Chapter 3:Mother To Mother

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There comes a point in life where every groom and bride have to face the fact that just because they both love each other it don't mean that the mothers will also do the same.

Step 3:make that everyone from both sides are on the same page and on good terms with each other.

"Mum! where did you keep the good vase!. I screamed." And aunty G we can't seem to find the good bowls! "screamed Celia." Morgan, I don't think we will get anything done with the screaming and what the heck is your mama G doing upstairs she's suppose to be helping us with the arrangement and your in laws will be arriving very soon, but we don't even have anything planned out" said Kendall. "guys I know but my mom has been in her room since I woke up and I honestly don't know what she's doing but whatever she's doing better be worth this torture of me working so hard, also Celia the good bowls are in the second drawer to your left at the bottom behind the huge pots and tiffin"I replied. While everyone was busy with the food I managed to find the good vases and placed the freshly flowers I picked from the garden in it.  After I was done my mother finally came out of her bedroom and she was looking splendid "(whistles) are you the bride's mother or the bride herself said Stacey. The Great One Best, that was the first time in a long that I remembered seeing my mom looking so beautiful after my father passed away. Then it hit me that he wasn't around and I got sad about the fact that he wont he wasn't going to walk me down the aisle. "Morg! You okay?"asked Zelina." (sniffs) yeah I'm just missing dad usually mum used to get dacked up for him so seeing her like this today reminded me of him and the fact that he won't be here for my wedding "I cried." Oww! Baby girl it's understandable and you really don't have to tell us you good, when we can clearly see that you aren't and also uncle T will always live in our hearts OK yeah "said Celia (embracing me)."look all of this is beautiful but listen up the four of you, I'll heading back to my room I won't change but rather I want to make a dramatic entrance so when they inquire about me all you have to do is simply say that 'she's still getting ready the bride's mother needs to take her time OK yeah"said mom. We all just looked at her then continued with what we were doing whilst she went back to her room, a while later the Meknizes finally arrived and the  introduction began, and as you guessed it they inquired about my mom and we said what we were suppose to say. "Fear no more, the great queen who's responsible for the beauty of your soon to be daughter law I introduce to you the Great Beauty Queen Mrs Gracia Reynolds also known as Aunty G"said Kendall. My mother came out of her room, and she was more arrogant then the first time. As she was walking down the stairs she logged eyes with Devin's mother and what happened next wasn't what I would have expected in a million years, while my mother settled down I pulled Kendall aside "Was that introduction really necessary?" I asked. "I know that you will never understand but me and mama G really get each other, and that introduction was necessary because most of the groom's family tend to think that they have all the good things so aunty G and myself had to lay down the foundations and build the house "she smiled. I just rolled my eyes and walked back to the sitting room." Morgan won't you introduce us?"asked mom. Wow so the first introduction wasn't enough that she now wants me to also introduce her again."well as you already know she's my mother Gracia Reynolds the wife of the late Matt Reynolds, they were College sweethearts got married at the respectively ages of 25&28,had me at 30 & 33. My father passed away when I was sixteen and ever since then its been me and my mother,she's my biggest motivation and inspiration in life because after everything she went through she never showed any signs of pain or sadness and for that reason I worked hard to make it in life and get to where I'm standing today. Without this mad and strong woman behind me and always cheering me on I wouldn't have made it"I said (crying). "(pulling me aside) wow so who's introduction was more dramatic huh!" exclaimed Kendall. "(Aguh) that was awesome right, but The Great One Knows Best I wasn't even trying to make it that awesome it just came out" I replied. "(giggles) well I can't blame you with a mother who went through hell for you, it's impossible to not praise her every time you get a chance to" she smiled. Devin introduced his family "And last but least she's my mother Requal Rebecca Meknize, the wife of the late Derek Christopher  Meknize the great football player. She took over my father's business after he passed away and just like you she's the reason behind this great man standing in front of you. Oh before I forget she was also the top beauty pegnant of her high school but stopped in College to pursue her dream of becoming a foot doctor. Back in high she known as RRW beauty queen"he smiled. After the cute introduction my mother stood up approached the door and opened it"I knew your mother's name sounded familiar from the beginning but I thought that she can't be the only great Requal but now that you have confirmed it please get out of my house and you forget about this wedding because I will never allow my daughter to marry into the same family as this woman! "she screamed." M-mom what you talking about?"I asked. "Morgan don't worry I'll make sure that you get a good and more loving guy then Devin and also a good mother in law OK" she replied. "Excuse me! for asking but do I know you Ms Reynolds" asked Ms Meknize. "Wow!As my daughter always says The Great One Knows Best, how would the great RRW beauty queen ever remember the common girl who actually had to work to get to where they are and not get handed on a sliver platter,she glared. But let me save you the trouble I'll introduce myself once again seen that the two introductions weren't enough for the queen"she added. I was really confused about what was happening but I was also curious to know their history. "(flipping her hair) I am Gracia Reynolds but before my marriage to my husband I was known as Gracia Xavier, and back at high school I was your under study for the biggest beauty pegnant in our school and if you remember two days before the big day you broke your leg and I was suppose to replace you but because your parents wanted the spotlight to be on you the entire pegnant was postponed until when you got well and thanks to you most of us who were involved in the pegnant suffered. And if this doesn't remind you, then maybe you will remember the girl that dethrone you from your throne Goddess G" she smiled. "Gracia! Now I remember you are the reason why my father stopped me from becoming a beauty pegnant after you stole my spot he felt like it was all a waste of his money if a simple commaner like yourself could dethrone me after 7 years of always winning, so thanks to you I had to study to become a foot doctor when my heart always beated for the glam and modelling life"said Ms Mekinze. "(laughing) you've always thought so highly of yourself but the world doesn't revolve around you" giggled mom. Just listening to them argue was a complete waste of my time and the more they continued the more it got even more stupid and I really wanted us to finalise the date. "Mommy dearest, you have always taught me that forgiveness is the greatest and most valuable possession that anyone could ever have, so why don't you just forgive and forget"I said."Oh my naviie daughter such people don't deserve to be forgiven, after what she put me and family through I would rather die than to ever consider forgiving her" replied mom. "Mum so you would seriously let a small feud on pegnant get in between your children's happiness?" I asked. "I agree with Morgan, mom you guys can't bring up your past issues for us to handle and besides its a 'what' 50 year feud"said Devin."