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Getting married is one of the biggest step for every girl and boy. So before getting married make sure that you have finished off your bucket list and enjoy your last days as a single girl because after marriage things change.

Step 6:Never Agree To Change Anything In Your Dream Wedding.

With just four days left to my wedding day all I wanted was to just relax and enjoy my last days as a bachelorette with my mom and friends but they had other plans in stored for me....

At home
"Girls I can't seem to find my bikini and Morgan why didn't you tell me that the suncream is finished what will I tell aunty G when she returns from the market" said Celia. "Oh my bad I'll go buy it, but first you guys have to tell me where are we going?"I asked."So Kendall forgot to inform you (sighs) I should have figured that she would forget, but either way we are taking a short trip down memory lane before your big day"replied Celia. "Oh but we have been to alot of places throughout the years" I smiled. "Well that's no big deal for us since one of our brother in law owns his own private jet and he has already agreed to let us use it so yeah we are set to go" smiled Zelina. "Whoa Celia did Joey really agree to lend us his jet!" I enquired. "Yes he did am I not the luckiest girl or what" she giggled. "(sighs) well I really appreciate it but didn't you realize that throughout our years we've been to almost 50 places and you all actually thought that we could relieve those places in just four days but that's if we count Sunday" I said. "Oh!we didn't think of it that way but what can we do to make your last days special" replied Stacey. "Well that's very easy instead of us going down memory lane we should rather create new memories because I don't know about you all but I do know that I don't have cash to buy her a wedding gift so this trip will be my gift to you"glared Kendall." Oh you don't say!" I laughed. We packed everything that was required after mom arrived with the remaining things we sat down to try and figure out just which places we haven't been to after we finally did we had a long list of places then came the argument of which place we should visit we each had our own reasons for wanting to visit a certain place. What we started as one on one turned into a three on three with my mom, Kendall and Stacey on one side and Me, Zelina and Celia on the other our debating went on for twenty minutes until when we came to an agreement then we all agreed on a game to play that will decide which team and place we'll be going to. After an hour of playing the game finally came to an end and my team was the winner."Hurray!We won" we screamed. "Yeah, yeah! We got it so which place do you guys want to visit" said Kendall. "Oh Ken dear! you don't need to be sour about losing also we'll let Morgan choose since the trip is meant for her. So Morgan out with it" said Celia. "Girls I've thought hard about it and I realized that we've been to all the places that we wanted to visit but we never thought of our roots, ever since we moved to Houston" I said. "Yeah you right we've been in Houston since I can last remember" replied Stacey. "I'm glad that you agree with me because I was thinking that for our next big travel we should go back to the big apple in our small neighborhood of Woodchester" I smiled."Ncoo!Morgan baby that's a great idea" said mom. "Yeah that's a great idea but can we please use the jet" begged Kendall. "Well neither of us want to drive so of course we using the jet and besides the sooner we get there the better" replied Celia.

We left for Woodchester and using the the jet we landed there in no time, we arrived at our old house here is an interesting fact about me and my four friends

Interesting Facts:

Growing up Kendall was raised by her step dad after her mother passed away,. He took good care of her, and he's the biggest reason behind the Kendall that we know. He raised her and turned her into an independent, capable and strong woman. Before his passing he signed Kendall's custody over to my parents, at first she had a tough time accepting that she was an orphan but with time she accepted it and started showing love to my family she became like a part of my family.

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