bloody scoundrel, you scumbag.(holding him by his collar) What did my sister do to deserve all of this bullshit, you were suppose to love and give her all the happiness of the world so is this suppose to be your way of showing your love to her"cried Kendall."How dare you slap my husband" said Marietta(raising her hand Kendall). "(holding Marietta's hand) ever since she was a kid I never even thought or dreamt of raising my hand to my daughter so what makes you think that you have that right. So before it even crosses your mind you must always remember that their mother is still alive anf kicking understood!"screamed Mom." You all sound and look confident about this sister daughter of yours and you all think that I'm the one trying to ruin her life oh please her life was ruined even before I learned about it"she smiled. "And what's that suppose to mean?" asked Zelina. "Marietta!enough what brings you here that too with the kids?" asked Devin. "Glory to God!!! so you can talk I thought that I left you tongue tied as usual, either way I'm here because the Miami gang came to threaten us in the house they said that they will be coming back tomorrow so I didn't want to stay behind because I feared that they might come to attack us in the middle of the night"replied Marietta. "Listen before Devin interfered you were about to say something about my sister so out with it"commanded Celia." yeah even I want to know, but before that explain to me why the Miami gang is after you and your children?"I smiled." Morgan baby that's not necessary at the moment I need to go drop them off at the mansion afterwards I'll explain everything to you I promise"said Devin. "(laughing) The Great One Knows Best I swear if you ever say my name again then I'll rip you into pieces, also after what I've just found out you really expect me to actually believe a word that comes out of your mouth. Look I'll make it every easy no one is leaving except for the guest and family members that need to be somewhere but other than them the three of us aren't going anywhere until I get the answers to my questions understood"I smiled. "(sighs) look Morgan I understand that you must be in shock but at the moment nothing is more important to me than the safety of my family so we will handle your childish behaviour later alrigh" said Devin."(holding him by the collar) listen do you know what's shocking, is the fact that you think your stupid ass lies actually shocked me and what's even more shocking is that Ms Marietta over here thinks that she has a say in what goes on between us. Now you listen to me very carefully Devin Mekinze and I won't be repeating myself again the three of us aren't moving from this spot until you two tell me the whole story and we'll only move when I believe you but if I don't then we might as well die here. Also you worried about your kids right well that's very easy they can go home with both of our mothers"I said. Everyone left expect for my sisters-friends "So who'll go first?" I asked. "Morgan dear I've nothing against you but when you have children you'll understand why I did what I did. So after Darren was born we moved to Miami and there he bought us a house, but when I fell pregnant for the second time the expenses increased and we had no one to turn to so Devin got involved in grumbling to pay for our expenses at first it was a harmless thing but he went deep and got stuck in the middle of his family comps and our needs, so he borrowed money from the Miami gang and what he never knew was that the longer you took to pay them back they would triple the amount per week plus the interest. Devin became desperate and used up all the money that was suppose to set the foundation of the project that they were working on but without the money they couldn't start with it so the sponsors started pulling out and soon the company started losing it shareholders"she said."Listen Marina, or whatever your name is you still aren't explaining how does our little sister fit in all of these!" exclaimed Stacey. "I finally understand why he was rushing things and why he did what he did. So at first he thought that he would flirt with me for a couple of months and he would later convince me into a quick marriage but after I strained him for two years he decided to use his company's money and that couldn't cover his loan then that's when he decided to marry me"I replied. "Whoa hold your ponytail girl, but why marry you in the first place and again how do you fit in this drama of theirs?"inquired Zelina." That's very easy on the day that I met him on the highway that was the day that he searched me up and found out everything about my life and we all know that I live by the cameras and eyeballs and from that day he set his plan in motion and had me where he wanted, now the reason behind why he wanted to marry me was because he knew about my net worth with the job that I do he could have simply taken half of my earnings and paid off his debt but after he found out that after marriage I wanted to have a joint account with my future husband, Mr Devin felt like he was set for life so that's why he married me to eat up all off my money. But if I'm lying then please do correct me"I smiled. "She's right! Devin only wanted to marry her for her money" replied Marietta. "Morgan!yes it's true that at first I wanted to marry you for your money but after the dates,family and friends fights and the loving moments and  gradually I fell in love with you so married you because I love you" said Devin. "Enough!so you really expect me to believe you, disgusting!for God's sake you've three children and a wife now you expecting me to accept you in spite of lying to me. Mr Devin Mekinze you'll pay for what you did to me so tomorrow morning be expecting the divorce papers and I'll surely be expecting all the money I spent on this facade of  wedding"I replied. "Look I'll pay you back every cent as soon as I pay off the Miami gang and bring my company back to the top I promise but please don't divorce me I'm begging you" he begged. "You good for nothing,I swear if my name is not Kendall Reynolds then I'll change but today will mark you final breathe on this planet!" Kendall. Just as Kendall was approaching Devin, a black van pulled up in front of the church three strange men whose face were covered got out with guns and without wasting time they fired in the air and as we tried to look for a safe spot to hide they shot Devin and fled from the crime scene. "Devin!screamed Marietta. My heart skipped a beat and seen a dead body left me in the same state that I was in after seen my father's dead body.

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