(chuckles) so your dearest mother never told you anything"replied mom. "Gracia please I'm begging you let's not bring up the past our children should come first"begged Ms Mekinze. It was really strange how Ms Mekinze's arrogance was shaken and it left everyone curious as what she didn't want us to find out.  "Tell me what exactly?" asked Devin. "You'll need to take a sit for this one" smirked mom. "Gracia! Please there's no need to bring up the past it will only cause more damage please I'm begging you" begged Ms Mekinze. "mom I've never seen you beg before and this clearly means that it's a huge thing so I want to know"demanded Devin."(smiling) I'm sure that by now you know that you aren't Derek's biological son right?"asked mom." yeah I found out when I turned 18 and how do you know this!"exclaimed Devin." I know alot off things about your mother just like how she knows everything about me. Your mother fall pregnant when she was 22 and that too while she was busy defying her father's orders after finding out that she was pregnant with one of the Mekinze's servant's child she decided to pin it on Derek because the day that she defy her father's orders she attended a party at the Mekinze mansion and there was a servant who went by the name of Blake Stefani who happened to be your mother's lovers so the party was a chance for them to elope since her father would never allow their marriage to take place but they couldn't manage to elope because on that day it was a party for youngest so you know what happens there before they could elope they had a few drinks but those drinks were drugged, but  after she found out about her pregnancy she couldn't tell Blake because that would mark his death sentence so Derek was her last resort because no one had remembered who they were with on that night "said mom. "Mom that's all their business but just where do you fit in this story?"I asked."Morgan is right whatever she did was to save her lover and maybe even her unborn baby" added Stacey. "But at the expense of my mother's life!" screamed mom. "W-what do you mean! what did my mother do to your mother?" inquired Devin. "Why don't you ask her" she cried. "M-mom will you please say something!" he screamed. "Your mother has always putted herself before anyone else, it's all thanks to your that my family fell apart. Your mother is responsible for my mother's death, she killed her without a single remorse for my little siblings who still needed a mother figure(sniffs) your mother was always saved because of her father's money so my mother's death was recorded as an accident and we never got justice for what happened to her " she cried. I embraced her and it felt like I couldn't recognize the woman that I was embracing because I never knew my mother to be so weak,"(crying) she killed my mother, after my mother passed away my father slipped on into a coma that he never came out of but two weeks before my sister's graduation he passed away and just like that we became orphans. Thanks to your mother my little brother never saw both his parents and till date I still can't look him in the eye because I failed as the elder sister and its all thanks to the great RRW"added mom. "M-mom! I'll take your silence to be that everything that aunty G just said against you to be true" cried Devin. The Great One Knows Best, all of this past buried secrets will only cause more chaos for my wedding and now I bet that there will be no wedding because the tension in the room was so thick that you could cut through it. But after what I've been through there was no way that I was going to give up so soon and I also had to bring my mother out of her past life and once she does will her parents ever find peace and only then will she ever be able to communicate with her siblings with the same pride and confidence she has in front of others."Guys, bringing up the past won't solve anything and also mom you've been holding to the past for all these years and you forgot what really matters the most, you pushed your siblings away by sending them to boarding school and without realizing it you weren't there when they needed you to be as they are elder sister so basically you failed your parents"I said. "Aunty G! For the first time your stupid daughter has spoken something that actually makes sense and holding on the past won't change anything rather it will just add up to your worries and it won't be good for your health remember what you and papa T used to say that (a past held onto is the present lost and the futures defeat) " added Zelina. "Thanks for the moral support Zee" I replied. "Guys! I know that we are suppose to let go of the past but I want know, why is Ms Mekinze been blamed for Nana's death?" asked Kendall. "(wiping away her tears, sniffs) what she forgot to mention was that on the day that I had  publicly announced that Derek was responsible for my pregnancy, Ms Xavier had overhead my conversation with Blake so I had to make sure that she doesn't say anything to anyone so I hit her with a rock after she passed out with the help of my bodyguards we managed to sneak her back into the hotel then threw her from the top floor and it looked like an accident"said Ms Mekinze. Upon hearing that my mom broke into more times and I felt her heart break. "Mum!!!!! You didn't deserve what happened to you" cried mom. "Oh my God how wicked could you get,I mean like right now I'm regretting ever been born into your family lineage,it's one truth after the other and one more worse than the first one. Look don't mind me asking but are you even a human" cried Devin. "Once again don't mind me asking but why come to announce it when the Xavier where having a function or was it a party, also why were the Xavier's celebrating?"asked Kendall. "Kendall! This is no time to be asking all of this questions rather we need to try and fix this once and for all" I replied. "I'll explain, Derek was suppose to marry Gracia because their fathers were close friends and they always wanted to get them married. Though Gracia wasn't in love with him but she had only agreed to it for her father's sake. So for their engagement they had booked the entire hotel and after finding out my father sent me there to correct what he called a sin but Blake also found out so he tried to stop me and from there you know the rest of the story, I and Derek got married he later learnt about the Blake issue and my pregnancy but he couldn't divorce me because his family doesn't  accept divorce in their family beliefs and the other reason was because Gracia was already married to someone else otherwise he would have left everything and went running back to Gracia"she said. "What so your marriage was a loveless marriage!" exclaimed Kendall. "(sniffs) yes his heart beated for Gracia until his last breath, that's why we never had more kids he chose to be named as a man that couldn't conceive as long as he didn't have a child with me, he blamed me for ruining his life which was true but he never once ill treated my son and no one ever came to know that he wasn't Derek's son it has been a well kept family secret since Devin's birth"cried Ms Mekinze. "Again it's me please don't mind (smiling) so where is Blake didn't he try to get a hold of you and his son?" asked Kendall. "Blake! Passed away in a plane crush on his way to see Devin for his first birthday" said mom.

