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My friends and mother(expect Kendall) had managed to convince me to go on a date with him and though I knew that I really didn't want to go on that date but after that date my whole life changed, "Mr spoilt brat" wasn't so spoilt and I had him all wrong, he was actually a generous, loving, kind, understanding and a caring person. Yeah his is a bit of a mommy's boy but other then that he was as flawless as a diamond.

Step 2:Make sure that the both of
you are on the same page

After a couple of dates I fell in love with him and can you blame me I mean like the guy was handsome and he treated me like a queen,also his mother loved me so yeah I was already considered as the Mekinze future daughter in law. And he was already considered to be like a son to my mother,

Friday Night:at a club
"So Morgan do you think that he is the right one?" asked Stacey. "Look I won't lie he has his flaws and sometimes it's difficult to understand what his trying to say but other than that his great" I replied. "Girl I don't think you understand what we asking, is he your Mr Perfect or not!" exclaimed Zelina. "OK here is the deal sometimes he's perfect but other times I just doubt if  his the one, I mean we recently had a small fight and he hasn't phoned me over this past week so maybe his just a passby romance" I said. "(laughing) girl huh-huh, just because you guys fought it don't mean that his not the one and besides every perfect couple out there fights and those small fights just add to the love and strength of a relationship so don't be to quick to jump the gun before you actually give it a go OK "said Celia. I had my reasons to worry and rethink about him been the one but at the same time I was tired of been single and for how long will my mother have to wait to see her daughter get married, so I decided to not give up on him after a small fight.

Two Years Later

My life was set and slowly but surely my future was heading in the direction of my choice. "Morgan hurry up we don't have all day you know" screamed Stacey. "Yeah some of us have to be home on time for our children's bedtime story so due hurry up" added Celia. It's strange how they were the ones who showed up unannounced, when I had no plans to go out on a public holiday all I wanted to do was to just simply relax, enjoy a good bottle of wine and finish reading that book I started with 2-3 months ago but my beautiful friends just had to show up. "I'm coming two more minute I can't seem to find my watch" I responded. "Morg! You really don't need the watch we all have phones so what's the need for a watch and besides the place that we want to take you to will be closing in two hours so please hurry up otherwise our booking would have been for nothing" said Zelina. "The Great One knows best, you're right but seen just how eager you all are about this place must be a huge deal OK Yeah" I replied. I grabbed my purse and the house keys then locked up the house and off we left, after 30 minutes of driving we finally reached our destination. "The Great One knows best, this place is so beautiful wow! Look at the decorations can you believe it. Guys I'll need at least 15 pictures in this area after all blue is my favorite so who wants to be my photographer because my blog can't afford to miss this out "I smiled(trying to hand one of them my phone)." Look you can take all the pictures you want but first due come inside OK "said Stacey. I remember rolling my eyes till I felt like they reached my brain nerves, I walked behind them as I tried to take pictures and maybe record a 30s video for my blog. As I walked pass by the entrance paddles of beautiful blue flowers fell on me from the heavens and all that my mind could think of was ' I hope that someone caught that beautiful moment on camera,because I was so cool fliping my hair as they were falling. I kept walking then I realized that the crowd was filled with familiar faces, including my relatives and Devin' s relatives but I had failed to understand at that moment what was really going on, but before I knew it Devin came walking from a distant with a bunch of flowers and with his gorgeous smile that had me at first sight. "Babe do you know what's everyone doing here?" I questioned(trying to forge a smile) . "Well every family member needs to be involved in their children's engagement right" he smiled. "We-Well yeah!!! you are right, but as far as I remember Zelina and Celia are married, Stacey's engagement took place two months ago who you talking about and Kendall is not looking forward to marriage, so who you talking about SON!" I responded. Devin went on one knee and took out a small piece of box then when he opened it, there was a cute beautiful ring inside it." Morgan Requal Reynolds! I've loved you 2 summers but now honey I want them all, nothing would mean more to me then waking up to your beautiful face and spending my last years on this planet with you, I humble myself before you and seek for your hand in marriage. Will you make me the happiest man on this planet and please marry me"He said. My eyes battled up with tears, the butterflies in my stomach couldn't stop moving around, and my heart was overwhelmed with emotions.  "Morgan, baby girl remember The Great One knows best so don't mess up your lines OK. You've have been waiting for this moment all your life and also remember all the rehearsals we had OK yeah!" said Mom. My mom just can't stop been herself even at such a moment, I mean like she is  the one who's been waiting for this moment now she's making it look like  I was the desperate one who couldn't wait for this moment.  I took a deep breath and gave him a huge YES,"Finally she's taken and soon to be someone's wife" screamed Stacy. "Hurray!? My girl has finally made it, (kissing my chicks) I'm so proud of  you , you remembered everything from the reaction, emotion, and answer"cried mom. He placed the ring on my finger, then the party took place I went around with Devin as he introduced me to the rest of his family members.

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