Bonus AU: Vengeance

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Author: Welcome back folks! So, in this Bonus snippet of Izuku of Mars, we will be getting a glance of how Izuku WOULD have turned out if he survived his injuries but wasn't found by Superman. Lately, I've been looking into why people snap and the experiences they have that come with it.

"It feels like anger bubbling up to the surface, drowning out every logical thought as it takes a grip on you. You are the anger's tool, you don't control it. Anger and rage are almost alive and you become it's vessel." -Anonymous

Well goddamn 0.0

"It feels like you suddenly take a backseat in your own body. It moves on its own and just does whatever it takes to quell the anger." -Anonymous

"I black out. It only happened once but I ended up not remembering anything when I got that angry." -Anonymous

Author: OK! *slams book shut* well that was uh, well, screw it. That was fuckin' scary. Anywho! Here is when Izuku snaps.


Izuku woke with a start, groaning in sheer agony as he tried to get up from the ground. It was dark out now, his clothes were ripped and covered in burn marks and holes.

Izuku: Do they hate me... that much...

Izuku mumbled to himself, his body staggering as he finally got to his feet. He felt something dark in his stomach, a twisting feeling of anxious ripping that made him want to scream.

Izuku: I feel weird...

He said before slowly, and on weak knees, made his way home. The park was fairly close to his h- to the Yagi's home.

Izuku: That's right.. I'm not their kid... I'm not a Yagi... i'm Izuku.

Izuku's voice rang out silently in the empty air, his body limping towards the house, unknowingly realizing that his appearance was slowly changing.

?: Well done, Izuku. You finally let me in.

Izuku heard the voice but barely registered it, his mind was swirling with thoughts that didn't belong to him... but he welcomed them.

As he made his way down the street, he saw someone with a flashlight going towards him.

?: Izuku!

The person's voice was girly, one he recognized.

?: Oh, it's her. What are you going to do?

Izuku ignored the girl and continued limping, completely passing the one he was supposed to call his 'sister.'

Izumi: I-Izuku where were y-

?: Get angry Izuku!

Izuku: Where do you think you bitch.

Izumi: w-what...?

Izuku turned to face his sister, angry raging in his once kind eyes, making his sister step back in fear.

Izuku: Do you think I could have gotten up after what you and those assholes did to me!?

Izuku shouts, making Izumi flinch.

Izuku: Heroes... HEROES!? You guys think you're heroes!? I listened and gave up in being one but you NEVER listened when I tried to tell you! I was training so I could perhaps become an athlete! A baseball player or a track star for the Olympics! Those don't require quirks!

Izumi: Izuk-

Izuku: Didn't you even notice that I got rid of all my hero stuff!? It DISGUSTS me looking at them. Looking at YOU, you... you... you FUCKING VILLAIN.

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