Later that day
I remember that day became a day filled with tears, and the past just seemed to be filled with nothing but pain but then all of the sudden both the mothers asked to be excused as they wanted to talk mother to mother about the situation and I only kept my fingers crossed for good news. A couples of hours later "Devin and Morgan we have both decided to let go of our past history because nothing matters to us then the both of you" said Ms Mekinze. "yes the past is a lesson that we need to learn and never forget, and behind every lesson there is a always sliver lining and good results at the end, take me for example thanks to what happened to me I got married to the love of my life and had this beautiful girl. So everything happens for a reason "added mom."and life taught me the values of others life when I saw Blake laying in front of me cold, I realized just how much one's life is worth it. And I stopped listening to my father and using his name, money and fame to get things the first time that I ever worked was the day that changed my entire life "said Ms Mekinze. Seen what they have both been through, I couldn't help but admire just how strong, incredible, beautiful, independent, intelligent, daring, loving, tolerant and bearing are mothers. Right now they are willing to put everything behind them for their children's happiness, truly no love is stronger than that of a mother.

We decided on the date for the wedding even though things were fixed between our mothers Devin was still hurt about everything that he found out a couple of hours ago, and it was evident on his face. We started discussing about the dress and etc then the fight between the mothers began once again, they both had different ideas for the design of the dress and none of us wanted to be involved in their argument so my friends left, I and Devin were left to handle them but after awhile of them nagging us Devin took his family and left. I rested my head on my mother's lap as she messaged my head "(crying) in just a couple of weeks I'll be left alone in this big house, nothing will feel the same after you leave"she cried." (wiping her tears) The Great Knows Best, aren't you tired of crying cause you've been crying since morning so aren't you bored maybe you should try smiling or laughing and I swear if I had bet my worth on you today it would have come back tripled. And besides if you really get bored just call me and I'll get divorce because nothing matters more to me than you"I smiled.
"(poking my head)are you really that stupid, you know what I've went through just to get to this day and you really think that I'll ever allow you to drop everything just to back home Never" she giggled. "Well it was just a suggestion so do keep it safe in your mind and don't ever forget it OK mommy dearest" I smiled. "Yeah I'll keep it in mind OK" she replied(smiling and pulling my chicks).

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