Chapter 5:Oh No He Didn't!!!!!!

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Life tends to play games with us, what you sometimes see is not what you always get.

Step 5:Never Allow Him To Convince You Into Accepting A Fake Enagement  Ring,Because You'll Never know What More Cheap Things You'll Have To Accept After Saying I Do!!!.

After the event that took place yesterday I really wanted to scream and shout at someone but then I realized that I can get my money back. So the following day I remember waking up early and seeking out the back door because I didn't want anyone seeing me leave. I embarked on my journey to find the best shop out of my town to sell my jewelry and fast so after a while I finally reached the best shop, I was offered about 2 million for the diamond necklace and half a million for the earrings but I'm a business woman so I tried to negotiate for  4 million but instead the shop owner offered 3.5 million as his final offer and I had no option but to take it because let's be honest my life long savings didn't even add up to a million yet. After selling the earrings and necklace what happened next was shocking.

In The Jewelery shop
"(clears throat) excuse me Miss but where did you buy this ring from?" asked the shop owner. "It was a gift from someone pretty close to me, why you asking is everything OK" I inquired. "Well I'm asking because this ring is fake"he replied." Are you mad, how can it be fake I agree that it's not that expensive but that's real gold alright!"I exclaimed." Miss if you don't mind can I show you something"he said."(sighs) fine but it better be worth my time" I replied. "Miss I've been making and selling all types of jewelry so I know fake when I see it and this ring is fake. I'll demonstrate something to. He took out a gold necklace, earrings, along with my ring and a small stone that was on the shelf.  Now look at the necklace that I made just last week (he took the necklace then rubbed it roughly against the small stone, he later did the same with the earrings. Afterwards he took my ring and rubbed it against the stone then all of the sudden the gold rubbed of and was left plain). If your ring was made from real gold it shouldn't have rubbed of that easily most fake golds are made to be waterproof but if its rubbed against something rough it rubs of quickly and that's what happened to your ring"he said. I took my purse,bag filled with money and fake ring and left the shop "Thank you so much sir I really appreciate it" I replied. "Please do come again" he smiled. I left the shop when I got home I placed the ring in the pocket of jeans that I had on, I walked in, to find Devin there talking to my mother. "(embracing me) oh babe where did you go to so early in the morning?" he questioned. "I just had some things to handle before my big day this Sunday" I smiled. "Well that's OK but what's up with this huge bag?" inquired Celia. My eyes widen and heart skipped a beat how was I suppose to explain the cash in the bag. I signalled Kendall who took awhile to understand me but she later got the hint and came to my rescue." Oh that's mine I asked her to fetch me somethings from my place" she said (dragging the bag upstairs). "(as she was passing by) thank you so much, and don't touch a dime from the bag I know every note inside there so be careful" I whispered. "Gotach! But can I at least take a look" she whispered. "Knock yourself out but make sure that no one sees it alright" I replied. She winked then went upstairs, I and Devin stepped outside but I really didn't want to talk anyway close to my house or neighborhood so we just drove around in a car with silence that I could even hear myself breath but after awhile of driving we found ourselves at the Mekinze mansion we went inside "Isn't your mother home?" I asked. "No she has her poker game with the other ladies from the hoods at Mrs Manchester's place"he replied."Oh!that means I can say whatever I want because I don't want your mother hearing this" I responded. "And whats that?" he asked. "I want to know why you gave me a fake ring. I mean just how low can you stoop this ring is fake that if you rub it against something it peals of every fast, why would you buy me a fake ring did you ever think of what I would go through after finding out Oh forget about me did you ever think about what my friends and mother will say OK let's forget them but by giving me this fake ring you proved Kendall right "I said." Morgan I never intended to give you a fake ring I just wanted us to get married but after our accounts were frozen I decided to take one of my mother's rings but I never knew that the ring was fake I came to learn of it just recently when I saw Mrs Manchester wearing an exect replica and when I inquired about it I found out that my mother had lost her ring in the poker game but since it was a gift from grandma she had a fake one made so that grandma never found out, but after grandma passed away she forgot about the ring and never cared to throw it or tried to win back her original one"he said. "Oh My God! why were you so impatient to get married this marriage stuff has really messed up my whole life, but still Devin you should have told me about it do you know how embarrassed I was when someone saw from a distance that it was fake, I even tried to fight it but I was proven wrong. Thanks to you I doubt I'll ever trust anything that you get me "I replied(sitting dowm).

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